Bitter Brown, Harsh Hazel, Bright Blue

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
4 11789

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Explicit Violence

‘Gregory? Are you there?’ Their gaze trailed over to the tablet next to them, fixing the colourful device with an extremely confused expression. Why was *the* Freddy Fazbear speaking through the device and who was Gregory? They picked up the tablet and peered at the screen, realizing that it was dialogue from a Fazwatch. They scoffed and shook their head, of course, Freddy wouldn’t be talking to someone at midnight, his voice was just the default option for the tiny watch that children primarily wore.

What really caught them by surprise though, was a voice responding just outside the office door. (Originally posted on AO3 in Jan 2022)

Theme Lighter Light Dark Darker Reset
Text Serif Sans Serif Reset
Text Size Reset

Epilogue: Purple

Wake up.

They snapped back to consciousness. One moment it was dark, and the next they were staring down at their own body. The sight would have shocked them, but it didn’t for some reason.

Clay looked horrible, their olive skin was pale and their clothing was assaulted with ugly splashes of red. Their brown pupils were gray and faded, no life being held within them. They didn’t pay any attention to the daycare attendant who was crouched by their body, shaking it and screaming hysterically in panic. The worst part of all, was the gigantic gash on their front, their chest burned as if they could still feel the painful injury. But it wasn’t pain that was burning through them now, it was still that rage they had felt even in their last moment, only amplified by being awake again.

I can fix you.

The disembodied voice sounded once again, sounding soft and wispy as it echoed through their mind. They felt themself drifting along without any input, guided by the sound of whoever was speaking to them. They passed through walls seamlessly, passing by the array of neon rooms, the S.T.A.F.F bots ignoring their presence entirely. They just felt hatred toward them, their anger increasing.

Soon they began to descend through the floor, heading deep into the depths of the facility. The trail that the soft voice was leaving them was interrupted by the low moaning of many voices. They were torn away from the path, thrust into the sights of a towering monstrosity.

It was an amalgamation of wires, so high that it touched the ceiling of the cramped room it was located in. Weaved in the mess of metallic gray was animatronic parts, a body here, an arm there, at the front of it all was a bear head. It looked like Freddy, a bit, but they weren’t sure. The thing that caught their attention the most, was the shadowy dark substance covering its back, featuring a bunch of eyes that had tears trailing down each one. The shadows moaned with pained sobs, their voices distorted and upset in a chorus of low wails.

Follow me.

They were forcefully pulled away from the concerning sight, drawn back to the depths of the maintenance tunnels. They drifted along once more, passing through any obstacle in their path with ease. Until they finally reached a stop, the sound that had lured them along going silent and leaving them to float in place.

They wanted to call out to them, but they found that they had no voice.

A red glow caught their eye, and their resentment began to build up inside of them. Was it Moon? Was it the rabbit!?. They felt their form give out a low growl, that slowly increased the closer they floated toward the source of the light.

But it wasn’t either of them, it was a deer animatronic. It’s metal exterior had begun to erode away, leaving exposed wires and endoskeleton parts. The glow was coming from their chest and eyes, they were angry.

They were both angry.

You are broken.

The voice was more humanoid then it had been earlier, its tone was enticing. The animatronic seemed to hear it, its slender ears that were adorned with earrings pricking with surprise. It spoke, but they could not make out the words. They were both glowing red, the anger that was flaring in their chest began to spread to their head, causing them to thrash. They were moving against their will, drawn toward the animatronic who stood by with a confused yet pissed expression.


The voice was loud and distorted, and they felt themself fly backward as if they were shoved. They slammed into the animatronic, the first contact they had felt since they died. Everything glowed red, and their vision slowly faded into the colour. Their rage became too much, and they threw back their head and let out a thin screech, which joined the artificial scream of pain from the deer animatronic.

Their form was shifting, tearing apart, coming back together.



They felt the weight of being physical again, heavier than they had ever been before. It felt cold and fake, completely different from being warm and alive. Their glowing vision flashed with deep red warnings, they couldn’t focus on what they said, the sounds and lights causing them to stagger.


The text flashed before their eyes, brighter than any of the warnings that lined the sides of their sight. What had happened? They raised a hand to their head, surprised by the sound of metal hitting metal and scraping. What was that?

Their vision began to fade, the countdown to them shutting down temporarily was ticking down quickly. They began to panic, their head full of thoughts relating to their demise and identity were beginning to fade.

”I am a night guard at the Pizzaplex!” They reminded themself desperately, clutching at the sides of their new face as they gritted their plastic teeth, they had no time to register how different their voice sounded. ”I was just murdered by an intruder dressed like a rabbit! My name is C-”

Their eyes were growing too dark to see, too dark to think, the countdown was below 3 seconds now.

”My name is…”


They shut down.

Author's Notes

Original Note: thank you so much to everyone who has read my story! I hope you all liked it, Im pretty satisfied with how it turned out if you're interested in a sequel lemme know im very tempted lmao

if you'd like to read more about clay, heres their toyhouse page:

(btw the animatronic they possessed is another oc which is also on my toyhouse but i wont link it here)