Meet the doctors

Six Show More
1 year, 1 month ago

Six is brought to The Great Tree to be looked over by the Promethean Society.

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"Why are we here?" Six asked, eyes scanning the activity of the Den. There were so many other kits here, all of which had something changed about them all because of a weird dream. At least she wasn't the only one something happened to.

"We already went through this," her Sol answered tiredly, glancing down at her. "The Promethean Society wants to examine... kits like you."

"But there's so many already here!" Six retorted, waving her arms around to indicate the packed room. "What difference will I make?"

"The Society wanted all affected kits. They clearly think it's important that every affected kit be examined."

Six crossed her arms. "Hmph. Why couldn't Seven come with us? This is boring."

"Seven wasn't affected. There was no point in bringing him here."

"Would've been more fun if he were here though."

Her Sol didn't respond to that. Whatever, she thought. She never really liked talking with her parents anyways. All they wanted to do was argue with her.

It wasn't long before one of the doctors came for her.

"And what's your name then?" The doctor asked enthusiastically. She was a Druid, Six was pretty sure. Her parents have described them before and she seemed to match the description. She also had a mane similar to Six's own, only hers was blue instead of black.

Six didn't answer the question. She wasn't going to act all buddy buddy with them no matter how friendly any of them acted.

"Her name is Six," her Sol answered.

"Ha, I like it! It's nice to meet you Six. That's a nice raincoat you have there."


"Not one for talking, huh? I can respect that. C'mon then, let's get you to an exam room."