
1 year, 2 months ago

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Luna took a deep breath as she peered up at the night sky. The moon was full tonight, not that it really mattered. "You ok?" Luna turned to look at Spirit. The dreepy was giving her a concerned look. "You don't have to do this you know."

She sighed and turned away. "I know that..." She peered back up at the sky. "But a part of me seems to really want to."

"I'm just saying that a lot of pokemon choose not to evolve." Spirit tapped his hands together. "I know Hanzai has mentioned being happy how she is... plus won't it be weird for you since you were a human? Sure other human turned pokemon have evolved but-"

Luna placed a paw over Spirit's mouth. "This sounds a lot like you trying to convince me to not do this. Is there a reason? It's not like this is the first time we've talked about this."

After removing her paw, Spirit sighed. "I'm just... nervous is all. I've been putting off evolving myself... partly because I was waiting for you but also because I'm kinda of scared I guess." He looked away.

"Like you just told me, you can just choose not to evolve." Luna tilted her head. "No one would blame you. I won't think any differently of you." She pat his head. "You'll still be my partner, no matter what."

Spirit blinked and rubbed his eyes. "Thanks Luna... And I do. Want to evolve. I feel like I'm not much use to the team right now and I know evolving will help... Plus I just want to." He looked her in the eyes. "I-I've wanted to for a while now."

"Change is scary. I get it." Luna nodded. This is a big deal and it's not some decision that should be made hastily. Clearly you've thought about it." She placed a paw on her chest. "And so have I. As cliche as weird as it sounds the night has almost been calling to me. Part of me knows I need to evolve, but the other part is still scared. Doesn't mean I haven't thought about it and come to the decision that I'm ready." She held out a paw. "Together?"

Spirit smiled and took her paw. "Always." At that the two were enveloped with a white light. They both welcomed the change. Luna did idly wonder what the rest of the team would think...