Vexzin // Mathis OneShot

5 years, 6 months ago

Mathis pondering.

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It was late at night, Mathis couldn't sleep, though it was like the many other nights which were the same. His mind wandered around, thinking of his Kismisis and.. and his Kismisis's Moirail.. 

Agh! How infuriating Azaiah was to him.. and whenever they would fight infront of his Moirail.. it just warmed his heart that she'd be there.. He smiled softly at the memory where he had almost punched Azaiah, and his moirail had hugged him.. It left him with a feeling that.. he didn't quite understand. 

Mathis sighed to himself, and looked to his left. On the wall there was taped a picture that Azaiah's moirail had drawn. It wasn't detailed or anything.. but it was sweet. A chibiish drawing of himself. He smiled softly. It was amazing she drew such a thing, while being blind at the time.

He blushed a soft brown when he remembered that he had also drawn a detailed drawing back for her, a drawing that he had signed with.. with a certain symbol unintentionally and kind words that he knew would make her flustered. Oh how he knew it was adorable.. Yet at the same time, it hurt him to see how low to herself that she was. ((I can't word this right but I think you know what I'm going on about))

Yet.. His Kismisis. Oh Azaiah would kill him if he had hurt his Moirail. Not even in a way that was kind. An absolutly infuriating way. One which Azaiah would not shed a drop of love, or mercy.

Mathis sighed again, turning to face the picture so he wouldn't have to turn his head for so long. 

Vexzin.. A sweet name for such a sweet troll. He smiled a little. Even thinking of her name made him happy. 

Mathis knew now. He really likes her.

Author's Notes

I wrote this on wattpad forever ago.