The Runaway

1 year, 1 month ago

Seven's parents come looking for him.

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Seven was almost surprised the day his Sol turned up at The Den. He'd been considered a "runaway" for a few weeks now, he should've known someone was out there looking for him.

Still, it took them a few weeks to even think about looking at The Den for him? Took them long enough, he thought bitterly. Not that he wanted to go back with them. They took his sister away and then lied right to his face about it. They would have to drag him back kicking and screaming. But still.

His ears perked up as Den Baba Eeko started speaking. They were apologizing for not realizing Seven wasn't actually supposed to be staying at The Den. Seven almost felt bad for lying to them about that but it was necessary. He wanted to know what happened to Six.

His Sol didn't sound too concerned about the whole thing. Part of him was hoping maybe his Sol wouldn't care about bringing him back home. His parents would have much more time to themselves. But he couldn't be that lucky. He made both Den Mothers promise to look for him while he conducted some business in the tree. Figures he wouldn't look for Seven himself. No, let someone else take care of that.

Seven heard his Sol leave while Eeko and Nana talked amongst themselves. They were planning on asking Susan if she had seen Seven anywhere before trying to search for him. Seven sighed. As much fun as he was having at The Den he couldn't afford to stay here anymore. Six wasn't here anyway, she was somewhere even the Den Mothers didn't know about. But none of the kits were very forthcoming on information regarding what had happened.

Guess he would have to press for information a little harder.