Spruce'Foot tries to escape the fire

1 year, 3 months ago

Explicit Violence

Fire is no fun

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The smoke was the first sign. The scent that stuck in the air and choked those unlucky enough to come across it. Spruce’Foot had smelt it before the others, had warned them that it was best to move, lest the smoke grow stronger, followed by a stronger threat. Willow’Star hadn’t listened, not willing to risk the life of the sick elder, for the small chance that the smoke was coming.  

And then it came. 

It rose like a monster, the heat licking the skin of the cats and burning those unlucky enough to be in its way. Spruce’Foot pinned his ears as he heard the yowling of cats, his paws trying to find a way out of the oncoming storm of fire and smoke. It covered the clan in a matter of seconds, circling the camp so there was little escape. He sprinted around the edges of the ravine, shaking his head side to side as he searched for a way out. He knew the clan like the back of his paw, but with the sudden onslaught of heat and smoke he discovered that he had no idea where in camp he may be. Quickly feeling with his paws along the edge of the ravine, he felt a small incline in the steep walls, indicating one of the ways out of camp. He climbed up the steep incline, collapsing on top.  

He couldn’t see anything, the mixture of smoke and fire and soot and tears caused his eyes to blur and make everything look like a dream. Quickly swiping a paw over his eyes, he tried looking again, searching for anyone who might have escaped the blaze. There was no one that he could see, but over the roar of the fire, he could hear the distant sounds of yowling and calling. He inhaled sharply, praying to Star’Clan that Earth’Pelt would be ok.  

 The fire around him was still distant, but he couldn’t see a clear path through the flame. He coughed roughly, shaking his head as the smoke burned his throat and stung his eyes. He had to save as many of his clanmates as possible, but first he had to get out of there, he had to escape the heat. There was no use trying to save the clan if he had already died from the fire.  

Whether it be from the smoke or from the actual flame, he had been told many times by the elders of the danger of fire. Many moons ago when the elders were kits a small fire swept through the moor. They would chat about how it moved swiftly, but didn’t grow any larger than the largest cat, small enough that the entire clan survived the blaze, and the moor grew back faster and greener then after any Bare’Leaf. But this fire grew with a ferocity that Spruce’Foot was sure the elders must have been lying to keep the young kits from having nightmares. 

All around him all Spruce’Foot could see was flames. It grew like a wall from the ground, and despite his squinting eyes the brightness of the fire made it near impossible to find a way out. He took a step forward, trying desperately to see any way out. He had to get out, he had to. 

He covered his mouth in terror, keeping back a painful sob. The terror of it all hit him like a wave, how impossibly big the fire was, and how impossibly small his chance of escaping would be. He thought back to all the things he had said to his friends, and all the things he should had said. To Willow’Star. To Snow’Fur. ...To Earth’Pelt. He wanted so bad to be with him right that moment, to lay beside the large tom, their fur and tails tangling together as they watched the moon float across the sky. How stupid he was to not have done that more often. He shook his head, regret and terrifying tears burning his eyes and throat. He doubled over, biting down roughly on his paws to keep quiet as his body rocked with sobs and his throat filled with bile. He had to stay focused, he couldn’t break down now. His fur prickled angry with the heat, and his head was throbbing with what felt like a dozen rocks slamming into his brain, but he had to stay focused. 

He had to save Earth’Pelt. The rest of the clan would have to help themselves. But Spruce’Foot would not let Earth’Pelt get hurt. He would find a way out, he had to. He slowly rose, trembling slightly. His legs felt weak and were shaking as he stood on them, and he had to concentrate as to not fall again. All around him the fire rose like a wall, impossible to see past. He circled himself, looking about for a break in the fire or a way out of Wind’Clan. The fire was so bright that it was painful for him to look, but he had to try. 

Time seemed to trickle on, and now when he listened all he could hear was the crackle and hiss of fire. He swivelled his head around, coughing deeply as a gust of smoke choked his lungs. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a flash of green. Whipping his head around he saw it. 


There was a small gap in the fire, just large enough for him to see the trees on the other side. He broke into a smile, his body seeming to forget about the pain he had just been in. Spruce’Foot broke out in a sprint, galloping toward the hole. Below him his paws sent up clouds of ash and dust, and occasionally he would step on a pile of coal or burning twigs. But he couldn’t stop. He had to get out. The smoke burnt his throat, causing him to rasp for air as he ran. Closer and closer he got to the hole in the fire, and the entire time all he could think about was Earth’Pelt. He would save him. He would get out of this fire and save the large tom that saved his life. Spruce’Foot put one foot infront of the other, the ground blurring past him as he ran faster and faster. It was just infront of him now, he could just see the blue sky turned orange through the smoke. He shook his head, his eyes blurring from the mixture of soot and tears. His body was failing him, but he couldn’t stop. 10 meters, 5 meters, 1 meter.  

He planted his feet into the ground, causing a cloud of ash to fly up over his paws as he pushed off the ground. Below him he watched as the ground turned into fire, his belly burning painfully as he leapt over the fire. He looked ahead, gazing at the open land and the sky. He had gotten out. He had escaped the blaze. He grinned, giddy with relief and adrenaline. He pushed his legs down, expecting to feel land, but looking about he discovered that he was still falling. He pinned his ears in terror, turning his head about to see what was happening. But it was too late. With a loud splash, Spruce’Foot landed roughly in the gorge. Below the water the sharp rocks broke his fall. 

As the fire above blazed, Spruce’Foot drifted down river, the water slowly turning red around him.