More thoughts

1 year, 1 month ago

Beacon stews in his late night thoughts.

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Once again, Beacon found himself unable to sleep. It had become a common occurrence ever since his arrival at the 'hospital'. Too many nights his brain would get bombarded with fragments of memories, always the same ones, leaving his mind buzzing with unanswered questions that kept him awake. The doctors had assured him, this was common amongst the other "Travelers". One of them even encouraged him to write down his thoughts whenever something like this happened to help him process the fragments. It was helping some of the others slowly recover memories of their pasts, which not only was good news for them but also good for the Promethean Society, as they called themselves.

Beacon sighed. Writing never seemed to do him any good and instead he had taken to staring out the window and just stew in his own thoughts. Which never seemed to help either, but before he knew it Beacon found himself climbing out of his bed, grabbing a chair and dragging it over to the window. It was still quite dark out but there were fragments of lights scattered around, some coming from the hospital and others yet coming from other sections of wherever it was they actually were. He's pretty sure he heard one of the workers state it was a tree, but that couldn't be right. Based on the bits and pieces of memories he got he could never recall a tree being big enough for a large group to actually live in.

As confused as he was with everything, he couldn't deny being excited to actually investigate. Hopefully they would let him out of the hospital soon but as it stood right now he wasn't even allowed out of his room without supervision. The doctors said he'd be able to wander the courtyard by himself soon, they just wanted to him to gather up more strength before letting him loose.

He sighed again and tried to turn his thoughts towards the memories. They were always the same ones, playing over and over again on a loop. Several of them featured the same figure, seemingly happy and carefree as far as Beacon could tell. It was absolutely nothing like what he felt and yet... he often caught himself wondering if maybe that was him. The figure felt familiar enough but at the same time, they both looked nothing alike. Still, he couldn't help that strange tug he felt when he saw that figure.

There was another figure too, that would appear alongside the figure-that-was-him-but-also-not. Beacon could never get a clear look at it, at most of flash of bright yellow would present itself, before a crushing ache would nearly overwhelm and suffocate him. The first time it happened he screamed so loud he practically scared the entirety of the other patients on his floor. He didn't mean to but it was the only thing that broke him out of it. He tried his best not to think of the figure after that but without fail, it would creep its way back in.

The doctors informed him the figure was most likely someone who had been close to him in his past life. That was another thing that happened quite frequently and a few of them were expressing the hope that maybe, like some of the others, Beacon's friend might appear too.

Based on his reaction every time he thought about the figure, Beacon wasn't sure he wanted to know what would happened if they appeared...