Paradoxal Ubiquitous

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
3 2144

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

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Part 1

Luna sighed as she padded over to the espresso machine that Dr. Artemis had mentioned having. As she waited for the machine to do it's thing her mind wandered. Why had they been explicitly asked for? They were fairly new to the guild honestly. Her gaze flicked over to where Spirit was having some sort of conversation with Dr. Artemis. Well Spirit was doing far more listening than talking, but it still counted. Finally the machine let her know it was done and she happily grabbed the cup in her paws and swirled it around. Ah sweet caffeine. She took a sip and felt the warmth travel through her. It was pretty good and nice to have after the traveling. Transportation via revaroom was a bit rough honestly; especially when she was trying to stop Spirit from flying off the entire time. Luna found herself so lost in her head that she didn't even hear the miraidon approach.

"Is there a particular reason you're over here all by yourself?" Dr. Artemis tilted his head at her in question.

Luna started and nearly dropped the cup in her paws. She glanced up at the much larger pokemon as Spirit wandered back over as well. The eevee shrugged and let her ears flop down. "Not much for me to do right now but wait. I don't really do-" She temporarily placed her cup down to gesture to the lab at large. "-all this. Science isn't really my thing."

"Well you don't really have to know much if you want to help. I'm more than happy to direct, so long as you're careful about it." The miraidon offered, tail slowly swaying behind him.

Luna looked down as she picked her cup back up and took another sip. "I guess..."

Spirit gently tapped her on the shoulder. "It could be fun." He said in a quiet voice, but Luna could pick up on the excitement starting to leak through. "It would be a nice change from what we normally do."

Luna glanced between the two of them and finally sighed. "Alright, alright. Let me finish this coffee and I'll help."

Dr. Artemis clapped his hands together as he shot her a happy look. "Excellent! I'll be glad for the help. I'll go ahead and get a couple things set up while you finish. Just come find me once you're done." He waved and started to walk off.

Sighing through her nose, Luna took another sip of her drink. While she honestly would prefer to just rest this had the potential to be interesting she supposed. Though honestly she didn't care all that much. She'd mostly agreed because of how excited Spirit seemed. Despite only knowing the dreepy for a short time, he'd managed to worm his way into her heart pretty efficiently. Basically she cared about him a lot, even if she didn't exactly show it. She'd defend the timid little thing with her life if it came down to it, but that was kinda morbid to think about.

"You ok?" Spirit asked after several minutes of silence.

"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?" Luna asked, blinking in surprise.

"You just seem..." He dragged a hand over his face. "Distracted?"

The eevee sighed. "Maybe a little." She admitted, letting her ears perk back up. "It's just a lot I guess. Getting pulled here to this world, working with the guild, and just being personally requested like this despite how new we are. It's almost a little overwhelming."

Spirit nodded. "Yeah... I'm a bit overwhelmed myself. I can only imagine how you're feeling. You sure you're ok to do this? I'm sure there are other teams who could..."

Luna waved off the concern after she placed her cup down. "No. Dr. Artemis asked for team Delver. So he's gonna get team Delver." She shot him a slightly cocky look. "I think we can do it."

Spirit lit up. "Yeah! We can do this."

After downing the last of her coffee Luna placed the cup in a nearby sink. "Alright. For now we have some experiments to help with right?" She turned around to look at the dreepy. After an enthusiastic nod, Spirit floated over to rest on her head. "Alright. Let's go see how we can help."