Doc Who AU - The Pheonix

5 years, 3 months ago

Vexzin is the Pharoh's Hidden Daughter. Daemon is The Pheonix, one of the doctors.

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Doctor Who AU

  • DC is “The Phoenix”
  • Explores History
  • Goes to Egypt and is captured for believing to be a spy.
  • Vexzin is a valuable hidden princesses from one of the Pharaohs concubines.
  • Vexzin has the ability to ward off darkness and control shadows which makes her a very valuable asset.
  • She is the Pharaoh's favorite daughter.
  • Only a select number servants know about Vexzin. Vexzin is only a rumor around the palace, and a myth in Egypt.
  • DC is taken to the Throne Room and talked to by the Pharaoh.
  • 19 year old Vexzin watches from behind a secret corridor and finds herself amazed by his exoticnes and commands her servants to fetch him.
  • The servants realize how important this is because she never asks for anything ever.
  • DC is thrown into the dungeon and awaits trial for being suspected as a Spy. A servant comes in from a hidden door and takes him to Vexzin’s secret room in the Palace.
  • Vexzin assesses him and declares him as her new servant for protection against death. (And also Concubine but thats just cover)
  • DC’s like waitwhat but it keeps him alive so hes just fine whatever I guess ill hang around cause hes never heard of this Hidden Princess.
  • Vexzin doesnt do anything rude or creepy to her servants/concubines. She calls on them when she wants company, to tell stories, play games, or to just talk.
  • DC learns that she isn’t as dark and evil as the rumors around the other Princesses and servants make her out to be in the rumors of her existence.
  • The servants realize instantly of Vexzin’s Crush on DC. Because she’s never taken an interest in any other boy(persom) like she has with DC. They set her up with him alone multiple times and give her dozens of baths with intoxicating smells hoping to get DC to make a move on her.
  • Eventually they get him to enter the Bathing Area at late at night when Vex usually takes her baths. He sees her true hair color (white) and her eyes, along with her interesting tattoos.
  • He then realizes that she is part alien.
  • DC decides to leave because things that he’s been noticing point to an attack that will come to Egypt. Vexzin demands that he stay with her, therefore she goes anywhere he does.
  • He spends his remainder time trying to convince her not to go but when the attack on Egypt comes they escape among the madness.
  • DC’s Space&time ship is (a key to a lock to any for which becomes the entrance to the tardis.
  • They travel about the universe and she learns about the history and future with him.

  • Vexzin prefers to wear boy servant clothes and baggy clothing, considering she doesn't have much boob at all.
  • She only wears dresses when she is summoned to see the Pharaoh or important members of the council, or someone important.
  • She loves to wear tons and tons of bracelets and necklaces.
  • She does not wear Earrings (which is very out of the ordinary considering all women wore earrings)
  • Her real hair is a mixture of grey and white. Her eyes are a bright gold, with a void like darkness for pupils.
  • She has the power to manipulate shadows (ofc) and has a very large extent of knowledge from Hittites, Syrians, and far off places. She loves to study, learn about the past and learn about the future.

  • DC’s normal clothes are taken from him and instead he recives clothes fit for a concubine
  • Vexzin holds onto his clothes with the false belief that foreigners cannot leave without their clothes.
  • DC is lightly bullied but stands up for himself and it ends right there.
  • DC loves and cherishes his scarf, he demands to wear it, however Vex holds onto it, because if DC would wear it he would prob get Heatstroke

  • The pharaoh has many concubines however he fell in love with Quiarihakani. She asked him to stop sleeping with other women besides herself and the Queen.. He did so, however the Queen grew jealous of all the attention that he gave Quia, so she and the other COncubines began to bully Quia. Quiari was soon pregnant and gave birth to a boy, who died, and a girl a couple hours later, however died in childbirth because somebody had poisoned her, not that anyone really knew.
  • The Pharaoh hid Vexzin as Quia’s heir and raised her in secret, she became his favorite princess, and she was given anything she ever wanted if she ever asks for it. (which she didn't )
  • He’s very protective of Vexzin gives her anything she wants or asks for, he even gives her presents when she doesn't ask for anything.
  • He knows of her shadow powers and so do select members of the council because she is an important asset to the kingdom in case there is battle..



DC sighs, throwing a plastic ball at the wall, letting it bounce back into his hand. Where to now? He looks at the dartboard that he’s made with a map taped on. It looks slightly worn but still good. He picks up the red darts and throws one randomly. It lands in Egypt. He then turns to the right slightly to face a bunch of numbers on one side, and another on the other, signifying back and forward in time. He throws and as the numbers all land mostly on back in time. He nods a little.

“Perfect. Egypt it is. I wonder if I should dress the part.” He wonders aloud as he turns to walk into a room filled with clothes. He looks and looks but his costume has been torn up. “Darn Cat. I told you not to mess with the wardrobe.”

A meow echoes about the area, but the cat isn’t exactly there. He sighs as he rubs at his face.

“I guess I’ll just arrive in this and change when I can.” He mumbles, adjusting his black and red scarf a little. He could feel the invisible cat latching onto the bottom as it played with the bottom hanging part of his scarf. “Oi, Tux. I told you don’t touch my scarf.” He hissed and wrapped the scarf around him in another layer as if to keep the invisible kitten from messing with him.

“So Tux, do you wanna come with me to Egypt? Apparently they used to worship cats, wouldn’t you know.” His brogue stood out a little in that last part, but he wasn’t phased at all. His question was answered with silence and he sighed. “Alrighty, you’re in charge, don’t mess with anything.” DC spoke as he began setting in the coordinates and held on as his time and space ship began to move back and forth, shaking ever so slightly as it hummed and warped back into time.

Soon the whirring noises stopped and he stepped out into the the cool sand. The sun was down and it was night, it was a cold desert. Good thing that he’d brought his jacket and scarf. He looked about and ran up a sand dune, looking left and right and saw the large city in the distance. Or at least, what somebody in this time would call a City. He looked around and upwards to see the bright stars, his scarf began to unravel a little to glide in the wind behind him. He stared at the dimly lit city and watched his step as he began to walk down the sand dune to the city.

“Halt!” He hears in front of him. Men with bronze swords stood in front of him, wearing heavy armor. He freezes and looks to the men.

“I come in peace.” DC says simply but the men don’t lower their swords.

“What are you, a messenger?” One man asks. DC shakes his head.

“A refugee?” DC shakes his head once more.

“I’m just an adventurer, nothing more.” The men tilt their heads a little.

“An adventurer? Like a sailor?”

“Yes, but on land.”

“Where are your camels? And your men? Were you ambushed?” They ask, circling him a little as they try to see if he has any weapons on him.

“No.” DC says simply, he goes into his pockets, which caused the men to extend their swords again and DC freezes.

“Come with us, spy.” The men say as they grab his shoulder, getting his arms out of his pockets and begin to push him into the city.

DC walks calmly, he’d given up trying to talk to them, perhaps their leader would listen to reason. He understands their anxiety, as he walked he asked why they thought he was a spy and they spoke of Hitti lands, stealing a woman who was a queen of another’s lands, to spark a conflict, hoping to gain more land. They were expecting an attack by their enemies, and soon, and wouldn’t let any spies through their fingers.

DC was taken to the Palace. It was night so little to no one was running about. He was thrown into a jail cell to await trial. He hummed to himself calmly. He’d be fine. Even if there was something to be afraid of, his wits and fighting abilities would get him out of it no problem.

The next morning he stood in front of the Pharaoh, a council sitting in a row, watching him.

“What is your name?”

“They call me The Phoenix, but my name is DC.”

“Do you know why you stand here today?”

“Because your guards believe me to be a spy, even though they hold no evidence.” DC responded.

“No evidence? Guards, you know not to bring anything so trivial to me when there is no evidence.” The Pharaoh spoke with distaste. One of the guards stuttered out a quick response

“His clothes are foreign, his accent is foreign, he must be a spy.”

“Silence. Are you being delusional? Foreign clothes, foreign accents means nothing. Would you bring a diplomat in as a spy? Has he shown any ill intent?” One of the Council Members asked. The guard remained silent and the Pharaoh stood up in annoyance. “I believe we are done here. Send him away.” The Pharaoh turned his head, then body in a whipping motion then walked off gracefully. DC was taken out of the room and put in the hallway.

“Wait here, I’ll see what to do with-” One of the men started but was cut off by a woman.

“Our lady wants him.” DC looked to the woman and saw a short haired woman who wore fairly clean servant clothes, compared to the ones he had seen running about during the trial.

“I should ask the-”

“I said. Our. Lady. Wants. Him.” The woman said, giving him a dark smile, that could look sincere at first glance.

“Y-Yes ma’am.” The men said, saluting a little. She grabbed DC’s arm and almost tore it off with the strength she used as she pulled him down a corridor.

“Your lady?” DC asked. She ignored him and he asked again with a pleading tone.

“You will address her as ‘Princess’, and do not look her in the eyes, keep your gaze away from her unless you want your head. You will speak to no-one else unless you are spoken to first.” She spoke strongly, he nodded. It was as if he was back in that boot camp again. Such a strong woman. It was quite unusual, especially because women in this time aren’t supposed to be strong and dominant. Then it struck him.

“Are you her nursemaid?” DC asked. The woman paused for a moment mid-step, causing DC to walk into her back.

“How do you figure?” She asked, turning to look at him.

“Just had a hunch.” DC said, trying not to wince as he felt her hand tighten on his arm a little as she began to pull him forward again. He continued to walk and was pulled into a side hall with such force that he felt pain rocket up his arm. “Owowowowow. Stop pulling so hard.” He complained as he jogged to keep up with the nursemaid who said nothing.

She stood in front of a blank wall covered in drapes. It was nothing new since all the walls were laced with drapes, but this was different. His observant eyes caught the drape moving forward and back ever so slightly.

“I’m entering, Miss.” The nursemaid mumbled as if in a whisper. DC wondered if the ‘miss’ the nursemaid was referring to even heard her before he was pulled into a dark hallway behind the drapes.

It was abnormally dark in the hallway and he was surprised that the nursemaid could even see. He wondered if she even could see. He bumped into her back as they made a chorus of ow’s. She grumbled to herself, muttering about forgetting about the fork in the hallway each time it happened. She then turned left and right and left and right and all these directions he felt himself getting lost as he tried to remember the steps and ways he was walking. Eventually he felt her let go of his arm and he froze, unsure of what to do in the darkness.

“Kneel.” The nursemaid hissed at him, he heard it from the floor and only bet that she was doing the same. He slowly took a knee and kept his eyes to what he only knew as the floor.

“Phoenix. A peculiar name.” A soft voice spoke from in front of him, not directly, but in the direction.

He felt an elbow to his side and saw that as his cue to speak. “Thank you, Princess.” He spoke simply, unsure if he was addressing the voice properly, but the elbow disappeared from his side so he guessed he would only be right.

“Rise and step forward by three.” The soft voice spoke again. DC stood up and took three steps forward. He could feel a presence circling him. He didn’t hear the footsteps though, but he could feel it.  He could feel the eyes on him and the judging. “Aren’t you hot?”

“No, Princess.” He responded, even though he was sweating and was bound to overheat soon.

“Take the layers off and place them behind you. I will have Mystii get you new clothes.”

“Excuse me?”

“Do not make me repeat myself.” The soft voice became edgy and he felt a dark aura in the room. He hesitated for a moment before taking off his scarf, folding it very neatly and placing it on the ground behind him, taking off his jacket, and the long sleeved shirt underneath that, leaving him in his t-shirt, and pants.

“Azaiah, take care of him.” He felt the dark presence disappear and he saw sparks a little ahead of him before a candle was lit. The faint light richashed off the walls and began to light the room. He looked about, his eyes adjusting to the dim light from darkness.

The first thing DC noticed was a man in clean clothes kneeling near the candle, he placed the flint and steel down and stood up. “Take the Clothes from Mystii.” He spoke simply, his voice was rough but simple. DC stared at the man who he assumed to be Azaiah until he turned around to see Mystii, the nursemaid, holding the same type of clothes that Azaiah was wearing. DC took the clothes and the minute he turned to look at Azaiah, he was on his way out of the room. “Now come with me, you must take a bath.” DC unsurely followed after.

He followed Azaiah and as he did so in the dimly lit hallway he observed Azaiah’s reddish hair and tan skin. He held the clothes to his chest and looked about, uncomfortable in a new place without his jacket. DC continued walking and the hallway opened out into a large room with a large pool of water filled.

“Unclothe and get in.” Azaiah commanded and DC looked unsure but did so, the water being surprisingly warm. He dived under the water, getting his hair wet and swimming about. It had been a day or so since he’d had a bath and being in the hot weather made him sweat more than he wanted.

He came back up to meet the brown eyes of Azaiah and jumped back, or rather, swam back in shock. Azaiah ignored DC’s reaction, pretty used to the looks of shock people get when he invades personal space. “What?” DC asked.

“You need to use the cleansing oil. Climb out.” Azaiah instructed. DC went under the water for a second before shooting up and climbing out with the momentum. He was a little embarrassed, being naked and all, but figured it was customary to bathe with the same sex. He wondered why it was empty though, considering the baths were almost never empty in the other historical times he’s visited. Azaiah shoved a cloth in his face, DC almost dropped it, but then realized it was his towel. He wrapped it around his waist. “Sit here.” Azaiah pointed to a chair near a bunch of bottles on shelves and DC walked over and sat there. Azaiah walked over to the bottles and hummed to himself as he took each one, sniffing it a bit before putting some on his hand and scrubbing DC’s head.

“I can do this myself.” DC started but Azaiah continued. There was silence for a while, uncomfortable for DC, but soothing for Azaiah as the smell of herbs wrapped around both of them and began to fill the bathing room.

“This is her favorite scent. She will be very pleased.” DC turned to look at Azaiah, who began to rub the oil on his neck.

“What? What are you talking about?” DC asked in confusion, swatting at Azaiah’s hands.

“Are you not aware? The Princess does not just choose random men. She knows you’re different, but she likes you enough that she’s given you status.”

“Given me status?” DC asked in a curious tone, a little shocked.

“Oh? I thought you would’ve figured it out right away. Considering she cared about your well being and saved you.”

DC blushed and began to realize his foolishness. “Oh my..” He mumbled, his hand on his face, hiding part of his blush. “Have I become her concubine?” He asked in shock, his mind working a thousand rounds a second.

Azaiah laughed an airy laugh. “Oh now it dawns on to you?”

“I didn’t realize that’s what she had meant when it was said that she wanted me.” DC rubbed his cheeks, trying to calm down.

“Do not worry, she doesn’t wish any favors from you. Honestly she is just very lonely. She saw your potential of serving her, and…” Azaiah paused.

“And what?” DC persuaded.

“She flared up, I had never seen her get so emotional when she saw how the guards treated you.” Azaiah said and dumped a bucket of water over DC’s head. The Phoenix grumbled and shook his head a little, like a dog, getting the wet hair out of his eyes

“So then she’s not always so bossy and cold?” DC asked, intrigued.

Azaiah laughed airily. “No, actually she's very quiet and reserved most of the time. Very giggly and loves jokes.” He smiled softly, seeming to space out.

“Do you like her?” DC asked. Azaiah slapped DC’s back, leaving a red mark as DC yelped.

“Of course I do! She’s like a sibling to me. Always worries about me getting bullied by other servants and whatever.” DC Rubbed at the spot on his back that was hit with a bit of a grumble.

Azaiah threw another towel onto DCs head, and stuffed the new servant clothes into his arms. “Go into the side room and get changed.” Dc stood up and took the extra towel and clothes, and walked over to a side room.

After changing he left, and watched Azaiah standing outside, playing with an.. Iron dagger? Azaiah sheathed the dagger into his servant clothes, hidden under the royal rags and turned to look at DC. He nodded once, as if to himself, affirming something. “What?” DC asked, Azaiah gave a cheesy grin and spun around, beginning to walk. DC followed.

“You don’t seem like one to use a spear, sword, or bow and arrow; but you don’t seem like a dagger type of man either.” Azaiah mumbled to himself, they made they way down a hallway then into an armory; guards stood stationed around, and raised an eyebrow at Azaiah, who ignored them. DC gave a wry smile, unsure if he should say anything to the guards.

Azaiah looked through the rack of weapons. “Are you sure you should be giving me a weapon? Considering I am, sort of here, against my will.” DC asked. Azaiah looked at DC, “You would not get far. The princess would easily disarm you if she had to.”

Author's Notes

..thats it. I couldn't be bothered to finish it. sorry