Symtur's songchord

1 year, 6 months ago
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Txan lepfom krra ayoe ngarunn, Symtur. 

(eternal joy when we found you, Symtur)

Ngati oel munge olo' ninrra, 

(I brought you into the clan with pride,)

keali'u tikin fte oäye tíyawn peng. 

(No words needed to express my love.)

Ayoeng ngamll'an, set sí tì'i'avay krrä, 

(We accept you, now and forever, )

le'awtu'evi a run kelku. 

(Lost boy who found home.)

ftumfa Eywa'te prrku nga'ongokx. 

(From Eywa's womb you came)

Irayo Eywa, mip skxom rotìrey

(Thank you Eywa, new chance at life)

Irayo Eywa, Ma Eywa

(thank you Eywa, Oh Eywa)