Valenbie CYA - Green String

1 year, 2 months ago

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A loud sigh echoed throughout the little hobbit hole home as a figure entered from down the ladder. The flower covered bie who owned said hobbit hole had quite the day today. So much excitement in such a bit of time. She hoped that Maple was able to heal well from their injuries, they seemed rather painful. She shuddered at the thought of those injuries happening to her, thank BieBie she’s a rather sturdy Necrobie. She made her way towards the ‘coffee’ table in the center of her space, which was covered in knick knacks from all her adventures. She honestly needed a bigger space for all her trinkets and treasures..

“Ok then..Let’s see what all the fuss was about with this parchment that Kijtol gave me..”

Edelweiss held her breath as she heard the quiet pop of the seal. The unexpected shimmering light causes her eyes to squint, trying to refocus her blurred vision. As she started making out what the ink showed, it confused her for a moment. She recognized nearly every landmark set on that map. A small gasp came from her lips as she saw what the notes within the map contained. These were places she personally knew. She felt a tug in her chest, it stung in a good way. She hadn’t thought about some of these places for a while..

The orphanage where she first popped to life, where she discovered what bravery was when she came to the defense of her owner when she was being bullied by the older kids. The home of said owner where she watched them grow into a strong woman and parted ways to fulfill their own adventures.

“Wow, I can’t believe she hadn’t been in my thoughts for a while..”

Before she could set further in the thought, even more places started to fill the map, more faces she knew. The Mayors, who she ran into during one of her travels. Where she encountered a world full of her own kind. She felt a sense of unity there, it made her happy and feel loved though none of them shared any sort of ‘blood relation’. Her little hobbit hole, she just picked the first space that wasn’t occupied. She didn’t even spend her first night there! She set out to explore her new surroundings and it was well a few days before she actually settled down.

“Ah look at that!”

To no one in particular she pointed at a picture. It was when she first joined N.E.T, she was posing by flexing and had a smile from ear to ear. It was so exciting and she was able to meet even more folks as driven as she was. Interacting with folks all around town, even if she didn’t get along with some, they still made the most out of any situation. Her friends, their images appeared as well, even ones she just made. Like that sweet forest dweller, Angel with her hoard of fuzzy was then she heard a voice..

“Your passions can give you meaning in life - and it's clear your adventure shows all your passion. And you aren't even done yet, are you? I cannot wait to read it~"


Edelweiss quickly turned and glanced around her home, but no one was there. Her claws tapped on her table, trying to process what that was, but instead came to a thought.

“No. I’m nowhere near done. Gehe~”

The bie grinned as she carefully put away the map, as new treasure to cherish and one that will keep up with all her crazy future adventures to come.

Steps Taken:

  • Follow the green string
  • Dive into a nearby ditch
  • Check if he’s okay
  • “What’s going on, Maple?”
  • "I'm a POWER member, I could have helped - but it wasn't on the Power Board?"
  • "What about Kijtol?"
  • "Of course."
  • Looks like it's time to go.
  • Head Towards the Clearing
  • Make it across.
  • Open the Map
  • The Green String slips along your arm, slipping amongst your stitches.