Good Girl

1 year, 2 months ago
191 4

my internet really keeps trying to cockblock me tonight

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The cool touch of a leather palm dragging agonizingly slow across the apples of flushed cheeks all but alleviated the heat from the usual porcelain skin. Thick and heavy mascara clad lashes fluttered close, leaning into the delicate touch reserved only for her by the sophisticated blonde leather-clad figure standing above her seated figure. Red hues concealed behind dark framed sunglasses hid the uncharacteristic softness as lips curled into a satisfactory smirk, gloved thumb brushing against kiss bruised lips which unconsciously parted slightly.

"Good girl," The gravely timber of his voice broke through the silence as a shiver danced across Amber's spine, breath hitching in her throat as Wesker closed the distance and dominated her lips in a fervently lip lock as his gloved index and thumb curled around the slim silver zipper laying against the curve of her breasts and slowly pulled down. "I did promise you a reward, didn't I?"

"Yes, sir," A shaky reply between baited breaths, the sound of the zipper breaking the silence as the cool flexible leather glove brushed across the curve of her breast, eliciting a whiny moan from the back of her throat.