turn tail

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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Author's Notes

Companion Training - Building Trust

1010 words

Building trust

Ghighi wasn’t completely sure he fully trusted his new Oxin mount. Venni was stubborn, and didn’t listen to as many commands as he’d hoped. But it was getting to the point where he needed to get back to work exploring the Harrow for treasure, and he wasn’t doing his first ever trek through the Devil’s Stepping Stones without a winged mount. So, on a damp and foggy morning, he packed his adventuring gear and saddled up his mount.

Ghighi made a distinctive whistle, meant to get the attention of his pet. “Album! C’mere, we’re going foraging!” 

The tiny, fluffy fuzzball toddled over with excitement. Out of all three of Ghighi’s pets, White Album was the one that felt the least nervous around Venni. Maybe because they were both arctic birds? Ghighi wasn’t sure that was it, but he had no better theories.

Album jumped into its designated pocket in the satchel-turned saddlebags. The pocket looked much to small to be holding so much fluff, but Poffins such as Album were mostly just fluff to bein with. 

Venni snorted and stamped its feet. Even with all the facial fluff covering its eyes, it seemed to be glaring at Ghighi. 

“Alright, alright, no more stalling.” Ghighi sighed and mounted Venni’s saddle like the two had been practicing. Venni flapped its wings to readjust its balance, then settled back down again. When Ghighi was certain he wouldn’t fall off, he snapped the reigns, and Venni took a running start into the sky. 

At the very least, Ghighi trusted the Oxin to be able to fly over the Harrow Outlands. The grassy meadows and forests he’d grown used to scavenging flew by beneath his mount’s talons faster than he thought possible. It was going to be a long day, either way, but it seemed he wouldn’t be spending as much of it treading old stomping grounds as he thought. 

The sun was steadily climbing up the horizon, illuminating the landscape all around them. Long shadows stretched far along, slowly shrinking as the sun rose up, stronger and brighter with every passing minute. And with every passing mile, the Devil’s Stepping Stones rose higer and higher over the horizon. 

Venni made an odd whining noise. It wasn’t coming from its mouth, but its wings. They hadn’t even reached the Devil’s Stepping Stones, and the winds were already picking up. 

“Easy,” Ghighi’s grip on the reigns tightened. “Just keep it steady.”

Venni wasn’t listening. It tossed its head, snorting as a gust of turbulence shook them all. Album gave a worried squawk. 

“If you panic it’ll just be harder to fly!” Ghighi gripped the reigns tighter, big mistake.

Venni bucked, hard. This would be a scary thing to happen on the ground, and it was 20 times scarier midair when there were turbulent winds. Album gave a loud screech, Ghighi turned in a panic to make sure it hadn’t fallen out the saddlebag pocket. 

“Damnit DAMN!!! IT!!! I didn’t want to do this but FINE!” Ghighi let go of the reigns, unclipped the saddle and let himself slide right off the oxin’s back. 

Venni righted themself and stayed in place for awhile, idly flapping their wings. They looked around, confused and unsure of what just happened. Did that lunatic of a creature just fall to its death? There had to be something else to that. Otherwise…

Something glinted below Venni’s talons. They whirled around midair and saw a…bubble. A large one, that seemed to be carrying something inside. 

Venni let their wings stay out and slowly drifted towards the weird bubble. Indeed, Ghighi and his saddlebag were sitting right there in the middle of it without a care in the world. There were smaller bubbles all around, wobbly and bouncy whenever Venni touched their talon to one. Venni couldn’t break them unless they used their winter powers to freeze them first, like they had seen Ghighi doing before. 

“Look, I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused for you, but if you really want me to plummet to my death I’m gonna fight back.” Ghighi put his hands together to make a circle, blowing more bubbles to replace the ones Venni had broken. All the while, Ghighi and Album drifted further and further towards the ground. 

After a few testing swipes and puncture attempts, Venni landed on some of the bubbles that had stuck together to form something in the shape of a cloud. It was oddly soft and supportive, even without being particularly stable. Venni sat themself down and yawned, waiting for the descent to conclude. 

“Damn freeloader.” Ghighi grumbled. “What do I even have you here for?”

Venni squawked and lashed their tail in Ghighi’s direction. 

“Look, I don’t need sass from–!” Ghighi’s rant was cut short from a quiet peep from Album. The little creature looked a bit shaken by all the racket their disagreement had kicked up. 

“....Fine, I’ll knock it off. Sorry.” Ghighi patted the tiny bird’s head. He listened to Album chirp contentedly, watching Venni take a small nap. 

This far from the stepping stones, the turbulence had all but died down. There wasn’t much fuss from anyone at all when the bubbles finally got down to the ground. Ghighi began popping them one by one, freezing them and then giving them a good poke to make them shatter into vapor. 

Suddenly, a gust of icy wind whooshed though and popped all the bubbles. Ghighi hugged Album to his chest to protect the tiny creature, then glared in the direction the gust had come from. 

Venni was innocently nudging the saddle with their head, looking up occasionally back the way they’d come. The message was clear, especially when Album gave a tiny squeak of agreement. 

“You lazy lumps…” Ghighi grumbled, putting the saddle on Venni’s back proper. “Fine, we’re going home. I guess I’ll buy food some other day.”

If Venni could have rolled their eyes, they would. When Ghighi was secure on their back, they took a galloping start and took to the sky, back to home and safety.