The Realms - LORE

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
3 495

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

info about the different realms in the universe, ones accessible, and ones thought of to be myth

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Mirror Realm

"???? How'd you get in here? ...oh- you want to learn about my domain? well do i explain it to your little mind..." 

"I think this notebook is a bit outdated...who researched this place before you showed up??"

The Mirror realm, otherwise known as the Crystal dimension, is a strange link between every single world that connects your world to others. Its kinda like an infinite introduction to paradoxes and stuff like that- not much can be explained about it, as even I don't understand it fully but I suppose since I live here I'm the best to ask... you could say my realm is a...beta version or reflection of how alternate dimensions and universes actually form, also a link to the new technologies like teleportation..?? still dont get it? uhh...

ok so for instance there was a cat who looked into a reflection of herself in the water, and saw a completely different being staring back! but they were technically the same person, but from a different universe. they shared the same name but lived a different life-, get it now?

ughh..I cant even simplify this down, how's about you figure it out yourself k dearie? alright bye now!!

...How do you get out of here? do i have to do everything myself?"  *a magic blast seemed to absorb your body and you were whisked away...*