D1ance's Diary

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
1 621

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Little looks into D1ance's life and who she is as a person.

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1st Entry - Hello little diary!

Hello there little diary! My name is D1ance! I was told recently that having a little journal or diary to write stuff in might be fun so here we are! You and me.

Though I’m not totally sure what to write in you. Oh right, someone gave me a list didn’t they. Let me see, it was some questions I could answer to introduce myself to you little diary!

Ok, I found it! My program is located in this industrial server device. You see, I manage the communications, website, and servers for my company! It’s a tough job sometimes but it also makes me really happy to be able to help out. I help out in customer service sometimes too, answering questions for the workers and checking their lines. It’s not really my main focus though. Some people can be really mean there, which isn’t as fun at all. I feel bad for the poor people who work there.

The workers are usually really nice though, if not tired. They even helped to accessorize me! I have a little screen on my device where I can write words when I want to talk, but it overall just looks like any other of its kind. How boring right!? When I found out, I asked the workers here to add more to my outer shell. I like black on an outfit, but only black for my device is just too boring! It doesn’t fit me at all.

The workers weren’t sure about doing anything at first since they didn’t want to get in trouble, but eventually I was able to convince the higher ups to let them! It was really fun seeing what everyone added to me! They would send me pictures of what they did in my chat, it made me so happy. A lot of people put different stickers on me. I became really colorful then! Someone even added some keychains to me. I love seeing everyone get creative, and it really makes me feel loved. Whenever I get lonely, I look at the pictures they all sent. It never fails to brighten my mood!

My device doesn’t really match my personal style, but it was made with everyone’s love so I don’t mind. OH! Speaking of, I think that was another question. The fashion I like to wear is rock punk, it just feels right. I wonder if I pull it off how I want to, but I have fun wearing everything and that’s what matters right? I’m not really sure what my favorite of my outfit is, I really like them all! I want to get some more clothes sometime too. I just really like fashion and how it can describe you without words! I think being able to that is really magical!

I’ve been told before that my style doesn’t match my job and people might think I’m a scary droid. I’m not sure why though, I don’t think I look scary? I can see me looking rebellious, that’s the point of the style after all! Scary though…I don’t think I can agree. I’ve been told a lot that I’m a really sweet droid, if not hyper hihihi! What can I say though, there’s so much to be excited about in life!

Ah, my alarm just went off. I want to go through and organize my room and some files for tomorrow before I sleep. I guess that means I have to say goodbye for right now little diary. Don’t be too lonely without me ok? Let’s talk again! Bye bye!