
1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
3 5972

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Three kits from the same litter become separated from each other, living in different clans, growing up not knowing each other. Celestial clan promised their mother they would meet once again but some aren't very fond of that idea and keep them away from each other.

This is a discontinued Warrior Cats story, I decided it would be best to focus on a few projects as I can to get them done faster. I might come back to this another time but for now, it will stay here until further notice.

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Everything has a beginning. Four cats lived in different houses, all friends but all different. A Cat named Taylor, a large white fluffy long haired cat who is loyal and kind, the leader and the one they look up two. She enjoyed being with her friends, making sure they are okay, and they live their best lives. A cat named Mr. Lion, a large short-haired cat with a mane like a lion, enjoyed crawling through the tightest places and finding a place where to see the stars the best. Sometimes he thinks he can hear them talking to him as he meows back to them, his voice echoing through the neighborhood. A cat named poodle, a Blue short-haired cat who was treated as a princess, given the finest food, and kept nice and clan. She hated that, she loved swimming and playing in the rain, her fur getting muddy which her owner hates. A cat named Cody, a black and white short-haired cat, lurks in the darkness, scaring his friends quite easily. He is often known as a night owl, sleeping through the day and wide awake at night. The only way to get him out is Taylor forcing him. These four cats slowly hated living with their owner, they enjoyed being outside, having all the freedom they place, and soon their owners found them missing. They looked everywhere for them, nowhere to be found, thinking they must have gone deep into the forest, and giving up on looking for them. The four were indeed far from their home, deep in the forest, they ran for hours as Taylor decided to stop the group.

"Alright guys, we gone pretty far, it felt like days and we need a plan or we will die out here!" She said, her ears flattening from worriedness, "We need food but what would we eat that isn't cat food?" The tree looked at each other really knowing until Mr. Lion stepped up, "How about fish? My owner gave me it many times in sort of hard food," he said gratefully, Poodle being disgusted, "Hard food? Do you mean dry food? That taste icky..." She said, flicking her tail as Cody said quiet and quite far from the group. "I don't think there's dry food out here, I think our owners make it instead," Taylor said, looking around and noticing a light from afar, her running towards it as the others followed shortly after. Taylor quickly stopped as it was a huge lake that she nearly fell in, the other stopped quickly as Cody accidentally pushed her in. She fell in, not being able to swim she looks up to the surface as she slowly sinks to the bottom. "Cody what the hell!" Poodle hissed, looking towards the black and white cat, "You just killed her! She doesn't know how to swim!" she said before jumping in after her, swimming as fast as she can to save her.

As she is about to touch her, both of them are teleported to an unfamiliar area. It looked like the forest but with weird colors and clouds on the ground, Taylor was passed out as Poodle looked around, staying close to her. "Hello!" A cat popped out in front of Poodle, it looked transparent, a large fluffy brown cat with crimson eyes. Poodle jumped running back to Taylor to protect her. "Oh you poor thing, how did you get here? You guys are alive, right? You don't look like Celestial clan cats." he said, floating around them, inspecting them, "I must report you to Cherry, she can help you." He moved his tail to tell them to come as he trotted away. Poodle didn't know what to do or if she should trust them, she dragged Taylor by the leg, hoping she wasn't dead. The mysterious cat looked back and floated over to them, "Oh my bad," he says as he picks up Taylor like a feather and floats off as Poodle runs behind. After a while, they reach an area that looks exactly like the forest, and a red cat is in the middle sitting in a weird human hammock. the cat notices them as she quickly stands, the other dropping Taylor softly. "Oh, my, who are these cats? They aren't spirits!" She said, looking at Taylor and Poodle, "Crumble, where did you find those shes?" The one she called Crumble looked where they came from, "They came from the mysterious lake, I always wondered why it was there..." he said, looking back at the she-cat, "I think it transports alive and dead cats from each realm!" The she-cat sat down to take a breather, putting their paws on her head and then looking back at the other shes as Taylor slowly started to wake up. "Is this where dead cats go?..." She said, her vision blurry as she turns to Poodle, "Oh no Poodle you died too? Did you try to save me?" Poodle rolled her eyes as she distanced herself from the odd cats, "Listen, are we dead or not? We have friends on the other side of the lake and they think we're dead!" She hissed, "We aren't going to be your playthings and if you think that that lake is our way back out then I will go back in!" Crumble looks nervous as he looked over at the she, "Alright Cherry, we should test it, shouldn't we? Maybe we can help the death of more strays?" he stands, standing to walk back to where they came from, "We can't promise you aren't dead but we need to try it." Poodle nodded as she faced Ta, her not knowing anything she trusts her friend as the four go back to the lake. They look through it to see Cody and Mr. Lion on the other side.

"You murdered them!" Mr. Lion yelled, falling onto the ground, "Cody our only friends drowned and you aren't affected by this?!" Cody scuffs as he turned away from the lake, he didn't look sad but he was inside, honestly, heartbroken for what he did. Mr. Lion looked over at him, his ears went down as he went in front of him and hissed, "do you really not care?! Why are you so selfish?!" Cody slightly stepped back, "I-I do care! I didn't mean to do it!" he screeched, "You're large, go help them!" Mr. Lion slapped him as he flicked his tell in his face and started walking away before the lake started again glowing, making him look back. Cody noticed the glow in his eyes as he looked back as well, seeing something slowly coming out of the lake. Then, Pood and Taylor popped out, coughing up water as they struggle to climb back to the surface. Cody and Mr. Lion panicked as they helped them up, their fur soaking wet, as the lake continues to glow and two other cats pop out, floating up to the air and coming back down as they landed next to the four. Cody and Mr. Lion were shocked to see them as Pood and Taylor shook the water out of their fur. "Oh, you two were the cats they were speaking of?" Crumble hugged them a hug as Cherry looked around. She was happy to see the real forest than the fake forest of Celestial clan. "Alright Cherry, I have an idea." He said happily, looking around with her, "We give them guidance, help them through the ropes, looking at their collars, they must have been kittypets right?" Cherry completely ignores him as she floats up, flying through the forest happy as ever as she went back down to them. "Crumble! Why don't we make a clan in the real world as well?" She said, excitedly, "We should name it Lunar Clan! Let's have these cats be a part of it! We can help gather stray cats to bring them together! Maybe we could eat the smaller animals for food! I have so many ideas! We can save cats!" Crumble was glad that she was happier than usual, he looked over to the four cats as Cody and Mr. Lion were still shocked and confused while Poodle and Taylor looked at them, slightly agreeing. "Ah as you heard, I'm Crumble, and my friend here is Cherry, we used to be kittypets like you before we died in the forest and our spirits were transported to this place we call Celestial clan," He said, holding his paw out to them, "Help us, we can save you and others if you join us, what are your names?" Taylor stepped up, the others looking at him curiously. She stands proudly, "I'm Taylor, We have Poodle, Mr. Lion, and Cody." She said, "I'm sure we could use your help as much as you need ours, you saved me and Poodle's life and I'm grateful!" Crumble nodded as he looked towards Cherry again, "Taylor you seem like you would be a good leader I-" he said before Poodle stepped up. "Excuse me? Just because she introduced us doesn't mean she should be the leader!" She said as she threw mud on Taylor's Fur, "She's an all-white cat! Her fur couldn't stand her being a leader! I'll be leader, I can swim and easily take dirt off!" Mr. Lion stepped in further, "Leader is like being king and I'm pretty much a lion which is a king! Oh, dear Celestial clan, give me the leadership!" he said, bowing down to the two spirits. Cody looked away, not really wanting to be involved with this nonsense, maybe it's all just a dream or he already had died? Crumble looked worried as he looked over to Cherry, she still had her mind out of the forest, he looked back at the three, "how about we make different clans? You all get what you want and you don't have to fight about it," He said, "let's work on it yeah? A good clan needs rules and roles?" The tree nodded, happy with the idea as they distance themselves from each other. Chery went in front of them as Crumble watched. "We need new names yeah? Maybe for all the cruel owners we had, runaways or not, they don't deserve us and we shouldn't keep their names," She looked over to Crumble, "We changed our names as our owners let us go to die! You guys should do the same..." She flicked her tail, looking at them like she was a god compared to them. They nodded but Cody sighed, perking his ears up to pay attention but not very much. "Name your clans and I will give you a new name," she said as she waited for them all to answer. Taylor stepped up, "Flurry clan." Poddle Stepped up, "Rivulet clan." Mr. Lion stepped up, "Echo clan." Cody didn't answer as everyone looked at him, waiting for him to say his. He didn't want any part of this but it seemed he had no choice, "Umbrqa clan." Cherry nodded, looking up to the sky, getting more ideas as the four looked up as well. "I was told every star was a cat who died, to represent them, the leaders should have star in their name," she said, going up to each of them in order, placing her paw on their head, "Tail'Star, Stream'Star, Roar'Star and Dim'Star, our new clan leaders." To their surprise, a star appeared on their head, marking them as leaders. Cherry walked over to the lake, "Crumble, gather more Celestial clan cats, I want to test the limits," she said as he listened, jumping back into the lake. They go up to the lake and look inside, glowing once again as Cherry nodded, "I feel as if cats should have nine lives, sadly that would be impossible to give all of them, so our leaders take a stand," she said, going behind them all, "for safety, dip your head in the water and see if you get transported to Celestial clan." She jumped in the lake as the four do as they're told, and they all are in Celestial clan, Cody and Mr. Lion being shocked.

"Perfect, without the need of you drowning, this is how you can contact us, even with nine lives, you won't live forever, we need a second in command to take your place once you grow old, and they shall receive the lives you got," she said as Crumble comes up to them with many cats, nearly millions as they look shocked and slightly scared, "Listen, I know all of you won't be able to make it but I finally was able to find a way to save future cats! These four will start our new generation! I need your help to make this fully possible!" Some cats nodded, others scared, worried, and questionable. Crumble is overjoyed, and fully supportive and Cherry's leadership as he waits for her to tell them what to do. Cherry steps up to Tail'Star, grabbing her own chest and pulling out a star-shaped heart, placing it on Tail'Star's head as her eyes glow white and then back to normal, a small crystal forms on her wrist as vines keep it in place. "Cats, our leaders deserve to leave as long as they can to lead strays and help spread the word to survive!" Cherry said as she turns to the millions of cats, "Is anyone brave enough to give these cats all nine lives?" The cats looked at each other, most not agreeing with it, others just scared that it might hurt after years of living in peace. Crumble stepped up, doing what cherry did and giving his life to Stream'Star as she had the same reaction as Tail'Star. Some gasped as Crumble stood next to Cherry, he would do anything for her, and he stood proudly. "Any cats who step up, shall join me and Crumble to help these cats stay alive and protect them." She said, "Wouldn't you want to save your relatives and future kittens from the horrors you went through?" A cat stepped up, walking towards Roar'Star as they give him his life, and stepped to the side with Crumble and Cherry. "Your name brave spirit?" Cherry asked, looking at them with glee. "Comet," They said as another stepped up, giving Dim'Star their life, "Violet," they said as they flicked their tail. Cherry didn't like their sass but soon many came, giving their lives to the new leaders as the crystal on their wrists went onto the other until they could up to 8 crystals and Cherry stopped everyone else from stepping up "Thank you, everyone else, you may leave," she said as everyone who didn't give a life went back to their homes and there were 32 cats left, "leaders, I'm proud of you, now we must make rules for each other and create roles to keep balance in the clans." The four nodded as every spirit stood behind Cherry, Crumble standing right next to her. She thought for a moment before reading off the rules from the top of her mind. "These will be followed for the respect of all clans and so you can have your ways," Cherry said, "Now find where you will set camp and we shall lead cats your way, tell them what I have told you, I thank you again and I will see you during the full moon." The four nod once more as they jump back into the lake, Cherry looked at everyone else, "Find cats to join the clan you gave a life to, find as many as you can, no matter how hard, how far it is, try your best, come back before the next full moon." she said as they nod as well and jump into the lake until all of them were gone but her and Crumble. They look at each other happily, this is the start of a new beginning.

The four heads popped out of the lake as they look at each other. "I guess this is so long until the full moon..." Tail'Star said, "I will miss our true friendship but I believe this is good for our lives..." Dim'Star already ran away, looking for the perfect spot to set up camp as the three watch him leave. "yeah Taylor... I mean Tail'Star" Roar'Star said as he ran away as well, going in a different direction as Dim'Star. "Honestly Tail'Star, you see yourself as powerful and always thought down on us, I'm happy to be out of your fur finally..." Stream'Star said as she ran another way, leaving Tail'Star in shock as her ears drop and she runs a different way as well. They all are off to find a perfect camp, them running as far as possible from the lake, not wanting to be close to one another. When they finally find a good spot, the distance from each other is far. It takes an hour to get from Echo Clan to Rivulet Clan, an hour from Rivulet Clan to Flurry Clan, and 2 Hours from any clan to Umbra Clan. Everything in the outside lands takes an hour to get to as well, keeping the two-leg houses, their old homes, far from the clans.

Tail'Star chose an open area with open fields, free to run around with the winds and no tree to stop her. She wanted a loyal and kind group that never thought of violence first like the rules. She always loved the cold breeze on her long fur and bushy tail,

Stream'Star always had a love for rain and enjoyed seeing dogs swim in the water. She knew she had to pick a spot where the rain wouldn't flood the camp located on higher ground and the dens in caves to block the rain but close enough to rivers and ponds.

Roar'Star wanted a more counseled climate for his camp where they can be hidden from big threats but easily be able to see the stars when safe, wanting to be close to Celestial clan for what they did. The camp is in a deep cave with a huge hole on the top.

Dim'Star prefers to be in the dark and hidden away from others, he plans to go alone, to his place, dark and away from the sun, and ignore everything that happened. He chose an area that had quite a lot of trees to block the sun from his fur.

Little did they know, cats quickly started to flood in with the help of the Celestial clan spirits. They soon had a full clan, them quickly setting up camp, making dens, and setting roles depending on age. Every so often they would get spirits coming to the leaders to inform them of ideas for them to do. They created names for every role to get rid of their owners' old names, standing against the two-legs. They even named their rocks for better classification. Everyone worked together to learn how to hunt and fight if needed, this was the best thing that has happened to any cat. Though, the leaders were deceived, talking down about each other, and telling how the other clans are terrible. This caused hatred, where did all their years of friendship go? After all the clans have learned the ways, they could finally call themselves clans as the full moon hits, time for them all to meet up.

The clans sit far from each other, them staring each other down as Cherry and Crumble land on the pointy rock in a field where they were told to meet, other 30 spirits stand behind them. It is far from the clans and the moon lake so no one would break the code of other clans. "Leaders step up," Cherry said as they do so, they look different from a moon ago, "have anyone of you lost a life yet?" They all shake their head as Cherry nods to them, "Very well, I must say, we have to test it to be sure, do any of you wish to take the risk?" Stream'Star stood, "I shall take the life of Tail'Star!" she said as she pounced on her once friend, slicing her neck open as Tail'Star's eyes turned white and her wound healed quickly. She quickly kicked her off as Flurry clan hissed at her, getting ready to attack her before, "STOP!" Cherry yelled all attention goes on her, "Stream'Star what was that? You shouldn't attack your fellow leader!" Tail'Star was shocked that the one she was once closest to just murdered her while Stream'Star stood proudly, licking the blood off her paw. "Why are you guys mad at each other? You're supposed to be friendly! No fighting at the Sharp Rock meeting!" Cherry yelled as all the clans started hissing at each other, "This wasn't supposed to happen..." An Umbra Clan cat quickly jumped on a Rivulet clan cat as they started fighting and everyone jumped in, it became a huge cat fight as the spirits went in between every clan, pulling them apart, Cherry looking furious. "leaders! I thought I taught you well! I thought you would teach your clan the same! Now their dead cats!" She yelled, "New rules! All cats who are evil and murderers will be sent to Lunar clan! A place where you will have endless suffering! Go home, I will have spirits deliver the new code..." All the spirits went away as the clans went back to their camps, the spirits following behind to tell them the new rules.

1. You may have friendships with cats from the other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

7. The deputy will become clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

8. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moon high.

9. A gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

10. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily.

11. No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or in danger, even if that kit is from a different Clan.

12. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.

13. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense.

14. Only Medicine cats are allowed to visit the moon lake every half moon and with the new leader to receive their lives.

15. Kits aren't allowed to leave camp and apprentices aren't allowed to leave without a warrior.

16. Every cat must have a silent vigil during the Solar Eclipse.

17. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

"No spirit is allowed to go to the moon lake unless necessary or permission from Cherry or Crumble, spirits aren't allowed to be seen by alive cats except in their dreams, all clans have been cursed from the fight of the Sharp Rock,"

"Flurry clan, forever snowing,"

"Rivulet clan, forever raining,"

"Echo clan, fog every night and floods every half moon,"

"And Umbra clan, no rain, no snow, high heats at day, freezing at night."

The spirit read the new code to the clan, and the leaders got angry, how could Celestial clan do this? They can't control the weather right? And to their surprise, what they said came true, terror filled the clans as the leaders felt defeated, realizing their friendship was broken, and their past was forever gone.

This is the life of Warrior Cats. This changed the life of many for the best and the worse. This is the beginning of Trifecta.