[PotN] Arietis Storyline Entries

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
1 891 1

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Arietis’s entries for Pool of the Niravar’s storyline system.  For other group members, please be aware that these stories will eventually contain spoilers for the Toneru storyline, The Laughing Woods.

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[Prompt I] Newcomers

Toneru Islands - Prompt 1

How did your Niravar find themselves in Toneru Islands? Did they travel there, or were they born there? What are their first memories of the Islands?

The familiar scent of sea air stung Arietis’ nose as she strode down the gangplank and left behind the ship that had been home for the last few days.  It took all her willpower not to stop mid-step to take in all the sights of Igmareg’s busy harbour.  She was certain the travellers disembarking behind her wouldn’t appreciate being held up, but she had been waiting to see this for years.

She’d seen ships from Igmareg before, and even travelled aboard one, but their home port was still a wonder to behold.  Arietis took her time as she wandered the docks.  Everywhere she looked, proud vessels sat at anchor, and it was hard to know where to keep her eyes.  Heavy redwood masts towered over her on all sides, their furled sails giving the impression of a white-leaved forest.

The dock workers paid Arietis little mind, passing her like any other obstacle, and she soon abandoned the worry her presence might be an interruption.  She paused to watch a pair of cherry red nir load a large galleon with cargo.  The polished brown-and-white wood shone in the sunlight and she could not quite stifle a gasp.  It was beautiful.

“Well, hello down there!”

Arietis jumped as someone called out to her.  She turned around to spot the culprit; a lithe black nir lounging atop a large crate.  Both pairs of ears flicked back as she answered, “hello?”

The stranger’s horns flashed silver as she leaned over to look at her, “nice view, isn’t it, newcomer?”

“Oh, uh, yes.  Is it that obvious?”  Arietis already knew that answer.  No one raised in Igmareg would wander around the harbour with a star-struck expression.  Someone less charitable might have greeted her fairly as a ‘tripping hazard’.

“I’m afraid so.  But I wasn’t born here, either.  I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine, in time.  The name’s Kairaani; I came here as a trader.”  The stare she fixed Arietis with was curious, but not judgemental.

“Arietis.  I’ve come in search of an apprenticeship.”  She nodded towards the ships that surrounded them, “I hope to build vessels like these, one day.”

Kairaani smiled.  “They’re lovely, aren’t they?  This one’s mine.”

Arietis turned to see where she had pointed and inhaled.  It was far from the largest ship at anchor around them, but it was striking.  Her eyes danced along the sleek lines of the ship.  Its hull was a deep, rich brown, and the word Quicksilver was lettered in stark white.  It seemed far more suited to swift travel than carrying cargo to and from the market, but then she did not know what it was that Kairaani traded.  Some of the most valuable goods could not survive long journeys.

“It’s beautiful.”

Kairaani grinned.  “I’d offer to introduce you to her maker, but they’re no longer with us.  Would you like a tour?”


The other nir laughed, amused by her excitement.  Arietis flushed, a little embarrassed that she had let her enthusiasm run away with her.  Kairaani did not say anything more, and only gestured for her to come along.

Arietis followed her aboard.  The Quicksilver was an archetypical clipper, with its sails angled towards its prow.  Its decking felt secure underfoot as she padded behind Kairaani, only half-listening to her stories about past voyages.  She had read her fair share of nautical adventures growing up, but her love had always been for the craft, rather than for sailors plunging themselves into danger.  If Kairaani’s stories were to be believed, this fast ship had carried them into trouble more than once.

Whoever had designed the ship had known their work well.  It was a shame that she wouldn’t be able to speak with them.

As passed the main mast, something glinted blue in the light; she turned to regard it and her eyes widened.  Inlaid in a shining blue lacquer, runes ran along the massive beam of wood.  She placed a paw beside them, “are these…?”

“Yes,” Kairaani smiled, “the Quicksilver has some enchantments of her own.”

“What do they do?”

“My secret.”  She winked.

They carried on, though Arietis could not help but cast the runes a last look over her shoulder.  Toneru’s ships surpassed that of other nations in both engineering and magic, and it was that which she was most excited to learn.  Arietis had not yet awakened her own magic, but there was no reason she could not still learn the theory, surely.

She hoped the shipbuilders of Igmareg would not mind sharing their secrets with someone from another tribe.  She knew they would never have accepted an outsider as an apprentice, but Nanshua was not so far away.

The tour ended once they reached the foredeck.  Kairaani made no offer to take her belowdecks and she did not ask.

Arietis thanked Kairaani for her kindness.  She had almost departed the ship before she thought to ask if she knew anywhere she might spend a few nights.

Armed with directions, Arietis climbed down from the Quicksilver and headed into Igmareg proper.