FFXIVwrite 2022 - 02 Bolt

1 year, 2 months ago

Mjna dreams of a terrible storm... Or was it a memory?

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Levin. Violet and violent streamed from the heavens. It was the only light in the murky skies, the storm drowning out the stars beyond.

The rush of wind and rain created a cacophony of sounds like that of untamed beasts forced into too close quarters. Small hands covered smaller yet ears, protecting them from the deafening deluge.

The ground rocked and pitched as the wild sea tossed the great galleon as if it was a toy ship. Yet that didn’t stop the little girl from taking in the spectacle from the top deck. She was absolutely awestruck, and not even the sternest of warnings from her father had managed to frighten her enough to keep to her quarters below deck.

She hid below a flight of stairs leading to the quarterdeck, wedged between some well fastened barrels, only barely managing to not be swept into the angry seas by the grace of whoever had been in charge of securing that particular cargo. Not that she would even realize her precarious situation, she was far too enamored to be scared.

The yell of one of the sailors caught her attention for just a moment, though she could not make out the words over the tempest, she could understand the panic and fear in his voice. It drew her platinum eyes away from the dancing of the lightning through the sky.

The sounds of heavy footbeats against the deck somehow managed to make it to her ears over the storm, and she watched as a few of the large Roegadyn men stumbled their way down into the hold. It never occurred to her that she should have followed suit. Not until it was too late.

Before she knew it, the deck was engulfed in water, inundated in a way unlike before. No matter how she held, no matter how the ropes held, the water pushed and pulled her and the cargo from their place. She had no time to think of taking a breath. The water was all consuming. Everywhere. A force that could not be fought against.

The rush of the sea was louder still as she was swept out. She felt like a ragdoll pushed and pulled at the will of nature. Despite the lack of air, she found herself eerily calm as the ocean dragged her down below the waves, where legend promised the Sahagin and hungry krakens thrived.

But all she remembered was the bolts of thunderlight, painting the dark waters in their beautiful purple light.

Mjna stirred from her resting place, her platinum eyes opening to the warm and inviting place that was her Free Company chambers. The orchestrion was steadily thrumming a jazzy siren’s song, mixing with the sounding pitter-patter of rain just outside the Bloum estate walls. She blinked blearily a few times, in a haze from her dream…? Or was it a memory?

Either way, Mjna did not take a moment to dwell on it. She stood from the faux leather couch she’d fallen asleep on, letting the blanket she’d curled up in slip to the floor forgotten. Her feet carried her clumsily to her window that she’d left open to let in some fresh air.

Mjna quite enjoyed the climes of Gridania. The rain here was seldom as violent as the weather she had so often experienced in days past when she sailed the seas with her father. As her hand reached out to pull the window shut she paused for a moment as a familiar light lit the skies, soon followed by the rumble of thunder. She couldn’t help the smirk that took her lips as her eyes traced the ribbons of light through the air, only finally pulling away as she closed the window and stumbled back to go back to sleep.