Kumitari Village

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Deep in the forests of bamboo and tall trees of the Windswept Plateau a crumbling village gives rise to new life. Dragons travel from all over Sornieth to inhabit this village, to grow and change it into a clan they're worthy to call their home.

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Sounds in the Woods



Marigold suddenly stopped in her tracks, her head whipping to the right to stare at a cluster of bamboo shoots. The cluster stood taller than even her and behind it was a large grove of trees, where many dragons had probably lost their way in the dense brush. Her Tundra companion, Leonard, stood beside her, his head tilted slightly. “Leo, did you hear that?” she whispered, her head facing away from him. “Something is out there, just past those trees.”

“Mari,” he said, looking slightly annoyed, but concerned as well. “I already told you it was probably just a creature skittering in the woods.” He shook his head before taking a step towards her and reaching his right paw out to stroke her flank. “We can’t stop for every sound, we’ll never make it out of the woods before night falls at this rate.”

Marigold turned her head to face him, her eyes looking into his. “Leo, it was not a creature. It… sounded like someone crying.” Again, her large head turned to face the heavily wooded area to their right. “I’m going in there to find it.”

Without waiting for an answer, Marigold took off into the bamboo trees and disappeared. Leonard was left on the path, his mouth open wide in shock. “What is she doing?!” he thought, more worried than angry. “Sure, she’s a huge Guardian, but if she’s out numbered, she won’t last long.” Leo gritted his teeth and sighed. “Mari! Wait! I’m coming with you!” he shouted after his friend and ran after her into the dense trees.



Calypso sobbed softly into the nest she’d made out of dirt and leaves. She’d found an old hollowed out log in the woods, thankfully large enough for her form to crawl into. She curled herself up and lay her head on her tail, staring out one end of the log. “How did I get here?” she thought to herself through her sobs. “Why am I alone? Did my parents not want me?”

The last question had her tearing up again, and she wiped them away with her tail. “Who needs them anyway,” she whispered, holding her tail up to her eye line and watching it as the tip started changing color. “I’ll be okay.”


Calypso sighed and laid her head down on the pile of leaves and closed her eyes. She wanted to believe that. She wanted to believe that she could live safe and happy, but she was so young and alone. Could she actually do it? She didn’t know, but she knew she was scared of what would happen if she didn’t try.