
1 year, 2 months ago

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Derek unintentionally shivered as he walked along one of the trails. Curse plodded along behind him, seemingly just staring at his back. The pokemon didn't seem interested in anything around them. That just seemed off to Derek. Every other pokemon he'd brought out here at at least been glancing around in some mild curiosity. Yet here Curse was, not doing that. Why had he even brought the hybrid out here in the first place? What help was Curse even going to be? He attempted to ignore the feeling of Curse's stare on his back as he glanced around. Well he supposed there was one good thing about this, no wild pokemon were even attempting to approach them. He supposed they were just as off put by Curse as he was.

Finally after several minutes of just trying to search like he had on all his previous trips here he had to stop. The feeling of Curse's stare was just too distracting. He turned to face Curse. The cinccino hybrid looked up at him and Derek had to resist a shudder. "Look, what's up with you? I don't understand you. What do you want?" Curse blinked up at him, but remained quiet. Derek pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, I know your old trainer dumped you off with me and that probably hurt." Honestly Derek could almost understand why Curse's old trainer had left him with Derek. "But I can't try to help if I don't know what you want."

After staring at him for a few more moments Curse padded up to Derek, keystone hopping along as if it had a will of its own. Derek froze as Curse placed a paw against his leg. One ear twitched as the pokemon stared up at him. Just as soon as it came the odd moment was broken as the pokemon wandered further up the path. Derek stood there, mildly baffled until Curse turned to look back at him. The hybrid gestured a paw down the path and tilted his head in silent question. Slowly Derek began to walk down the path again.

Curse fell into step behind him, but this time didn't continue to stare at his back. Well that was an improvement at least. Now he might actually be able to get some searching done. Though he still was far from getting any answers from the odd pokemon. Not even any of his other pokemon had gotten Curse to talk to them. He remained eerily silent. Maybe one day one of them would get through to him.

Derek decided to cut the search short for the day. While Curse had stopped staring at him admittedly being alone with the pokemon for so long was starting to unsettle him. Maybe he should try and more slowly work with Curse... He felt like he might be able to get through to him, eventually. Derek sighed as he started to lead them back to the main trail. He hadn't believed what everyone said about shadow pokemon being hard to work with, but now he knew that they were right. Dealing with three of his own? Yeah it was a lot. Finally the main trail was in sight. Time to head home for the day.