A Letter

5 years, 3 months ago
402 1

A letter for Sri, Song went to the drop university -- uwu

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To Stri:

If you saw this letter, I might already be stuck in the university doing well in what I wish to do. How are you though? I hope you and Sir Karas are doing fine and well. It’s not that I worry about you though, it’s just a question out of curiosity.

You know, regarding the admission tests… I actually fear those, until now I still had no idea what should I do. But at the same time, I feel like I have to do it… I know I have been a choral singer for a long while but… I wanted to try something different. I can’t be singing chorals every day, those are Christmas exclusive activities after all. But. What to do? Finishing a course is pretty hard, I heard… I was actually worried.

As you know because I actually said this before, I wanted to be an assassin. I wanted to follow Sir Karas’s career line. But then the only thing I could do is just singing. I asked myself questions such as: “Will I be fine? What kind of person will be taking care of me during the test? Who would actually be with me during the time when I have to stay here for courses? Who knows what would happen if I never try to be useful to my own master in other aspects?”

I know I shouldn’t be here thinking and writing about all of these to you… I feel more uneasy that I used to be in here. I know you said you’ll accompany me before… but I told you not to since I thought I’ll be fine and I don’t want to bother you because of me. But after a while, I asked myself whether will you will actually be a good guy and leave me alone. I don’t even know. And now, I am actually feeling a slight regret in myself for doing so. If there’s a chance, would you actually come here and accompany me in overcoming these trials?

Now, I should stop thinking too much about all these things… I’m gonna break through the trial. To be a blade of protection for my master, be what I wished to be, and still be the one choral singer you care a lot.

And finally… wish me luck, Stri.

Yours sincerely,