something missing

1 year, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

Aiden's thoughts after the fight with the headmistress

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Just like that, the fight was over. Aiden blinked. Everyone was standing around him concerned while the nurse was doing something to him. What was she doing? What was this feeling? ...What did she do to him? He stepped back, shaken up. He looked at her with deep untrusting magenta eyes. And they were still magenta... Right? He put his hands to his face, Feeling the blood drain from his cheeks as he shakily looked down at the ground. What happened? Why did he feel so different? It was like his brain and heart had been filled with rocks, and his mental space was cracking up around him. He felt… Empty. He felt empty for the first time in a year, with the tingly warm feeling he loved so much completely absent from his body. How dare she do this to him. Snarling, he looked up at her, eyes now full of rage for the passion he wanted so badly -no, NEEDED to survive. He needed it back. But just as that anger came, it seeped out of him like there was a pit in his stomach. He couldn’t summon any rage. Any emotion. Anything. His mind was brought back to that stupid flower in his family garden again. Bleeding is right. He looked over at Eric, his mouth covered in hastily wiped-off blood from the provider of his happiness. He killed her. Eric killed the remnants of his love, his only love. He looked over at the floor, a pile of animal carnage that in that moment smelled so divine he could get down on his knees and eat it as if he was some sort of beast. He looked at Draz, holding the remains of herbs he used to reject the spell from the animal. He looked nervous. He was glancing around at everyone, trying to see if anyone needed any more help. Aiden could see the sweat on his forehead and smell the blood from his wounds. It was similar to what he had become so familiar with, but with a tinge of something else. Hope, maybe. Aiden’s hands burned. Burned with shame, burned with lost anger, and energy he needed to expel. He was overstimulated. He wanted to be okay again. He wanted to be like he was before. He never hurt anyone. He didn’t deserve this. Everyone around him was in pain. He was bleeding too. But not physically.