Of Shattered Legs and Strings Entwined

1 year, 2 months ago

Kijtol and Maple's ValenBie NET Prompt.

Adventures don't always have happy endings. Can this one turn around?

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Kijtol was quiet as he collected the little map. So this was what he was after? This was the magical item that had everything up in a tizzy? It was…smaller than he expected. Sure enough though, it sang of magic in his paw. The little spider was quiet, thoughtful as he studied it over and over.

“W-We should get back to-back to- back to our main event!” Squeaked Webby; the poor little Zentini was glitching wildly since getting smacked about. He worried a bit but trusted that the medic center could help him get everyone healed up. “We need to get back maple-maple- Maple sugar cereal, part of a balance breakfast!” 

Kijtol nearly dropped the map.


The trip back to the trench was short - or perhaps, it was the adrenaline of the moment that had the spider not remembering most of it. Adrenaline did a funny thing to the bugbie - he knew sparks were shooting off him as he bolted through the grass, but Webby was shut down so as to not overload, when had he done that? Not sure. It was just a blur, because he’d been so focused on the map he’d forgotten Maple how could he forget Maple

The noise he made was strangled as he found the dirty and torn meerkat plush trying to limp along. His leg was so cracked, it broke Kijtol’s little heart in twain, and he heard the cry that broke free of his squeaky little throat. Leaping into the trench, he was immediately supporting Maple, the two of them tumbling as Maple’s broken leg buckled.

“By Biebie—Kijtol, I’m so—”

Kijtol shook his head, just shifting them so Maple could lay in his lap. “No. Sorry. So sorry. I left.” So much emotion swelled in him.

“It’s okay. You continued our mission, right? What did…did you find it?” Maple’s voice was weak with pain, but he smiled as he always did.

“I…” he nodded silently, pulling out the map. Sitting Webby aside, he shifted to support Maple…and opened the map.

Destination after location showed, beautiful and bright. Their home - their home on Shop Street. The different adventures they went on with the N.E.T., sometimes together, sometimes alone. The way they traveled and learned, studied and saw the worlds. It was all here, laid out before them, a map of their travels. A log of their adventures.

Maple touched the map. “...it’s us, Kijtol. How…?”

“Magic,” he whispered, glancing to the Green String that had been guiding him. “....string’s magic.”

“Yeah….both of us chose the Green, eh…?” He smiled weakly, then eyes slowly faded shut. “I….I’m really hurting. I think I’ll take just a little nap…?”

“N-No, wait—” 

But Maple had already gone slack in his hold. Kijtol felt tears well up, and he whimpered silently before holding his friend tight, just silently waiting. The SOS responders would be here soon, right?

He almost didn’t notice the strange Bielike girl approaching….but she did, and the Green Strings wove into both his and Maple’s stitches as she spoke. She talked in riddles that made his head hurt….but then she shifted, and a gentle hand of smokey light touched Maple. “...he’ll heal. Your adventures are not over yet.”

Kijtol looked up at her with tears in his eyes. But she seemed so sure….it set him at ease. And so he held him tight and waited, hearing the other team approaching, calling their names. The strange girl smiled, and then he wasn’t sure where she went, but she was gone. The only thing that remained was the green strings that made his stitches feel tighter, in a way.

There were more adventures ahead….he’d trust in that.