Flower field

1 year, 2 months ago

For the Lunchbox lions CS

Prompt: Flower Field Featured Lunch Lions: Kage, Sutera, Kon, Peanut, Suto, Tekuta, Hugo, Juno, Cupid, Hakko, Matcha, Ube Featured Lunch Lion owners: tokkinight Word count: 10386 (includes all writing below the photo)

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An intricate blend of pale purples, pinks, and blue filled the sky- a compliment to the setting sun whose rays had become dulled by the night. It was nothing compared to a midsummer night or the rising of dawn but that didn’t stop it from being any less beautiful. A picture on a camera wouldn’t do this scenery justice so cherishing it at the moment was of utmost priority. If only it could stay this way. 

Kage didn’t feel like he belonged in this place. It wasn’t a feeling of ostracization but more the distasteful feeling of wasting time. But maybe he had worked hard enough, as the shadow monarch, to relax and take his time. Time. If only he could have more time. With a sigh he sunk into the dirt flooring beneath the flower patches that bloomed across the fields of grass, stretching for as far as his eyes could see. 

Kage thought that his purple shadows that clung to his mane and fur were unfit for such a beautiful night. He kneaded his paws into the cool misted dirt. He much preferred the dirt to the flowers. The maned wolf sneezed as pollen crept into his nose. He much preferred the dirt to the flowers. And as the wolf lay in the field of flowers he drifted off into slumber.

Sutera glanced at Kage, his once serious face and spikey demeanor now soft in sleep. In sleep, he looked peaceful, as if all his stresses and worries no longer existed. She sat next to him and sighed. If only she could relieve some of his duties. 

Her cloud-shaped lunch box tail swayed in the light breeze. It moved in rhythm with the pastel flowers. She didn’t spend much time in the daytime. Nighttime was her calling. Her neck was adorned with a giant celestial moon which hung on a midnight blue fabric. An outfit suitable for a crescent moon night. She had left her matching bow tie at home that usually was clipped to her hair and was nowhere to be found. Maybe she had left it near the front door. Her thoughts began to drift, eagerly influenced by the atmosphere of the flower fields. Sutera’s golden fur fluttered in the wind, flickering through her vision. Maybe if she just closed her eyes she could fall asleep here. 

Kon stared at the two sleeping lions. “Peanut!” he hissed, nudging at his older sister with a paw. “Why are those two together?” he asked, his voice sly and sneaky. The young lunch lion's eyes narrowed as he crouched down in the grass. He began to imitate a stalking motion.

Peanut snapped out of her daydreaming as her brother pushed at her. She looked at him and then looked at what his gaze was fixated on. “Stop it with that, Kon!” she said in a scolding tone. “Don’t bug them!” She grabbed Kon’s gray scruff and plopped him behind her. That was followed by an argumentative groan from Kon. “Here,” Peanut said, looking around for something to distract him with, “Let’s… make a daisy chain instead!” The brown lunch lion began to pick up flowers that stuck easily to her paws that were already slathered with jelly and peanut butter.

Kon stared at his sister in disbelief as he was taken out of his stalking position. He had worked hard on mastering the form! “I don’t want to make daisy chains,” he grumbled, staring at the mound of flowers that Peanut had already collected. “Isn’t there anything better to do? Why did we even come here anyway? This place is just a field of flowers!”

Peanut shook her head. Her brother was too young to realize the beauty of such a place. “Well if you’re so bored, you should find someone else to hang out with instead of just tagging along with me” Peanut contested. “I heard Matcha and Ube were going to be here”. She watched as her brother walked off, on a mission to find the other two lunch lions. 

Kage stirred in his sleep, suddenly aware of another lunch lion’s presence next to him. He shifted, not wanting to open his eyes. He couldn’t tell who it was, their scent was blocked by the overpowering smell of flowers and pollen. His eyes blinked open, his vision slightly blurred by the rays of the setting sun. Who was it? Sutera? He turned to fully face the lion by his side. His heart jumped a little as he stared at her. What was she doing here? She never came out before nightfall. His shadows relaxed, falling slowly onto the floor and spreading out their tendrils into the grasses. Kage hadn’t noticed her there before he had fallen asleep so she must’ve come during his slumber. His face heated up… how embarrassing. 

The maned wolf hoisted himself up into a sitting position, his limbs feeling weak from sleep. With a quick lick of his paw, he turned to face up to the sky. If he squinted, he could see the faint outline of the moon beginning to emerge in the dusk sky. In a field of flowers, he felt like a wilting weed. His gaze drifted to the horizon and lay there for a split second before his vision was blurred by his shadows. The breeze was picking up ever so slightly, enough to send a small chill down his spine. Kage glanced down at Sutera. ‘I wonder if she’s cold,’ He thought, his purple eyes glistening in the light. Her face was relaxed as she slept, and her golden star-colored hair spilled around her like a pool of gold. It would do no good waking her up now. Instead, she sat by her side, waiting for her to wake up when the moon was at its peak. 

It had taken all of Suto’s might to drag Tekuta out to the flower fields. He grimaced as he remembered the torture of trying to reassure Tekuta that his figures and Sanrio merchandise would be safe at home. He had watched as Tekuta reluctantly stepped out of the door and followed him out, glancing back every couple of seconds to make sure that no one had broken in. They had negotiated on bringing one Cinnamoroll keychain. Suto had figured that it was small enough to not be a bother in the beautiful field of flowers. 

Tekuta grumbled to himself as he swung his Cinnamoroll keychain back and forth. He would have preferred to bring a Kuromi plush but Suto had quickly shut that idea down, not even trying to entertain it for one second. The lunch lion huffed as he shuffled behind Suto, not caring to look at the view in front of him. His paws sank into the dirt floor beneath him, a little damp from the dews that clung to the green grass. Tekuta stopped for a second to throw his Cinnamoroll keychain into his Hello Kitty lunchbox in an attempt to keep it safe from the dirty surroundings. If he had known that this is what it would be like, he wouldn’t have ever let Suto drag him out of his home.

Suto nudged Tekuta with a paw, signaling for him to look up at the field of flowers that surrounded them. His eyes narrowed at Tekuta’s obnoxious growls. Usually, Tekuta was sweet and bouncy, always on the move and willing to do anything. But apart from his beloved merchandise, he was a nightmare to be around. Suto sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought him with me. With a shake of his head, he continued on, not looking back to check if Tekuta was still following him. Why let such a damp spirit ruin the mood? He looked out at the infinite fields of green, blues, yellows, and pinks. From their viewpoint, he could see the outline of Kage and Sutera. He turned to face West. Was that Peanut? He squinted harder as he began to recognize her form. But where was Kon?

Tekuta stared at the dirt floor and sat down, his legs tired from walking. He looked up and realized that he had lost track of where Suto had gone. The Protector of Sanrio’s belly grumbled as he realized he had not eaten anything that day. As he reached his paw into his lunchbox in search of a Sanrio-themed cookie the tall grasses ahead of him began to shake. Tekuta launched up into a standing position, his back fur prickled up and his pelt no longer smooth. He must protect his Cinnamoroll keychain. 

Kon stumbled through the tall grasses in search of Matcha and Ube. Didn’t Peanut say that they were going to be around here somewhere? The small lunch lion sifted through the flower field but quickly got lost. Without his older sister to help him, he realized that his navigation abilities severely lacked. Right as Kon was about to give up, he heard a rumbling sound. A monster? Kon dropped into a stalking position, just as he had done when he spotted Kage and Sutera. He wiggled his lunch box in the air as he approached the noise. After a couple of heartbeats, Kon launched himself out of the tall grasses and pounced, jumping onto a creature. 

“Be gone!” he mewed, his voice as loud as it could be. His small paws batted at the creature's chest. 

Tekuta yelped as he was tackled by a small monster, his body falling onto the grassy flooring and his Cinnamoroll keychain flying out of his lunch box. The lunch lion yelled as he scurried up towards his keychain, making sure that it was still intact and clean. He reeled around to face whatever had jumped on top of him. “Kon?” He said, his voice filled with rage. “What are you doing here?” He looked around frantically, not for Suto but for Peanut. “And where is your older sister?” Tekuta scowled. 

Kon screeched as he was flung away from the creature. He blinked a couple of times, his dark blue eyes shining in the last beams of light. “Tekuta?” He said incredulously. “You’re telling me that you’re not some huge creature!?” The small lunch lion huffed in disappointment as he kneaded his paws into the ground. Kon looked around before answering Tekuta. “I don’t know where she went. I left her to find something more interesting to do!” He said rather proudly, puffing out his chest. “She said that Matcha and Ube were around here somewhere”. Kon looked around again as if the two lions were going to appear out of nowhere. “Why are you here? You almost never come to these things.” Kon tilted his head before his gaze landed on Tekuta. He watched as the bigger lunch lion caressed his keychain. “It’s so silly that you’re so obsessed with those little trinkets!” Kon stuck his tongue out, feeling superior to Tekuta. 

Tekuta sighed as he realized his keychain was in fine condition. “This is not just a little trinket,” He said, refraining from hissing at Kon. He took a deep breath. He needed to remember that this was just a little kid. He coughed as the pollen seeped into his nose. “Yeah, you’re right. Suto dragged me out here but now that I think about it… I have no idea where he went.” Tekuta looked around before placing his keychain back into his lunchbox. He made sure to zip it up this time. Saying Suto’s name seemed to have drawn a reaction from Kon, seeing as the little lunch lion’s ears perked up. “Let’s go find him together?” Tekuta said, standing up and shaking his fur. He would need to take a long shower after this. “Follow me, Kon” He huffed, nudging Kon on the shoulder with his paw. Tekuta continued to trudge on, only checking once and a while to see if the mischievous little lunch lion was following behind him. 

Hugo rolled down the grassy hill, his paws tucked close to his body. His orange juice mane flowed between the grasses and flowers, leaving a trail of orange behind him. He sighed as he tucked his small wings in to gain more speed. The lunch lion huffed. He should have brought a picnic blanket… It would have been a beautiful day to eat in the fields. Hugo looked up the hill as he reached the bottom, waiting for Juno to come tumbling down. But he never did. Now concerned, Hugo began his ascent up the hill, stopping every couple of tail lengths to catch his breath. He hadn’t realized how steep the flowery hill was when he was rolling down. At least he would be able to roll it down again. 

Juno stared into space… or more specifically, stared into the sky. He was mesmerized by the blend of colors in the sky, entranced by their eternal beauty. While the flowers were just as beautiful, this was something different. Juno was snapped out of the moment as he heard a voice call his name. His heart grew warm as the voice grew closer, a honey-smooth voice that made his ears tingle. The scent of oranges filled his nose, overpowering whatever scent of flowers that had been picked up. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing from their previously tense state. In Hugo’s presence, Juno felt fully at home. 

As Hugo hoisted himself over the last dirt mound, he laid his gaze on the one he loved the most… his dear Juno. He watched as Juno looked over at him and his heart melted at the sight of Juno’s smile. Juno never smiled and he never frowned. He mostly had a face that was in constant neutrality. But in the rare events that Juno smiled, it was only ever with him. Hugo stopped in his tracks, his tupper ware paws tired from lugging his body up the hill. He waited for Juno to bound towards him and sure enough in a couple of heartbeats, Juno was there, walking beside him. A couple of words were exchanged along the lines of “Where were you” and “I missed you'' but they mostly just enjoyed each other’s presence. It was the beauty of their love. Perfectly captured and complemented in a field of flowers.

Juno stopped for a moment to pluck a daisy from the ground. Maybe it wasn’t a daisy but it was some sort of milky white flower. A flower pretty enough to give to Hugo. He slid the flower in between Hugo’s mane and his ear so it was perched nicely and visibly on his head. His ears perked up as Hugo spoke. 

“Juno,” Hugo repeated. Juno had been rather spacey today… more than usual. Just what was that lunch lion thinking? “Hey, love,” Hugo said again, hoping that he would draw Juno’s attention. He watched as Juno looked over to him, his white plush wings moving with his body. 

“I was just wondering if you knew if anyone else was coming here today,” Hugo said. He felt bad, hoping that he hadn’t made Juno think that it was something too urgent. “I was just curious in case we felt like saying hi” Hugo explained. He looked down at his paws briefly, staring at the oranges underneath. 

Juno thought for a second before responding. “I think Kiui said earlier that he was planning to come with Puru”. He waited for Hugo to look back up at him. “I don’t know if they decided to go through with it though… we could always look around and look?” Juno gave a slight smile, his gaze meeting Hugo’s. With a paw, Juno played with Hugo’s mane. “Does that sound okay, Gogo?” He tilted his head slightly in an inquisitive manner. After hearing Hugo’s delighted response he began to walk down the hill. “Let’s walk down the hill this time,” Juno said before Hugo could get into a rolling position. The tall and silent lunch lion did not, and would never, admit that he was scared of rolling down the steep grassy hill littered with thousands of pretty flowers. He was too scared of crushing one of the beautiful flowers. 

Sutera blinked as she woke up from her deep sleep. Her pale gold eyes flickered, akin to the colors of the setting sun. If a lunch lion could be beauty, she encompassed it all. As she stretched, her body slid across the grassy floors, comforted by the soft dirt bed beneath her. She let her golden mane spill around her, the tendrils wrapping around the stems of the flowers in the area. As she inhaled, the sweet smells of a booming spring flooded in. A promise that all was going to be okay. 

Her heart skipped a beat as she turned to her side, realizing that she had fallen asleep next to another. Sutera stared at Kage and a hoard of purple-tinted shadows stared back at her. She opened her mouth to say something but not a single word came out. Instead, she closed her gaping jaw and quickly turned away, her still heartbeat now beating at an increasingly fast rhythm. Ba dum Ba dum Ba dum. 

Kage had been staring at Sutera as she slept, watching the rhythm of her breathing move with the wind. The gentle lift of her ribcage as she inhaled her hair was in sync with the billowing flowers and trees in the distance. Unlike Kage, she was in tune with the nature around her, as if she was a product of it. His heart jumped as he watched her stir from sleep. He looked away fast, his face red from embarrassment as he realized what he had been doing. Using a clean paw, he attempted to brush away the clinging shadows from his face. Hopefully, she hadn’t noticed his gaze. 

Hugo squinted into the distance as he walked side by side with Juno. Occasionally, their pelts would brush up against each other and their wings would bump into one another. He cherished those moments. “Is that Sutera and Kage?” He thought out loud as he stared into the field of flowers. They were too far away to truly tell. I’ve never seen the two of them together before. He thought to himself, his head tilting slightly. Maybe a blooming romance? The lunch lion huffed in laughter. No way, Kage wasn’t the type to have a racing heartbeat. “Hey, Juno,” Hugo said, bumping into his love “Let’s head that way.”

The field of flowers stretched before him, a cast expanse of color and beauty. As far as the lunch lion’s eyes could see, there were flowers of every hue and shape, all swaying gently in the breeze. It was as if he had stepped into a dream world, where the air was filled with the sweet scent of nature, and every moment was a moment of wonder. The flowers themselves were a marvel to behold. Some were tall and proud, standing straight and true, while others were delicate and dainty, their petals like feathers. Compared to the anemones and corals of the ocean, it was indescribable. Some flowers were brightly colored, while others were more muted, but all of them were stunning in their own way. Each flower seemed to have its own personality, its own unique beauty. The more Hakko explored the field, the more homesick he felt about the lands of the ocean. His bioluminescent aquatic parts felt out of place. 

Hakko walked through the field, having felt as though he had entered a secret garden, a place where his worries about the world would not and could not follow. The grass and dirt were soft beneath his paws and the flowers brushed gently against his legs. The setting sun was still warm on the fur of his back as the breeze carried the sounds of birds singing and burrowing rabbits. 

Hakko marveled at the sheer variety of flowers that surrounded him. There were daisies with their bright yellow centers and white petals, and delicate little bluebells that seemed to dance in the wind. Hakko began to sway in rhythm, his bioluminescent mane following suit. There were roses of every color, from deep red to soft pink, and lilies with their elegant blooms. To him, it was nothing like under the ocean. There were poppies with their fiery red petals and black centers, and lavender with its soothing mellow scent.

Hakko closed his eyes as his mind drifted off to home. His ears were no longer filled with the sounds of the creatures around him but rather of the beachy oceans where he came from. The beauty of water and what lies beneath it is truly mesmerizing. Water, in all its forms, has an irresistible pull on the world around it. It can be calm and peaceful, or it can be wild and untamed, but regardless of its state, it is always breathtaking. One of the most enchanting aspects of the water in Hakko’s opinion was the way that it was able to reflect the light. The sun’s rays glisten on the surface of the water to create an ever-changing array of colors and patterns. It’s a dance of light and shadow that is both calming and invigorating. The reflections of the sky and the clouds create a serene atmosphere. Even at night, the beams from the moon had a similar and equally stunning effect. 

But the real magic to Hakko was what lies beneath. He could imagine what he would see if he were to dip his head below the water and enter a whole new world of color, movement, and life. It was nothing like the land above. It was its own ecosystem. Schools of fish darting in and out of view, each one more vibrant and unique than the last, no two fish the same. Coral reefs burst with colors, each one seemingly painted by a master artist. Even the seafloor was beautiful, littered with shells, rocks, and treasures, each with a story. 

As Hakko re-opened his eyes and inhaled, his heart grew heavy. He missed the tranquility that water brought. The hush of the waves, the gentle swaying of the seaweed beneath the water, and the soft whispers of all the fish and sea creatures. An unforgettable and indescribable environment. But, at some point, he would need to learn to love his new home, no matter how different it was from the familiarity of the sandy beaches and the billowing waters. As he continued to wander through the field of flowers he realized that this was a good starting point, a great place to explore the world around him and learn to be comforted in a different environment. He gazed at the field around him, a living tapestry woven by nature itself. 

The colors of the flowers seemed to shift and change as the sun moved across the sky. At one moment, the flowers were bathed in golden light, their colors rich and vibrant. At another, they were cast in shadow, their petals soft and muted. Their effect was like watching a painting come to life. 

Juno walked alongside Hugo, not really sure where they were going. When Hugo had asked him a question he was too focused on where he was stepping rather than what his love was saying. He shook his head, his milky white mane blurring his vision for a split second. All of a sudden, the pair came to a halt, Juno almost tripping over his own paws. He looked down at Hugo in confusion, finding nothing remarkable about where they were. With a hiss from Hugo to duck down, Juno stared ahead through the tall grasses that now covered his frame of vision. “What are we looking…” he began before Hugo’s paw covered his muzzle. “Why do we keep doing that?” Juno asked, his words mumbled. 

Hugo stopped in his tracks as they got closer to Kage and Sutera. He signaled Juno to sit and be quiet, his juice box tail peeking through the grass and flower beds. As he stared at the pair, obviously in love but too shy to admit it, he heard a rustle of grass behind him. Hugo’s head spun, his orange juice mane flicking into Juno’s face, no doubt splattering his love with orange juice. He refrained from laughing a little. It was too cruel to find a comedy. 

Cupid wiggled through the fields. He had stumbled across Kage and Sutera sleeping in the flower fields together and decided to observe the two of them. Cupid went wherever love was. Not soon after they awoke did he realize that there was another pair of lovers just tail length away. Cupid pounced onto Cupid giving a quick “Boo!” His heart warmed as he watched the orange lunch lion realize who it was and quickly glanced over at his partner whose smile had quickly disappeared in Cupid’s presence. Juno had never been a big fan of Cupid, finding his interest in other lions’ “lovey-dovey romance” a little strange. 

“Are you watching them too?” Cupid asked, pointing a light purple paw in Kage and Sutera’s direction. He laughed when he saw Hugo nod. Cupid turned to Juno and looked him up and down. ‘Want a cookie?” Cupid reached for a heart-shaped cookie that he had freshly baked. His tea stand tail was full of them. Baking was one of his hobbies, besides being a couple stalker. The purple lunch lion frowned as Juno turned him down and instead handed the cookie to Hugo who gladly devoured it within seconds. “At least someone appreciates me around here” Cupid jokes, his voice sounding exasperated. “Wanna get closed?” Cupid said sneakily, bumping his shoulder into Hugo’s shoulder. “I want to hear what they are talking about!” 

Juno scowled at the pair of them. Cupid had an awful influence on Hugo… the gateway to fueling Hugo’s nosiness into other lions’ business. He sighed as he watched the two of them sneak away closer to Kage and Sutera. The big lunch lion sat down, a bit of his stuffing falling onto the dirt underneath him. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be long but he knew they wouldn’t be back until their curiosity was satiated. Juno shook his head, his paw grazing over the flowers waiting for Gogo to return. 

Sutera brushed her paw through a bundle of flowers, doing anything in her power to avoid eye contact with Kage. Her face heated up as her heartbeat began to race, pounding faster and faster by the second. Hopefully, he couldn’t hear. She glanced in his direction for a moment to make sure he wasn’t paying attention and sighed. She stared at him for a couple of seconds, admiring his beauty. While she loved the daytime and the light the sun brought… there was something so comforting to her about the night and his stars. Kage’s purple shadowy tendrils comforted her, a reflection of the night sky. If only he was able to realize it. She shook her head, waking herself up from the trance that she had been lulled into. Her cheeks grew hot with shame, realizing that she had been staring at Kage without his knowledge, and returned her gaze to her paws and the flowers around her. Who would have thought in a field of flowers that she would have developed feelings for another? 

Kage could feel her gaze on his back but refused to turn around. He knew that it would only fluster her so he let her stare. No doubt she was judging his shadowy presence. He sighed, his shoulders hunched. If only he wasn’t reminded every other minute that he didn’t belong in such a space. As he felt her gaze drift away, he looked in her direction. He watched as her golden mane covered her face when she looked down as if it was curtaining her away from the light. Even in the rays of the sun, her golden fur glistened. He wished he could see it at night. He knew that she would look infinitely more beautiful. Kage’s purple eyes watched Sutera as she dragged her paws through the grass. He had never been so close to her, watching every detail as she moved, every piece of fur swaying in the wind. 

“You forgot your bows?” Kage said bluntly, the words escaping from his mouth, lingering at the tip of his tongue as if taunting him. He watched as Sutera jumped a little, her head whipping up. His heart began to beat faster as he watched her face redden and grow flush. “Uh, I just noticed since you always have them in,” Kage said, his words quickly and mushed together as he hurried to come up with some excuse. It was not any sort of lie--after all, Sutera always had her two blue bows in. 

Sutera’s heart came to a halt as she heard Kage’s voice. His voice was smoother and huskier than she had remembered. What a soothing voice… Sutera’s face grew red as she looked at Kage. Self-consciously, she covered the base of her left ear with a paw, where one of her blue bows usually hung. “I forgot them at home,” She said, her words quiet and shy. She repeated herself again, this time a bit louder to make sure that he could hear. “Sorry for falling asleep earlier. I hope that you weren’t awake too long on your own” Sutera apologized, dipping her head down slightly in an apologetic manner. The lunch lion yawned. “I’m just so used to sleeping during the daytime to being awake at night that I couldn’t control myself,” Sutera said, rambling on now. Too much information, Sutera… she thought to herself. Internally she was bonking her head against the wall.  

“No need to apologize,” Kage said hurriedly. “I was actually quite surprised to wake up and see you outside before the moon had risen,” he joked, trying to avoid the gaze of her pale golden eyes. “What brings you out to the flower fields so early?” He asked, his head cocked to the side slightly. 

“I just wanted to look at the flowers. After all, at the beginning of spring, new plant growth is born. I guess I just spent so much time at night that I wanted a change of pace. Something… unfamiliar” She explained, hoping that it all made sense to him. She was relieved to see him nodding along. Did he feel something similar? She continued to explain, words rolling off her tongue like honey as she drifted into the stories that led her to this point. Maybe in return, he would say something about himself. Whatever the case was, she just felt the need to get closer. 

Like two flowers in a field of flowers, a shining marigold and a shadowed clustered bellflower, they moved in harmony. Both sway with the wind in a synchronized rhythm. 

Tekuta plopped himself down onto the ground, his paws growing tired. How fast had Suto walked to get this far already? He looked at Kon whose energy had served him well. The little lunch lion was still fully on all four paws. If only Tekuta had that much energy right now. The protector of Sanrio sighed. “We can’t find anyone!” Tekuta exclaimed. “Hey, Kon,” Tekuta called, “Stand on that rock right there and tell me if you see anyone. '' He instructed, pointing with the paw at a large boulder. Tekuta stood up and walked over to it. “Here, I’ll give you a boost,” He said, crouching down to let Kon stand on him. He waited for a second until he boosted Kon up. “Do you see anyone?” He asked, wanting to see for himself. 

Kon scrambled up Tekuta’s back and onto the gray boulder. A couple of pebbles crumbled off beneath his paws. The gray lunch lion squinted into the distance, trying to scour the area around him. Kon grumbled. “I see two lunch lions and three more that are walking them from a distance.” He said, hoping that he was making out the figures correctly. He lifted his muzzle into the air and after one deep breath immediately recognized the scents. “It’s Kage, Sutera, Cupid, Hugo, and Juno!” He exclaimed. By far, Hugo’s citrus scent was the most recognizable. He hopped down from the boulder, ignoring Tekuta’s help. “Let’s go over towards them!” He said, jumping with each step. He didn’t look to see if Tekuta was following him and darted into the tall grasses. 

Cupid watched the two love birds intently. It was like watching two rabbits run away from each other when their final destination was right in front of them. He huffed, glancing at Hugo to make sure he was seeing what he was seeing. “What do you think…? Should I give them a little push?” Cupid asked, glancing back at his tower of cookies behind him. He liked to think that his cookies, baked with “Cupid’s love” could help with anything… including these two little love birds. He scrambled to get closer to the two before stopping when he felt Hugo’s paw on his shoulder. 

“I think that you should let them figure it out this time,” Hugo whispered, genuinely. Most of the time, he would have loved to pry with Cupid but for some reason, this case seemed a little bit different. “I want to watch these two figure it out on their own… like a slow-burn romance,” He explained as if he were reading a novel. He watched Cupid retract back to his side, clearly disappointed that he wouldn’t get to see his heart-shaped cookies in action. “We can use them another time,” Hugo said in a reassuring voice. He grabbed another one and stuffed it into his mouth with an orange paw. “Man, these are good!” The orange lunch lion licked his lips, trying to collect all the leftover crumbs. “You gotta show me how to make these one day!” Hugo laughed as Cupid defensively told them that the recipe was a family “secret” and together they went back to watching. 

Juno continued to play with the flowers beneath him as he waited for Gogo and Cupid to return. It would be nightfall by the time they finished but he would wait as long as necessary. His ears perked up as he heard a sound from the grass. His light brown eyes flicked as he watched two lions emerge from the grasses. “Hi Kon. Hi Tekuta” he said, dipping his head at the both of them as they walked out. “What brings you too here?” He asked, tilting his head to the side a little. There were definitely a lot of lunch lions here… more than he had originally anticipated. Was there a reason why everyone was really gathering today?

Tekuta opened his mouth to greet Juno before Kon began to speak. He listened as Kon told an exaggerated tale of his exploration in the field of flowers, explaining how he had purposely wandered from his sister and bumped into Tekuta and how the two of them had been searching for Suto this whole time. By the time the little lunch lion had finished speaking, he was fully out of breath, panting as he collapsed onto the cool dirt floor. “Kon said all that I was thinking,” Tekuta confirmed, sitting down across from Juno. “What brings you here then? I assume that Hugo is somewhere nearby?”

Juno nodded his head. “Gogo and Cupid are over there,” He said, pointing a brown paw in the westward direction to where they were stalking Kage and Sutera. Juno and Hugo could almost never be seen apart, it was very rare to see one without the other. Even though Juno’s quiet and strong demeanor was sometimes off-putting, his love for Hugo was very apparent to every lunch lion around. Juno watched Tekuta nod his head, looking curious as to why Cupid and Hugo looked like they were on a secret mission. Juno launched into his own tale, nowhere close to as exaggerated and enthusiastic as Kon’s tale.

Suto wandered around the field of flowers, inhaling all of the sweet scents around him. He had lost track of Tekuta but didn’t particularly mind. The protector of Sanrio was dampening his positive spirit. As he walked through the field of flowers, the most eye-catching part was the explosion of color. All around him, the air was alive with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, enhanced by the season of spring. The ground beneath his paws was soft, a velvety carpet of vibrant green and pale yellows. The tall slender stems of the arching flowers swayed gently in the breeze, bearing clusters of delicate flowers in various shades of pink, purple, yellow, and white. The sun’s golden rays filtered through the leaves, casting a warm and inviting glow onto the dirt below. 

The sight of the endless sea of flowers was awe-inspiring, and the sounds of the rustling leaves and humming bees soothed his ears. The air was alive, a prominent but gentle hum of activity as insects and birds moved from one bloom to another, gathering nectar and pollen. As if conversing with each other, the world moved in harmony. As he strolled through the field of flowers a wave of tranquility and peace washed over him. It was impossible to not feel happy when surrounded by such beauty. The flowers danced in the wind. Suto wanted to dance with them. Paw after paw, he moved with elegance in the field of flowers, moving to the beat of his heart, the beat of the dirt below him, the beat of mother nature. He couldn’t help but stop and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounded him as he breathed in the fresh air. He wanted to become beautiful, to become one with the world around him. 

Suto’s dancing came to a stop as he bumped into something. A tree? No. He glanced over, his eyes opening wide. They flicked in the sunlight. “Oh! I’m sorry,” Suto exclaimed, dipping his head apologetically. He looked up towards a green lunch lion, looking at his pointed ears and plastic bag tail full of matcha cookies. Beside him stood a purple lunch lion, but this time with ube roots in his lunch bag tail. “I’m Suto,” He said, introducing himself to the new faces. “I got so lost in the beauty of the field around me that I got rather clumsy and unaware of my surroundings” he explained, hoping that they would understand. 

Matcha was so lost in conversation that he barely noticed that something had bumped into him. As the new lunch lion introduced himself, Matcha looked over, pausing his conversation with Ube. “I’m Matcha!” He said with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t taken away by the beauty of the field of flowers either” he said, trying to reassure Suto. “This right here,” he said, pointing to his companion, “is…”

“I’m Ube!” the purple lunch lion said, interjecting Matcha. “Hey! I can introduce myself” He said with a scowl toward his friend. “It’s nice to meet you” Ube dipped his head in respect and greeting. “Matcha and I have been best of friends since we can remember” Ube inhaled, taking in Suto’s scent. “Hey,”  Ube started, “He smells like-”

“Tekuta!” Matcha exclaimed, interrupting Ube. Matcha inhaled deeply too. Sure enough, there was a faint smell of Tekuta. “Do you know Tekuta?” He asked, his head tilting to the side as he attempted to find out their relationship. Matcha stood up to walk closer to Suto. 

Suto nodded, confused as to why and how Tekuta would know these two lunch lions. “Yeah, he’s one of my best friends. I was just with him” Suto explained, not wanting to launch into the whole tale about how he had left behind Tekuta since he had been complaining so much about dragging him out of the house. “Although, I don’t know where he went,” He said, his voice wandering off as he suddenly came concerned about his friend's whereabouts. “Did you want to come with me to find him?” Suto offered. With a nod from Ube and Matcha, they began their journey to find the Sanrio lover and whatever companions that he may have joined up with. 

Peanut sighed as she wandered around the field of flowers, her concerns about her brother’s safety and location growing by the minute. She held down the growing urge and desire to call out his name but knew that if she did that he would only want to run away farther. I should bring a leash next time she thought. She followed that thought with a big sigh. Before she was about to give up, Kon’s scent flooded in and her trot turned into a sprint. With a skidding halt, she stopped inches away from her brother’s flank, panting as peanut butter and jelly splattered in multiple directions. 

“KON!” she said, her sisterly concern being overwhelmed by her immediate rage. An understandable reaction to such a situation. “Where have you been, you scared me!!” She smacked his head with a paw, leaving a peanut butter paw print on the middle of his face. She listened to him as he told her his tale, all while licking off the peanut butter splatter. Her heartbeat died down and her current emotion was replaced with embarrassment. She went silent as she watched Juno and Tekuta stare at the ground, not wanting to get in the middle of their little sibling spat. “Next time, don’t wander off like that” She hissed slightly, batting him with a paw one more time. She watched as Kon nodded and stuck out his tongue at her. She stuck her tongue back out at him. 

The group of lions, Juno, Tekuta, Kon, and now, Peanut, all turned around as they smelled three more scents coming into the area. “Matcha and Ube!” Kon yelped, sprinting in their direction. “Oh, hi Suto,” He said, quickly dismissing the butter and toast lunch lion to go tell his tale to Matcha and Ube.  As Kon spoke, Suto made his way to the rest of the group, making his way to Tekuta to scold him as well--just as Peanut had done with Kon. 

Juno looked around, now feeling out of place with the giant group of lunch lions. His heart ached as he began to miss Gogo. But he didn’t have to miss him for long before Hugo was cuddled up next to him, right by his side. Juno sank into his warmth. “You two were gone for a while. I hope that you didn’t mess anything up” He said, prodding Hugo’s shoulder with a paw. Hugo told Juno about what he and Cupid had seen, reassuring Juno that he had kept Cupid from messing with Kage and Sutera. Juno’s brown eyes watched as Cupid entered the group, introducing himself to everyone. The brown lunch lion hadn’t known that Cupid only knew Juno and Hugo.  Soon enough, everyone was munching on Cupid's heart-shaped cookies, laughing at all of Cupid’s past love adventures. 

Kage’s ear twitched as a flood of voices began to get louder. “Do you hear all that?” He asked Sutera. His suspicions were confirmed by a nod from the other lunch lion. He had thought that they were the only ones there. He sighed and got up, his limbs sore from sitting in one position for too long. “Here, let’s go and check it out,” He said, his shadowy tendrils beckoning for Sutera to follow. He watched as she stood up slowly, obviously sore as well. He smiled at her slightly. If only she knew that not everyone got to see him smile. He waited for her to walk beside him and together they made their way to the group of voices. 

Sutera walked side-by-side with Kage, occasionally bumping into his pelt. Each time they bumped shoulders or sides, she savored the warmth and feeling. If only she weren’t too shy to say something. She shook off the feelings and continued to walk. As they got closer to the voices, she could start to distinguish all the scents. “Wow, there’s a lot of lunch lions here” She murmured to herself, not sure if Kage was able to hear her. As they pushed through the tall grasses into the flower bed clearing she smiled, immediately recognizing everyone’s faces. Everyone made their way to greet her, most of them not saying anything to Kage. Sutera felt a pang in her heart. Was this how Kage was always treated? She bumped him playfully in the shoulder, hoping to see his smile again but he looked away. Sutera’s smile faltered but she continued to keep it up for the sake of the other lunch lions around her.  

Kage scowled slightly as he realized how many lunch lions were there. He watched as they all went to greet Sutera. Only Juno greeted him. For that, Kage was happy. Kage was never the type of lunch lion to love social interaction, finding it too overwhelming and distasteful to engage in. But for Sutera, he would endure it. He looked away for a split second, wanting to look somewhere other than a lunch lion’s face. “Why is everyone here?” He said, rather abruptly. The group went silent as they all stared at him. Kage looked around, his purple eyes scanning all their reactions. “What? It was a genuine question.”

“So he speaks!” Cupid said, laughing. “I had no idea that you could talk, Kage, honestly” He joked, breaking the silence immediately. The purple lunch lion walked up to him with a cookie in his paw. “Want one?” He offered, handing over his heart-shaped delicacy. He watched as Kage shook his head. Cupid frowned. “Ok Mr. Grumpy Pants. No wonder you only talk to Juno” Cupid said, placing the once-offered cookie back onto his tea stand tail. Cupid bumped Kage’s shoulder, just as Sutera had done. Not intimidated at all by the maned wolf and his lean legs. Cupid looked up at Kage’s face, not registering the fact that Kage was almost twice his height. “Hey, let me talk to you in private,” Cupid said… a demand, not a request. The purple lunch lion smiled mischievously as Kage rolled his eyes and gave in. A true matchmaker… no, a true medler. 

Kage followed Cupid into the tall grasses, away from the group of lunch lions. Kage sighed in relief, glad that he was no longer around such a giant and loud mass. His head whipped back around towards Cupid, his shadowy mane now flaring. “What did you want?” the maned wolf sighed, tired of all of Cupid’s antics. He watched as the purple lunch lion dragged his paw through the dirt, drawing what looked like to be a plump heart with a cupid’s bow through it. Kage growled and used his own black paw to erase it from the ground. “I’m just going to leave if you don’t start speaking,” He said, the words coming out with a slight bark. 

“Fine, fine!” Cupid explained. “But there was no reason to erase my beautiful lovely drawing,” He said with a slight huff. He shook his head and looked up at the maned wolf with a smile. “What I want is to know what is going on with you, Mr., and Ms. Sutera,” He said, his words rolling off his tongue like smooth honey. If Cupid were a rattlesnake, Kage would definitely be able to see his rattle shaking, the venom dripping from his teeth. Cupid waited expectantly for an answer, staring at the now dumbfounded look on Kage’s face. The maned wolf’s composure had disappeared the moment Cupid had said Sutera’s name. The purple lunch lion had gotten the answer that he had wanted. 

“I see that you haven’t changed one bit” Kage drawled on, his shocked expression quickly being replaced by a scowl. “I’m not in the mood for your jokes and schemes,” he said, in a dismissive tone. Although he was trying not to show it, the maned wolf’s heart was beating at a rapid pace. Why had Cupid mentioned her? “Just because I walked into the flower bed clearing with her doesn’t mean that there is anything going on,” He said, closing his eyes as if this whole situation was making his head hurt. In reality, he didn’t want Cupid to see his eyes which were most likely going to expose the fact that he was lying. “Just leave it be,” He said, flicking his paw at Cupid. He stalked off, away from the group and away from Cupid. Little did the maned wolf know that a golden-maned lunch lion was listening in the whole time that he and Cupid spoke. Her once hope-filled heart was now shattered into a million different pieces. 

Hakko continued to wander along the field of flowers, stopping once in and while to stare at an insect he had never seen before. This unfamiliar environment was so intriguing with its wonderful forms of life that couldn’t be found at the beach. While he was used to hearing the sound of cawing seagulls, the songs of birds in a harmonious tune were just as comforting. The beauties of the land were… impressive. He stuck his tongue out, panting slightly. It had been a couple of hours since he had stopped for water. Now all he needed to do was find water, preferably a flowing stream so the water was fresh instead of stagnant. As he wandered along, one paw after another, he began to hear the flowing water. He was close. He picked up the pace, his throat growing dryer with the increasing minutes. The lunch lion came to a skidding halt as he ran up to the stream, aggressively lapping up the flowing water. It cooled his throat, quenching his thirst. 

Hugo looked over, startled by the sudden noise. He peered over towards the stream that they all sat beside, wondering if anyone was there. He looked back to the group seeing that they had all noticed the presence of another lunch lion as well. Curiously, the orange juice lunch lion got up from his spot next to Juno, reassuring him that he would be back soon. Hugo padded over closer to the stream, in hopes of a better glance at the newcomer. The scent was salty, a salty but sweet smell. Definitely not from around here. Hugo called out once. Then again. He blinked, confused as to why he wasn’t met with a response. Maybe it had been a rabbit, a bird, or some other creature. 

“Is anyone there?” Hugo called out finally. After being met with silence yet again, the orange lunch lion began to turn back towards the group. Slightly disappointed, he made his way. But right before he was able to walk through the tall grasses again, he heard the steps of another. Quickly, Hugo whipped around his head, orange juice flying everywhere from his mane. ”Oh, I’m sorry!” Hugo said hurriedly, quickly embarrassed that he had smacked the unknown lunch lion with his orange juice. 

Hakko smiled, looking at the orange-colored lunch lion. “All good” Hakko said, dipping his head back in greeting towards the unknown stranger. Quickly, he jumped into the stream to watch off the citrus liquid that coated his bioluminescent seaweed mane. After a couple of seconds, he hopped out, and shook his fur, watching the shocked expression of the stranger. “I’m new to the land, I come from beachy sea territories. My name is Hakko” Hakko explained, giving a reason as to why he was so comfortable jumping into the water. “My fur will allow me to dry quickly, I have adapted”. 

Hugo nodded. “Nice to meet you, Hakko! My name is Hugo. I’m here with a giant group and if you would like I could introduce you to all of them. They would all love to meet you” Hugo said eagerly, hoping that Hakko would say yes and come with him. With a nod from the sea-themed lunch lion, he led him to the group of lunch lions that he had come with. 

Hugo padded into the clearing, with Hakko by his side. “Hi, again everyone. This is Hakko!” He said, pointing an orange paw towards Hakko, his orange slices in his tupper ware sliding around. He pointed to each lunch lion explaining who they were. Juno gave a slight nod, nothing different from his usual greeting. Matcha and Ube gave encouraging smiles. Suto introduced himself, explaining that Tekuta was too grumpy to say hi. Peanut apologized for her brother’s energetic enthusiasm while batting Kon’s head with a paw. Cupid gave a giddy smile, ready to spill the tea while handing Hakko a heart-shaped cookie, his signature pastry. Finally, Sutera gave a smile, her golden mane flickering in the light. If Hakko was bioluminescent in the sea, then Sutera was sparkling on the land. 

The group sat around for a while, exchanging stories and conversing. They talked about their day’s adventures. “No one was able to find Kiui or Puru?” Peanut asked, sure that she had been told that they were coming. With a couple of comments and a shake of the head, it was clear that the two fruit lions had not joined them. 

“Asai told me a couple of sunrises ago that they all had other plans,” Hugo explained. “I think I heard something about a farmer’s market and getting fresh fruit?” he went on. With a murmur of agreement and a couple of “that makes sense”s they resumed the regular conversation. “Gemu also sends his regards. He was disappointed that he couldn’t come but he had just entered himself in another video game tournament that he couldn’t miss” the orange lunch lion explained. Some more nods followed most notably a giant groan from Tekuta who mumbled on about wanting to stay home like Gemu so he could play games and watch over his merchandise. With a small bat from Suto’s paws, his complaining was instantly silenced. 

Sutera walked towards Cupid who was in deep conversation with Hugo. “Hey Cupid,” she said quietly, not wanting to be heard by the rest of the group. Hugo’s eyes widened, intrigued by her request. “Do you know where Kage went… after you talked to him?” She asked, her voice small and hesitant. She watched as the purple lunch lion smiled and his eyes narrowed. 

Cupid stared at Sutera, his grin growing bigger by the minute. “Why do you want to know where he went?” he said, wanting to keep the suspense with a teasing voice and question. As he watched her dig around for an excuse, he examined her flustered facial expressions and body language. “If you tell me why then maybe I’ll give you a small hintttttt,” he said, dangling a little cookie in front of her face. A couple of sprinkles fell off into the dirt, quickly being devoured by a little critter that ran by. The two of them had forgotten about Hugo’s presence. Hugo watched the two of them talking, deeply intrigued by the potential outcomes of their conversation. 

Sutera’s face became red, as red as a rose that she had seen earlier in the day. She grew hot with embarrassment, flustered by the question. “Just wondering,” She said, trying to avoid eye contact with Cupid. With an unamused grunt from Cupid, she opened her mouth again, her jaw hanging open wide as no words came out. “I just wanted to talk to him,” She said quietly. This was all she was going to say. If Cupid didn’t give in now then she would just wander off to find him herself. With a displeased look from Cupid, he began to tell her that Kage had wandered off somewhere North, that she might be able to pick up his scent just tail lengths from where he had talked to him. Sutera nodded gratefully, giving a quick nod to the noisy Hugo as well. She began her journey to find Kage, in order to tell him what her heart was screaming inside. 

In the middle of a sprawling field of flowers, the group of lunch lions has gathered around, basking in the last rays of sunshine while enjoying each other’s company. It was rare to see them all gathered in one place amongst old and new faces and friends. The sweet scent of blooming flowers, enhanced by the spring dew, wafted through the air. The gentle rustling of the wind through the petals provided a soothing background melody to their contented purrs. 

As they lounged lazily on the soft petals, their fur blended in perfectly with the vibrant hues of the flowers around them. A mix of colors like a color palette. Beautiful and diverse. Some stretched out leisurely. Hugo and Juno stocked up on one another. They savored the warmth on their backs. Others played and frolicked, chasing one another through the fields. Matcha and Ube had been playing a game of chasing the rabbit for more than what felt like an eon. Kon wanted to join in before being stopped by his sister. Instead, he decided to climb to the top of a tall sunflower, the face turned upwards towards the sky as it barely supported his body weight. From its lofty vantage point, Kon could see for miles around, taking in the lush greeny and rolling hills that surrounded him. He huffed, not truly understanding the beauty of the fields of flowers. Too young and immature to understand that such a thing was a unique and once in a lifetime experience. 

As the afternoon wore on, the lunch lions began to settle down, their talking becoming quieter. They snuggled up together, grooming each other’s fur and enjoying the peaceful tranquility of the flower-filled meadow. And as the sung began to set and the sky turned a soft orange-pink, they curled up together. A cuddling pile of lunch lions. In this idyllic paradise, the lunch lions knew nothing of the world beyond the field of flowers. They were simply happy to be together, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of their companionship.  

Sutera continued to wander around the fields of green, watching her feet as they brushed by the colorful flowers and the vibrant grasses. She savored each step, trying to remember each one as her paw sank into the soft moist dirt. She raised her muzzle to the sky trying to inhale something deeper and stronger than the scent of flowers. He must be close. She looked around, her pale golden eyes surveying the area. If she had gone in the wrong direction then it would be impossible to find him now. She sighed, closing her eyes for a split second. I should just give up.

Kage wandered off, a little angry at the way that Cupid had pried with his questions earlier in the afternoon. He huffed, scratching at the dirt and digging up whatever insects were lying underneath. If only he could tell Sutera what he truly felt. His left ear twitched and then began to turn as he heard the sound of another animal. Another lunch lion? Curiously, he turned around, feeling the instinct to walk toward the unfamiliar lunch lion. As he wandered closer to the noise his heart began to warm up and his cheeks grew flush. There she was, standing in the field of flowers. He loved to look at her. The way that her golden mane and fur swayed in rhythm with the wind, the way that her pale golden eyes flickered in the sunlight, the way that she stared at the world around her as if she was seeing its beauty for the first time. Kage watched as she closed her beautiful eyes. He pounced. 

Sutera yelped as an unknown creature jumped on top of her, pinning her to the ground. Her mane splayed all over her, falling directly into her eyesight and blurring her vision. She stopped for a second, needing to calm herself from the immediate panic. She breathed in again. Her heart began to beat, its beats per minute increasing at every inhale. Kage. She stood up as he released her, apologizing for startling her. She watched as the manned wolf stared awkwardly at his paws. She let out a small laugh, a laugh that was followed by the shyest smile. 

What was said in that field of flowers will never be told to anyone who wasn’t there. The exchange of intimate yet heartfelt words was so personal and genuine that they cannot be written down or transcribed. The utmost beauty and passion of the lyrics of love were incomparable to the field of flowers. Kage and Sutera’s love had blossomed in the season of spring along with the rest of the plants. Beauty was their love. 

As Kage made his way back to his home, he noticed the flowers seemed to be taking on a new life. The changing colors of the darkening sky, as the sun set, cast a warm and magical light onto the field of flowers. The once vibrant and bright colors of the flowers have transferred into a deeper and richer hue as if they were part of an ever-changing painting all along. He watched as the bees and butterflies made their way back to their hives and nest, their work day coming to an end. The sounds of nature were slowly replaced by the sounds of the night, the cooing of owls, and the symphony of crickets and cicadas. All complimented by the rustling leaves in the distance. 

Kage took one last look at the field of flowers and realized that this moment would stay with him forever. The beauty of the field and the tranquility it brought would be forever a cherished memory. As well as everyone that he had met and spent time with. Kage took another deep breath, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such a stunning display of nature’s beauty. 

With a smile, Kage turned away from the field and made his way back to the world beyond. But he knew that whenever he needed a moment of peace and beauty he could close his eyes and transport himself back to the field of flowers.