All over Carazanai

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
2 646

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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Issue #1

Astralis was wearing his brown cloak with a hood atop his head, hiding most of his facial features but his muzzle. He was sitting on a broad oak table and bench, along with a few others that were sat next to him after getting their orders from the bar. As Astralis looked around he could see mostly annorots, with a mix of a human every now and then. He had decided to take some rest in an annorot tavern in a village not too far from his home. The place was full, but definitely not crowded, the people already inside had plenty of space to sit on so any newcomers would have to drink their ale standing, or leave their food on one of the many standing tables made around the pillars to give the standing annorots a place to rest their food and drink.

The tavern was quite spacious, being able to house a dozen of the big tables Astralis was sat on and there was quite a lot of free floor that people could just walk around on. It was usually used for dancing and celebrations, giving people more than ample space to move around if they wanted.

The atmosphere of the tavern was loud but welcoming at the same time. Any person coming in or heading to someplace else was welcomed or was waved a goodbye by almost every annorot that noticed someone moved through the front door. Annorots were talking pretty loudly all around, but it all seemed to be quite calm, save for the occasional screech or growl heard around the tavern.

As Astralis finished his drink, he stood up and went towards the front door, heading to wherever the winds take him. As he opened the door he would hear several mugs and glasses land on tables as numerous annorots waved him goodbye.