Grey'Kit gets a crown

1 year, 1 month ago

AHH, my poor children :c

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"Grey'Kit?" Frozen'Gaze walked into the warrior'den, looking about for the young kit who was supposed to be helping her clear out the apprentice'den. It was easy work, just picking up sticks and old bits of moss and taking them outside of camp. Of course, Grey'Kit wasn't allowed outside of the camp, but Frozen'Gaze refused to let her leave her sight, leading the young kit to have many ventures out of the safety of the camp. Frozen'Gaze had thought that the kit wasn't bothered by the outings, but when she returned to the apprentice'den, she had noticed that Grey'Kit was no longer behind her.

"Grey'Kit, are you in here?" She walked around the old den, inspecting some of the moss beds. She, Torn'Star and Grey'Kit were staying in this den together, Grey'Kit and Frozen'Gaze sharing the same moss'bed as if they were queen and kit. Torn'Star claimed it was for safety, but really, Frozen'Gaze knew that none of them wanted to sleep alone.

She flicked an ear around, stopping short as she heard soft sobs coming from underneath a moss bed. Frozen'Gaze walked toward it, being careful to keep quiet. With soft movements, she pulled back the moss, revealing a small bundle of grey curled up underneath it. Frozen'Gaze sighed, moving in next to the kit.

"Hey, whats wrong?" she asked quietly, knowing full well what was wrong but not knowing what to say. 

Grey'Kit just shook her head, curling up tighter.

Frozen'Gaze frowned, stuck on what to do. She was never the social type, and generally kits stayed far away from her and her blind eye. She looked around for a couple of minutes, simply keeping the young kit company, before she thought of an idea.

"I'll be back in a second, ok?", She nudged the she's side gently with her tail, before standing and trotting out of the den, searching for flowers and leaves


Grey'Kit looked up toward the large she, wiping her eyes with a paw as she struggled to catch her breath. "h-huh?"

Frozen'Gaze held a delicate crown of flowers in her paws, the stems intricately folded together and around eachother so it held steady. Grey'Kit watched with fascination as the feline put the crown on her head, the weight causing her sobbing to die down. "w-what's this?" She asked quietly, her paws stretching upward to catch at the delicate petals.

The large she smiled sadly, putting a paw on the kits paws to keep her from breaking her crown. "Its a promise," she said gently, leaning down so her nose rested in the middle of the kits head, the flowers encircling it. "as long as you have this crown, you can get through anything. No matter what Star'Clan throws at you, you will get through it"

"really?", the young she asked quietly, afraid to touch the crown lest it loses its power

"really," Frozen'Gaze assured, kneeling down so her nose was infront of the young kits face, "I promise, this crown will help you overcome anything that may happen"

Grey'Kit looked up at Frozen'Gaze as she sat back down, her paws sticking to the ground she, thinking about what the she had said. "But what if it breaks!" she exclaimed at last, standing up, "Or what so i do when the flowers wilt!"

Frozen'Gaze laughed softly, nudging the small kit with a paw, "Then I'll make you another one, and when that one breaks I will make another, and another after that," she smiled, "I will make you as many crowns as you need, and they will always be there to protect you"

Grey'Kit nodded, smiling slightly.

"Now, are you ready to get back to work?"

Grey'Kit nodded slowly, touching a paw to her crown, before standing and walking out of the den. Frozen'Gaze watched, letting out a shaky breath. No cat alive had been put through as much as that kit. And yet she was still willing to help out in the clan. She put a paw to her nose, sniffing quietly, she would protect that kit, no matter what. She would never let anything else happen to the poor she.