My Wish for You

1 year, 4 months ago

Submission for Coelunes April Prompt

In the first pov of Titan!

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“Don’t you remember?”

I did, even though thinking about the past was enough to make my head spin on its axis before resetting. Eve was slowly reminding everyone of its introduction, the Sun dipped behind the busy of the city and escaped my view, and out came flickering lights of the nightlife. I got up from my seat and lazily glanced over the streets under my business’s heel. A knock at the door caught my attention before I was finished with this memento.


I didn’t say anything and they came in. Jewls clinked inside closed glass and shined pearls. If it wasn’t her I’d snap, however explicit instructions were followed ever so obedient, I couldn’t object. She spoke first.

“Evening Vega, am I interrupting?”

My lips smile as I turned around, a long pause, but she knows everything is on my time, it’s how I run things.

“You were, but that’s hardly the topic for tonight. Anything I’m missing?”

“Your showcase. Many people are waiting downstairs for your appearance, I’ve been keeping them occupied.”

“I won’t be seeing anyone.”

“Wh- Arcturus, this isn’t-“

I walk up to her and gently tell her to stop talking. She protests, I can tell by her expression she has something to say. ‘Titan this, Titan that… this isn’t how Aureole was run. ‘ But we both know that is asinine.

“I won’t be seeing anyone tonight. Please let them know I have other means to attend too that are far more important. And don’t argue, if you can try.”

Pursing her lips she can’t bear to stay silent,  her body language only confirming she thinks I’m taking Aureole down with my “childish” games. A shame even after working fifty years together she thinks I still need to prove myself: to her dismay I don’t take this as competition. She can only wait a minute of this sheer silence.

“Since you know the world Titan, what is occupying your precious time then? So I can give an explanation. It would be nice for you not to insult my honor.”

“And don’t insult my family by assuming I don’t know how to run things.”

I had moved from her and towards my desk, many of her words a fleeting moment  before I sat down, my feet on my desk, hands folded and clasped. One of those very stereotypical “rich business man looks” Lucine use to snicker at me doing. ‘You’re just like father!’ Before bursting into giggles. That made my skin speckle in a glow, bright and clear against the dimmer lighting of my office. That meant I was amused, Genevieve took that as me commenting on her statement. Sometimes I wish people wouldn’t take things at face value. Genevieve especially, I cared for her intuition.

“These are rather minuscule and unofficial matters. All were rather… desperate, to say the least, to meet me. If they are smart they’d be grateful to know I’d consider a reschedule. Now, tonight is a very important day for me, I need to give my congratulations to my sister.”

“Forgive me, I wasn’t aware. Her birthday isn’t for a while, is today an anniversary? I should have arranged some gifts, at the very least a card.”

“She’d appreciate that but this is a personal anniversary. Go to our guests and explain my absence while I go to Lucine please.”

“Of course.”

I get out of my chair and give her a wink before I exit first, she bowing her head as I passed. Hopefully this wouldn’t make me too late to when I promised her.


By the time I made it over to her place it was past midnight, which irritably seemed to be the core thought that ran its race in my mind. I had wanted to meet her by ten minutes till, suppose you can’t get everything you want. I knock and wait at the door. I had insisted numerous time that I’d pay for a nicer place for her to stay, more roomy. But Lucine always complained that that was unnecessary, and she enjoyed being at her beginnings, which I can’t fault her for. Eventually I snap back in reality as I hear rummaging and her voice echoing “I’m coming ! I - ahh give me a second~”

Breathlessly opening the door and shot up to see my face- our height difference really stands testament to our differences- a whole 2 feet. Her face brightens in shock and surprise to my grin.

“Ah Titan? I didnt expect to see you - did I- do you have- Oh! Did I forget to give back your rings at some point? I can go ge-“

I hugged her and laughed, kissing the top of her head.

“Oh Lulu-“


“Whatever, Lucine you don’t need to give me anything. Don’t you know what day it is?”

She came out from the hug and thought for a bit before shaking her head and shrugging at me.

“You are mysteriously vague with that- your birthday isn’t until December … and don’t tell me you can’t remember your own sisters!”

She dramatically fell in my arms and rolled her eyes at me.

“Oh it couldn’t be in September…. Hmmm I’m pretty sure my birthday is that month on the 28th… no Lucine it’s not because I forgot. Can I…?”

I gestured to her place and she nodded up and down, reopening the door and voicing a welcome as I came in. I’ve been here before, the scent of wisteria lingers off of me as I smell hints of vanilla and chamomile. I sit down near her window not saying a word. My leg even propped leak’s liquid gold like a wound. The floor boards are stained. 

The skyline view was incredible, not like my personal one seeing all of the greater bend, but more contemporary, comfortable. I hear more clinking from Lucines legs before a force pushed against my back, she smiled wide. Hugging me from behind she finds a spot to fit between my neck and cheek, avoiding my wings carefully. I spoke first.

“The last time I was here like this, do you remember?”

She still stood confused, her ears perked up after a second thought and she turned to me - dumbstruck.

“Haha… wow.”

She started tapping her fingers, admittedly on my chest but she was thinking. I sat still and smiled, I’m glad she didn’t forget.

“That really was fifteen years ago huh… back then it really was just a dream.”

I picked up my hand and went to hers, pointing at the sky. It sparkled above the city light, true stars.

“Vega was a lucky one to wish on wasn’t it? In our name~”

She giggled and batted my hand.

“Shush Titan! Lyra as a whole is pretty! I guess so… hey you still have the necklace?”

I thought she’d never ask. Under my wing I had a box, to which in my left arm I raised it high, to high for her to reach out first, I still had a teasing older brother in me. After a couple names I lowered it to her grasp, snatching it from my hands. She opened it and inside was a small gold necklace, banded in a special gem our family was known for, Bijoux our company kept only a minimal at sales- I ordered that. It’s how father would have wanted it to be now. 

“A wish, but also a promise to you Lucine. Seems I kept up my end of the deal.”

“Are you saying I didn’t?!”

She pouted at me, half tempted it seems to chuck the necklace in the trash.

“Did you get your wish?”

She stopped. Carefully she linked the chain around her neck and smiled wide at me, leaning back into me finally.

“I did. I got that and more.”

I draped my arms over her now, and I spoke softly.

“Then you did everything I wished for.”