Flash Prompts

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
2 448

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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Author's Notes

Tell us about your Cuddleray, where do they live? What do they do? Who are their friends? How do they feel about humans? Helping humans? Learning about their world? Let's explore the world and get to know about your Cuddleray!

About me!

Chloe was playing with her chest fur, seemed to think for a minute, wondering which questions to answer first. Finally, she started spoking:

- I'll start of with where I live! I currently live in a cozy cottage house on the outskirt of a nice, small french village. My house is small and more on the minimalist side, but it's a really nice one! I grow seasonal flowers in my yard and even some fruits. I should show you a picture of my house one day... I'm sure some cuddleray would be jalous of it, hihi! Once I have enough pretty flowers, I go to the village and sell them. I'm sure the humans and other cuddlerays that lives there likes them as I'm always coming back home empty handed! I mainly use the shells i got from selling the flowers to buy new seeds, if I can I try to buy new variety. Or I buy fertilizer! It's important to always have a nice stock of that, she chuckled.

She goes on ranting about her flowers and garden for five minutes before answering the next question.

- How do I feel about humans? I never had troubles with them. They were quite curious when I first arrived here but they were very nice to me and offered me lots of fruits and later even helped me to build my house! In a sense, they are the one that are helping me, not the other way around haha, she said blushing. I do try to help them, don't get me wrong! I'm just not the best at building stuff or taking care of people... Gardening is all I know. Every once in a while I go to the village and helps the elderly to keep their garden clean. I always bring my best seeds with me, just to be sure that their garden will looks pretty for a long time!

Chloe is surprised at the last questions. She scratch her head.

- Learning about their world... Well, I had to if I wanted to understand how to plants my seeds correctly and get fruits at the right time. I don't always understand what they say, some topics they talk about makes me confused. The village I live near by isn't big and not as developed as what I've seen when I was travelling, before settling here. They love nature and tries to protect it! That's something I love about them. For exemple, they don't use these big vehicules called car that pollute so much..! I'm glad because I'm afraid the flowers in the village would die soon if they did. Overall, I'm still learning about their world!