Oh, Cupid, Leave Me Alone! (Stupid Cupid)

1 year, 1 month ago

Sunny and Girasol talk about a student that has been lurking around the half-fae’s life lately.

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Author's Notes

Originally made on June 28th, 2022.

“Oho?” Girasol could feel the creeping, teaser smile of the upperclassman behind him even if they were, currently, sitting next to the streaming river in the nearby forest of Night Raven College. He sighed, looking discreetly at the salmon haired boy right behind them; said boy seemed to be in his original form.

“Bellethorn-senpai,” Girasol nodded, acknowledging Sunny’s presence. The boy made his way to the other’s side, sitting nearby while observing them with his deep, pitch black eyes, “what do you want?” the orange haired teen asked in a whisper. Sunny laughed.

“Nothin’~ nothin’ at all, Sol!” Sunny looked at the boy with playfulness. Girasol only stared back with their trademark offended expression, “ya know, just been hearin’ a lot about yer…. shenanigans with Mr. Willowspark~”, Sunny wasn’t stupid, he could see the slight flick of fondness of Girasol’s yellow eyes as he spoke about the boy.

“…… aye,” was the only answer the boy gave, “Merwyn and Dwyn have been extremely adamant about me making new friends, especially after….” They looked at Sunny with guilt. Sunny patted its head softly, only receiving a soft growl in response, “either way, they both got me and Willowspark-senpai in a trap, and we became… acquaintances. That’s all, Bellethorn-senpai”

“Hmmm….. there’s more, isn’t there?” Sunny chuckled in his own fashion, biting his lip slightly before continuing, “ya don’t need ta tell me if ya don’t wan’ ta, but… ya know, am here!”

“There’s nothing to tell you,” Girasol played with the water ever so slightly, while the salmon haired boy only looked at the gloved hands of the half-vampire, “is there nothin’ ta tell or are ya just afraid of tellin’ ol’ me?” Girasol looked at its senior, offended, “both, perhaps, Senpai”

Sunny laughed, Girasol smirked slightly, and a silence took place. It has been a while since both had the chance to talk to each other, but even so, no more words were spoken as the half-fae continued to play with the crystal water.

“…… Sol,” Sunny sighed, getting into a more comfortable position, “you know I’m always here for you, right?” Girasol looked at Sunny once again, “oh? No accent? If you’re trying to sound serious this only makes you sound stupid, Sunny” the salmon haired boy could only giggle, patting the other’s head once again.

“…………… I know, Sunny. I know you’re here, it’s just—” Girasol scratched its nape, looking at its own reflex on the water, “…….. I’m…. I think I’m sick, that must be it,” he put a hand on his forehead, closing his eyes. Sunny could only observe with an unreadable expression.

“It must be the curse acting up, because every time Willowspark-senpai smiles, I feel like I’m in a fever dream. I feel like something’s wrong with my heart and I can’t talk properly….” Girasol continued, a blush crawling its way to their cheeks, reddening just like apples, “it happens when I’m around Merwyn an Dwyn as well, but it’s extremely different from when I’m with Willowspark-senpai. It’s like he opened up something in me and flooded my brain with….. unnecessary feelings”

“Hmmmm,” Sunny smirked, looking at his younger friend with fondness, “perhaps that’s a good thing. Ya finally lettin’ yerself feel things, Sol!” Girasol opened his eyes slowly, looking at Sunny’s direction, “don’t be stupid, Sunny. I always feel things, and I let myself feel them. But…. Willowspark-senpai… he…. he puts me under such a powerful spell every time we talk or when they send me a message or… or when he sits with me and the twins during lunch I—……..”

Sunny smiled softly as he saw the half-fae realize something, “you?” silence was all that could be heard alongside the streaming river’s flow.

“Shit…..” Girasol hid their face, Sunny laughed, the river continued to flow, “this reminds me of ‘da time ya used ta tell me about yer little love stories ya would get from ta estate’s Library. I didn’t understand shit, but t’was really interesting ta see ya all fired up just by reading silly romcoms”

“Shut up, Sunny, now’s…. now’s not the-the time!!” Girasol barked, while the older one only continued to hold into his soft smile, “Cupid did an awesome job. Not sure how Sekkun will react about ‘da news though….”

“What news?! There’s nothing to tell!” Girasol’s flushed face came into Sunny’s vision as the boy bravely stopped hiding his face, “oooh, ‘ight! ‘Cause it’s literally written in yer face!” he joked slightly, receiving an annoyed glance from the half-vampire. s “You’re so annoying….”

“Am just teasin’ ya, Sol!”

Revelations were made, but that didn’t change anything about them, and as Girasol got up after splashing water on his own face, Sunny could only imagine what awaits in the future. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need to step up to intervene; after all, Clark was not known as a heartbreaker.

Cupid did a good job with this one, Sunny was sure.