⋘ Viscets Chatfic ⋙

5 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 3076

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 9 months ago

The pawheld communicators is manufactured by Mercer Inc. and is sold realm-wide. Every viscets mentioned here are all mine, few are purely ideas and might exist someday. There will be 1-1 and group chats, some sneak peek into the lore, general silliness, etc. PLEASE don't steal the ideas I have for my viscets and their world, you may copy the formatting and use it for your own chatfic although!

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<OPENING GROUP "Bastion Off-Mission Channel">

MORRISON: How is it going in here?

PEACH: oh nothing, really. 

PEACH: we're just chatting about our vacation plans.

HOTARU: yeah!! i rly want 2 c my family again!

URIMA: Oh honey, me too. I miss Nikau, and his family.

MRS. MERCER: I'm just looking forward to sunbathing in Trilet Shore.

STRUDWICK: Excuse me.

STRUDWICK: Is Eunika here?

PEACH: Oh, yeah? She was saying some stuff a minute ago.

STRUDWICK: It is of most importance, Eunika.

MORRISON: What's going on?

EUNIKA: Nothing! Minor concerns, you know! Safety and health, no biggie! 

MORRISON: What did you do?

HOTARU: uh oh


STRUDWICK: Eunika here didn't do her inventory, thus we don't have enough medical supplies to make more first aids. 

HOTARU: oooo some1 a snitch

SASKAI: Like Fennel said, it's important that we have first aids.

SASAKI: Being a snitch is less important.

MORRISON: That's unlike you, Eunika.

MORRISON: Is everything alright?

MORRISON: You're our medic, it's so surprising you didn't do your inventory.

EUNIKA: Uh, yes. Yes, I think I am.

EUNIKA: This won't happen again, I promise. 

FAUSTA: if i may

FAUSTA: i saw eunika puking earlier

HOTARU: ooo some1 pregnant

EUNIKA: i'm not pregnant!!

EUNIKA: I swear. I'm fine.

FAUSTA: you're showing the signs though.

FAUSTA: middle of night you woke up and started eating pickles with strawberry jelly

FAUSTA: constant puking

FAUSTA: you're even looking a bit rounder.

HOTARU: y is every1 a snitch today

HOTARU: i dont trust like that

EUNIKA: Okay fine. 

EUNIKA: I didn't expect you to be so observant.

MORRISON: So you are indeed pregnant.

MORRISON: On top of trying to hide it.

MORRISON: While being aware you have a mission tomorrow?

EUNIKA: ...Yes.

HOTARU: its k tho!

HOTARU: its a scary exp!

EUNIKA: You've been pregnant before?

HOTARU: no but i knew some1 who was

MORRISON: Hotaru is correct. 

MORRISON: I still can't let this slide though, Fennel will step in as a medic tomorrow.

MORRISON: Eunika, you should take break from missions until you give birth.

EUNIKA: Understood. Thank you.

FENNEL: Understood.

SASAKI: Eunika.

SASAKI: Is there anything I can do?

EUNIKA: Um, no. 

EUNIKA: Thank you though.

HOTARU: i think i kno whts up!

HOTARU: is my cuz havin a kid?!

SASAKI: No! I'm just being nice.

HOTARU: but u never show kindness

HOTARU: u do it lowkey

FAUSTA: i can confirm

FAUSTA: saw em in eunika's room in middle of night a month ago

FAUSTA: seemed like a romantic night

FAUSTA: candles, roses, classical music, stuff like that

SASAKI: Heavens, how do you even notice stuff like this?

MORRISON: I assigned security role to my daughter to prepare her for bigger role out in the field.

MORRISON: Thus, she has access to cameras.

HOTARU: oooo lucky

EUNIKA: And now everyone know.

SASAKI: Let me clear it up, it was just one time thing.


MRS. MERCER: Awkward.

MRS. MERCER: Unintentionally saddled with pregnancy.

MRS. MERCER: Do inform me if you two need help.

EUNIKA: I appreciate it. 

MORRISON: So we're clear, one of you has to go to raise this viscling. 

MORRISON: We have no time or patience for you to juggle between raising your offspring and going on missions.

Author's Notes

suddenly shes pregnant, didnt plan on this but Okay. thanks g1 for the prompt idea!