Spectral Boscage

1 year, 2 months ago

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"Thank you both for agreeing to take me." The ralts placed their hands together and nodded their head in thanks.

"Think nothing of it." Echo waved off the thanks. "We'll get you through these woods and to your friend in no time. Right Delta?"

Said pawniard jumped at the mention of his name. "Y-yep! In no time." He nodded. Why was it only him and Echo that got sent again? Sure he didn't mind the paradox pokemon but he was far from the mon he felt the most at ease with on the team. Pair that with the spooky atmosphere of the forest and well... Delta was having a hard time focusing on the task at hand. That being to guide the ralts through the forest safely. He was still adjusting to even being part of the team. Still sort of reeling from the fact the invitation had been extended to him in the first place. This mission marked the first time he'd been out without either Luna or Spirit being present, but the two of them were off on some sort of solo... mission at the moment. They hadn't really said exactly what they were doing, but point being they weren't around right now.

The ralts didn't seem to notice how awkward he felt like he was being, so the trio took off into the woods. Delta glanced around nervously; the eerie mist that covered the area was only putting him more on edge. "You good kid?" Delta jumped at the sound of Echo's voice. The iron thorns gave him a concerned look. "Calm down there. It's just me."

"S-sorry. Just... on edge." He gestured widely to the area.

"I can see that. What's on your mind? Oh wait a sec." Echo turned to scare off some ghost that were trying to approach the ralts which wasn't paying attention. Electricity crackled around his arms and the glowing parts of his body increased in intensity. The approaching pokemon hastily retreated at the show of aggression. Admittedly Delta felt pretty intimidated as well. The electricity faded and the glowing faded back to its normal levels. Shaking himself off he wandered back over to Delta. "Alright, now. What's up?"

"Oh uh... I guess I'm just nervous is all." He messed with the feathers around his neck nervously.

"I can see that." The larger pokemon chuckled. "Is there a particular reason why?"

Delta debated telling Echo, even if he wasn't particularly close with the other pokemon. Though he also felt like now, while they were on a mission, wasn't the best time to talk about his own insecurities. Sure the ralts seemed to not really be paying attention. He glanced over and panicked slightly as he saw a ghastly approaching them. He quickly let off a flash that thankfully scarred the ghost away. The ralts sent him a thankful nod. Echo sent him an encouraging smile as he walked back over. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to kid." Echo finally conceded after Delta stayed quiet. "Just know we're all a team and we're here to support each other yeah? Even if you don't talk to me, you should talk to one of us." Echo looked off ahead of them, likely keeping an eye out for any more ghosts that wanted to try their luck. Delta simply nodded. Maybe he would talk to Luna or spirit once they got back.

From there things lapsed into a sort of comfortable silence. The two took turns scaring off the few ghosts that tried to approach them and the ralts. Thankfully none of them seemed brave enough to stick around after being scared off once. After a while the mansion came into sight. Delta breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully this mission was nearly over. He waved nervously as the ralts let up with their friend. It felt good to complete a job, even if he was still nervous about everything. Maybe given time he'd get better. He shook himself off. No he would get better with time no doubt about it. He looked over at Echo who simply gave him a nod. Yeah, he'd get better.