Beach Episode Birthday Bash

1 year, 2 months ago

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"This seems beneath our skill level." Myth huffed as they looked around.

Crystal waved that off. "Rescue teams don't always have to go on glamorous, life threatening missions all the time Myth." She took a deep breath of the sea air. "Plus it's nice to kick back and relax sometimes."

"Also we're getting payed and the greatest danger here is the water." Cosmic added, messing with the splash plate around his neck.

"Exactly!" Crystal threw her arms wide. "So sit back and relax some. It's a party after all."

"A party that we are acting lifeguards at." Myth shook their head. "We do not have time for relaxing."

Crystal started to walk. After a moment the other two began to follow her. "We can do both. You two need to learn to multitask." She glanced out over the water, all the attending pokemon seemed to be fine so far. "There's often gonna be a lot going on, so you have to learn to pay attention to the entirety of your surroundings." She swooped in and pulled a small skwovet from the water that was struggling. "See? Even if it didn't look like it I was paying attention." She grinned. "You'll get it eventually." She tilted her head in thought. "I still can't remember for the life of me though why I'm so good at it."

"I'm sure the memory issues will sort themselves out over time." Cosmic looked away. "Trust the process."

Crystal hummed and shot him an unconvinced look. She wasn't entirely convinced by Arceus' words but she's believe them for now. "Sure sure. If you say so."

"I hardly see how making sure people do not drown at a party can help us achieve this. Surely taking on a much more dangerous job would be better?" Myth tilted their head in question, their mane shifted around them with the motion.

Crystal shook her head. "No my dear Myth. A low stakes environment like this is the perfect place to practice. Here a mistake probably isn't going to cost anything. Maybe a pokemon will be a little upset but that's about it. What do you think would happen if you make a mistake like that in a more dire situation?"

Myth blinked as they seemed to think over the question. "I see. I believe I can understand your point now. Thank you."

"Any time. I promised to help you out so that's what I'm gonna do." She put her arms behind her head. "Not like I have anything better to do, plus this feels right anyway."

"Your cooperation is greatly appreciated." Cosmic nodded. "I knew I called the right person here."

"You flatter me." She chuckled. "I'm just glad I'm not like those humans turned pokemon. Must be pretty disorienting for them."

"I have not spoken to one myself, so I do not know." Myth peered around. "Though I would imagine you are correct."

"Well anyway." Crystal clapped her hands together as she stopped. "Let's get to work yeah? Plenty of pokemon to over see and all that."

"Yes, lets." Cosmic nodded.

"Great. First lesson like I said. Pay attention." She pointed to their left where a lilipup was struggling in the water. "C'mon it's like you two haven't learned anything yet." The two scrambled to go help the poor pokemon and Crystal sighed. This was gonna be a long day.