
Mild Violence

Late Autumn is a tumultuous time, but the rain offers comfort for two souls trying to heal. Allistor reflects on the past week while nursing his wounds and protecting the one he loves.

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Hibernation was never easy for him. He wanted nothing more than for it to be over quickly so he could hold her in his arms and hear her laughter from his loving advances. It was rare the two of them spent any time together however due to that cursed slumber.

Sitting up in the makeshift bed, the red haired man looked over at his sleeping counterpart, the slow rise and fall of her chest reassuring him she was still there. Hibernation was what she needed to continue on, to continue to bring elegant winters under blankets of glittering snow. The same thing that was meant to regain her energy left her open to so many dangers, each one more life threatening than the last.

Allistor was not an idiot. Despite being a demi-god, he knew full well how easily that power could be ripped from him due to carelessness. The same went for her. She had no idea the predicament she was thrust into as soon as her season was over. 

His head ached awfully, clutching it in his bandaged hands as the red locks spilled from his bloody fingers. Flashes of memories from the previous week flitted through his mind. A strange messenger and the panic from his alert, to bright lights and searing heat. He could somtimes still hear the ringing in his ear. 

Feathers burnt and marred beyond repair, yet still attempting an escape with them. Knowing the way out would leave him broken and bruised, but still enduring it to ensure she was unharmed. Nothing would hurt her as long as he could stand. 

As shaky as his balance was his legs worked fine. His sword had been dulled but it could still kill in the right hands. He could no longer fly but he didn’t need to.

He could do it. She would be kept safe. 

Various raindrops hit the rocks outside of the hidden shelter he had made, smacking against the hard surface. The consistent noise was soothing to the ear, pulling Allistor to lay back down and rest his weary bones. He certainly needed it. Being careful to avoid his myriad injuries, he lowered himself to the floor with a sharp breath. Everything still ached. It would for awhile.

Rolling to his side he looked at the pale girl next to him. Her long flowing ivory hair and peaceful expression always put him at ease. He needed her to wake up, and soon. The redhead didn’t know how much longer he could take. Reaching a wing over them both, he allowed himself to close his eyes finally. 

“G’night Snowdrop…I’ll be here when ye wake up.” 


“Are you the Warden of Summer sir?” A voice called up to the man perched in the tree. Tipping his hat upwards, Allistor peered at the owner with his eye. It was a younger lad, not much older than 17 he assumed. 

“I am, who’s asking?” He said, not moving from the branch he sat on. “Ah well…I hear you are quite close to the Warden of Winter right?” That caught his attention. Sitting up his eyes narrowed. 

“And what about her?”

Next thing he knew he found himself racing to the mountainside. Time was against him as his wings willed him to go faster. Nearing the structure raindrops turned to snowflakes, the cold piercing his clothes and chilling him to the bone. It mattered little, so long as he made it in time.

Breathlessly running into the hallowed halls, he rushed to the back of the temple. He knew the way by heart, a road he walked with familiarity and fondness now seemingly too long for his own comfort. Tripping over his own feet he shoved open the great doors leading to the spring.

 As they opened he felt himself sigh. Layed out upong the stone altar was her, his beloved winter maiden. Still sleeping as soundly as he had left her. He had made it in time after all, the black wings drooping as the stress that captured him finally left his body. Making his way to her side, he admired the soft expression she had. Soon she would wake up for winter, but it was still a bit of time away.

In a burst of noise and motion the great doors slammed open as men rushed into the courtyard, catching the red head off guard. Jumping to his feet he drew his blade, wings flaring as he quickly found himself surrounded. 

“Looky here boys! We’ve found ourself a little bird protecting our prize!” One man spoke up, causing a few of the others to chuckle darkly. 

“Leave this place now! You have no buisness with the Warden!” Allistor shouted out, his voice echoing against the walls of the surroundings. “Unfortunately we can’t do that. Ya see, we heard ourselves a little tale that if we kills one of ye we can get all yer little powers!” Allistor’s grip tightened on his blade, his jaw clenched as he listened on. “Imagine having the power to control all of winter! Manipualting the weather to have a plentiful harvest while your neighbors are buried deep in a snowstorm!! And you can’t die unless you are stupid enough to get killed! Doesn’t it sound just peachy?”

So they were farmhands were they? Quite a diabolical plot for humans of such humble origins. It was idiotic. He could feel his blood curdle. “I’ll kill you where you stand if you even dare to lay a finger on her.” His voice was low, blade ready to strike as the men laughed again. “Oh we won’t have to do that bird brain. We came prepared.” A hiss from behind him caught his attention, as he whipped his head around to see an archer on the far side of the spring, arrow notched ready to fire. It was the tip of the arrow that caught Allistor off guard, rounded and bulbous with a fuse slowly diminishing into it.


With a jolt he woke up, sharply inhaling as he took in his surroundings again. The memories of the past week had cemented themselves in his brain, he still couldn’t get them out no matter how hard he tried. The scars would remain. He wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to fly again.

Sitting up, he realized that the area was colder than before. Rain still pattered outside on the rocks. Looking down at his companion, his tired eyes widened in surprise. A layer of frost and ice crystals had formed around her. They melted quickly as he got near, but they were there nonetheless.

Soon she would awaken, it was only a matter of time until then.