Fancy Meeting You Here

1 year, 2 months ago

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How could I be so dumb. Of course he could show up here, and at the guild. I left our world too, after all.


I’ve been able to dodge him so far… That truth or dare game, a few other times too, probably. I’ll just leave the guild through a back door. Yeah. 


I begin to pull my hood up but a hand on my shoulder stops me. I can feel someone's face getting closer.




I freeze, “how-?”


“One of your little friends told me. Why don’t you take a seat? The two of us should talk.”


As he speaks, my hand inches towards my dagger. His grip on my shoulder tightens.


“Hmm, I wouldn’t. Do that, if I were you. Pulling a knife out in a place like this?” He pouts. “They might never let you in again.”


I huff. My hand falls back to my side. 


“I- I can sit by myself.”


“Of course.” He stands up straight. He flourishes his hand with a smirk, as if to say ‘after you’. 

The way he’s standing… He’s blocking the way to the more active area of the guild. I glare at him but he just smiles. With a sigh I find a table in the corner and take a seat, arms crossed. He finds a seat across from me and picks at his nails. It’s quiet.






“So what do you want?”  It came out as a growl, his eyes narrow. 


“Straight to business, huh?”




“You won’t give me my tooth back, yeah yeah. I’m not looking to discuss that right now, anyways. We don’t have to discuss you slicing at my wrist, either.”

I look at him, puzzled.


“I was hoping… we could come to some sort of agreement. I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. But we don’t have to let that get in the way of our fun here.

Somehow… you’ve made friends. I’d like to make those, too.”

I raise an eyebrow. He sneers.

“I don’t want to be friends with you. Just… I won’t tell people you’re a thieving b-tch, and you… won’t tell people that I’m…” He snorts.

“Well, I’m sure you could come up with all sorts of creative things to say about me.”


“Let’s keep our names out of the other's mouth, let’s not run or duck around each other, drawing attention… let’s be civilized. We’re ‘coworkers’ now, after all.” 


“I don’t even know your name.”


“Guess that never came up…”
“It’s Conall. I’ve seen people shake on it, greeting someone that is. But, I don’t want to.” 


He stands up, I follow suit. 

He looks at me, his expression blank.

“You seem keen on looking like some kind of hero. Not me. If you back out of what we discussed… I won’t hesitate to put you in your place. In front of your ‘friends’ if I have to. I know what I am.”


“Sooner or later what you are will catch up, too.”