Celebrating Krawk Day with Sir Bites

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1 year, 1 month ago

Krawk Day 2023 - Poetry Contest (Round 2616)

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High in the rocks on the Tyrannian plateau

Amidst myriad caves where few dare go

A Krawk naps peacefully after his meal

And all is quiet, dark, and still

With his belly full, his dreams are bright

His mood is high and his thoughts are light

He daydreams of when he next awakes

How his hunger he will slake

An ice cream would be just the thing

Perhaps he'll give his friend a ring

And together the two can head on down

To the ice cream shop in town

The petpets would surely like a treat

Something cool to beat the heat

The P-threes will probably tag along

Those two are never gone for long

So Tyr and Ish, Tam-Tam and Bites

Make their way down from the heights

With a Zytch and Moffit in tow

Skipping and hopping as they go

It's going to be a great Krawk Day

We chat and sing along the way

A perfect way to celebrate

Our sweet teeth we will happily sate