Tectonic Fishing Minigame

1 year, 5 months ago

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"Well..." Crystal peered over the side of the ship, taking in all the floating boxes of cargo. Element clung to the railing as she also looked over; quietly watching the crates bob in the water. "Maybe you two can... hop in and fish it out?" She glanced at Cosmic and Myth. "You two would be better at that then me or Element at least. We can uh..." She glanced around. "Help fish it out once you get close enough." She offered as she grabbed a couple sturdy looking fishing rods that were leaning against a nearby wall.

The two other pokemon glanced at each other before looking back at Crystal, clearly unconvinced. "And why can you not go in yourself?" Myth gave her an unconvinced look.

"Well it's not that I can't." She leaned the rods against the wall again and rubbed the back of her head. "It's just that you two will be better at it. You're a water type and Cosmic can become a water type with the right plate." She crossed her arms.

"I think... it might be best to just do that. The longer we go back and forth, the longer we'll be here." They nodded at Myth. "Come along, let's complete this job." They rummaged through their bag and pulled out a splash plate before hooking it on the ribbon around their neck. Without another word they hopped over the side of the ship. With a heavy sigh, Myth followed.

"Ok, now to do our part." Crystal clapped her hands together as she turned to Element. "You even been fishing before?" Element tilted her head, before shaking it no. "Well good news, neither have I." Crystal grabbed the rods again and held out one to Element. "Guess we'll figure it out together." Myth and Cosmic slowly began pushing the crates towards the ship. "Ok, no time like the present to figure it out I guess." She cast her line over the side and Element did the same.

It was a struggle at first, the two of them got several looks from Myth and Cosmic, but eventually they managed to get the hang of it. It became a smooth system with Myth and Cosmic pushing the crates towards the side and Crystal and Element fishing them out. From where Crystal was it was pretty relaxing, though she could tell that her teammates in the water did not agree with the sentiment. Thankfully by the time it looked like Myth and Cosmic were about to quit all of the crates had been fished out. "Alright great work you two! You can come on out now!" She leaned against the side and yelled down to her teammates.

As she leaned the rods against the wall again she heard a loud thud on the deck. Turning around she noticed a very disgruntled looking Myth and a tired looking Cosmic. Element hopped up onto Crystal's shoulder. "Alright so... Lunch on me?"

"At the very least yes." Myth snorted. "I will be picking the location."

"Fair enough." Crystal started to walk off. "Let's go yeah?"

"Very well. Let's go." Cosmic nodded.

Crystal sighed fondly as the two started to walk off. At least they didn't seem too mad. "Well, you ready to head out Element?" The minccino nodded excitedly. Welp best to not keep the others waiting.