Stronger Than He Looks

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
2 1936

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Rating: General

Tags: Ellohymn, Teodoore, Abeddon, Jelard, other character mentions, Post Maze scene, not canon though, stereotypes and biases, poking fun, nothing serious, I just like Abelard dynamic, character reactions

Word Count: Kekw counts

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The Brother

In the next few days he's met with Teddy again who seems to have acquainted himself well to the group. Different opinions depending on who you ask but overall, he wasn't disliked (which in Ello's opinion of Mistlanders was a good thing).

Lu has taken to Teddy as another gossip buddy since they can converse in Lagendian. Sol had thanked Altea for a sane, understanding person that didn't demand anything of him. Rex had found Teo's usefulness for commission work and lets him stay at the base for lodging. Even Jesper had admitted it was nice to have another person who can look after the base when he goes for errands. Outside of the faction, Hya has been doting on Teddy ever since they went on a picnic trip in the Gardens much to Aqui's annoyance. Yo's been spending his time with Teddy too, but more so to understand the existence of him ("He's too perfect, Ello." Yo claims. "Surely there's some kind of weakness to him."). 

Ello thanked the Goddess Altea in his heart for the peaceful meeting. But he feels he might have forgotten something important... 

"Teo! Please lend me money!" A clap of hands and a deep bow and Ello remembers the white shade that accompanied his brother.

It's him again, Ello thinks. Will his brother be too kind to this strange person..? 

"Why do you need money?" Teddy asks. Right, what if the shade just lost his wallet..? 

"I got hooked on Oppabu and spent too much money ehe~" Sir, aren't you too honest with your intentions? 


"Oh it's a store where you can buy-" (Ello starts screaming in his mind, You don't just casually explain those kinds of things!) "-and if you lend me money I can introduce you too as some kind of referral fee!"

"Jelard." Teo starts. "Sorry but if it's for that kind of thing, I can't lend you money. You should be moderate in the things you take pleasure in. And don't borrow money from people so often." 

Thank Goddess Altea he refused firmly! 

"If you need money then you can start by saving from food expenses? I learned of a nice restaurant that sells good food for cheap."

"Eh really~" Jelard sings, "Then let's go today and you can treat me!"

"No, I'm not going..." but Jelard's already got an arm hooked around Teddy and is leading him to the main streets. 

Ello wonders if his brother would be alright. 

The next day he had bumped into his brother again this time with a certain red head. Ello was just coming out of the storage warehouse when he saw them conversing. 

"Did you go eat dinner with Jeje yesterday?" Abe asks, his back to Ello.

"Ah. Yes, I did."

"Is that so," Abe hums. "That son of a bitch bothered you."

Hm? Did he just say 'son of a bitch'?

"We paid separately." Teddy explains as if Abe didn't just cuss in front of him.  

"If anything happens, tell me and I'll shut him down." Reeling from the fact Abe was foul mouthed, Ello remembers how the two didn't get along well. 

"How long have you and Jeje known each other?" Teo steers the conversation. 

"We work in the same faction." 

"Is that so? So you're close enough to work in the same faction."

"Aargh? Is that the impression you have?"

"Is it wrong?" 

"No, it's just. It's irritating to admit but Jeje can do work better than me." 

"... So even Abe can make jokes." Teddy says blankly. 

"I won't joke about giving praises, Teo. What I do with my hard work, he can do with no effort at all and it really pisses me off." 

"You two must be really good friends." 

"Is your head in a flower garden?

"Oh~ Abe and Teo I've been looking everywhere for you~" It's scary how talking about someone will make them show up suddenly. Jelard drops down suddenly from the roof. "Hm? Why does Abe look irritated?" 

"It's all your fault."  

"Eh~ Sorry sorry~" Jeje says without sounding apologetic at all. "Anyway do you guys want to go to a Goukkon this weekend? You're both available, right~" 

"No thank you. I'm married." Teddy declines. 

"Really? Congrats~!" 

"We didn't know that." Abe was surprised too. 

"I hadn't had a chance to say."

"Ah, but don't worry! Goukkons don't count as cheating~! It's safe as long as you don't take her home. They'll forgive you since this is much healthier. So let's go~" No, that's all a scummy theory!  

"As I thought. It's best to end this guy's life after all.

"Hold it, Abe." Teddy stops the scimitar from being unsheathed. 

"Eh~ but if you guys can't go then I wonder who's available to-" Jelard has turned his head and his eyes met Ello's. 

"Hello~" He quickly closes the distance between them. A sly look to his eyes. "Are you free this weekend? Do you want to come with me to a-" 

"You can't invite Ellie!" ZAAAP! A stray lightning bolt struck Jelard. Everyone looked just shocked as Jelard was. 

Teddy didn't stay to explain but grabbed Ello's arm with an excuse that they had plans that weekend and drags him off. Ello couldn't see his brother's face but it was easy to tell he was shaking from his instinct to attack unwittingly like that. 

Ello looks back to see Abe still hasn't picked Jelard up and overhears a bit of their conversation. 

"Must be nice that the brothers still care for each other after all this time. It makes me jealous." 

"You really shouldn't tease Teo like that." 

"That was the most interesting reaction I got from him all week!" 

Ello walks faster to match with his brother's pace. So he was wrong about the two not getting along well. He just can't seem to understand the shade's thought process though. Hopefully he doesn't try anything, Ello thinks to himself. What 'anything' meant, he hopes Altea could answer for him.