Content Warning

Literature Content Warning

This literature has been marked with a content warning:


- General 1970s assholery via someone who fucked people over and then whines about it (cough cough Ramone)

- Bruce accusing Ramone of Infidelity (no infidelity happened FYI)

- Alcohol mentions (a character misunderstands and thinks Ramone drank all the beer in the tour bus himself. he did not.)

- Swears/Harsh language

if you think they are being too harsh to Ramone remember he sold his and his friend's lives away to a really shitty record label, screwed over the love of his life, and became obsessed with fame & money, it's the 1970s so the phone was.. really important for long-distance communication. he didn't even write! and then he complained to his friends who were shoved into the situation he created himself that HE was cracking under the pressure. 

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