The Fall of Cronus - Wyld Hunt Side Prompt

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
4 2296

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Explicit Violence
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The Fall of Cronus [Pt 1] - Wyld Hunt Side Prompt


A devastating shockwave could be heard from deep inside the forest, silencing the noise from the Gravekeeper’s camp. A deep feeling of dread hung in the air, the wind gently blowing through the moonlit night. Murmurs rose from the crowd of folk. Was that…?

The folk could only look at each other in horror, knowing full well that one of their kin had just been brutally killed. They knew that some of the hunting party left with Finnegan, Alice, and Vanitas to distract the Trapjaw at the lake. Gods forbid that it was one of them…  The remaining Gravekeepers and volunteers at camp began to rush into action, grabbing their shovels and dashing into the forest while some stayed behind to usher the druid refugees to safety. Grey had quickly donned his armor, gathering his shovel and the rest of his party to head into the forest with the rest of the Gravekeepers. “Did you guys hear that? What was that? You don’t think it was..?” Hydrangea jogged alongside Grey, her tails muttering amongst themselves with varying ranges of anxiety. “Doesn’t matter, it just means we need to get there asap!” Grey puffed, tugging on the last of his armor as they weaved past the thick trees and deeper into the dark forest.“Uh just how big did they say this thing was again..?” Two large clawed feet dug into the branches above, Aibo swinging at pace with the group, his tattered shirt flowing through the air.

“They said it’s in the lake??” A tall blue winged folk tagged alongside them, eyes scanning through the shadows. Cleetus gripped his shovel in anticipation. “Good thing I’m a strong swimmer!” A much smaller winged folk ran past, rolling up their sleeves, shovel held firmly in his tail.“Dawn, slow down!” Cleetus sped up as the group reached a clearing. 

It was as if there was a hole torn through the forest, exposing the elements to a bloody night sky. Standing before them was the largest creature any of them had seen in their life, or any life, for that matter. Thick blankets of moss hung against the frame of a reptilian beast, its skin deeply carved into by massive chunks of yellowing crystal. Its maw was easily two folks long, with jagged, irregular fangs crowding inside, bellowing a low guttural noise.Didn’t they say this used to be a druid folk?Whatever resemblance of this “folk” used to be is long gone, instead leaving a husk of pure hunger and strength. The party stood at the edge of the lake, just staring at the Trapjaw in awe in a true standoff fashion. The low guttural groans rose into a deafening roar, shaking the ground that the folk stood on, the water of the lake swirling in massive waves against this creature's mass.

This would certainly be a suicide mission.

Grey kept his breathing low, bony claws tightening around his shovel. He glanced to his left at Hydrangea and Aibo, and then to Dawn and Cleetus at his right. With one last shaky breath, Grey nodded at the party who nodded in response before they lept towards the monster.

Grey, Hydrangea, and Aibo were the first to reach the Trapjaw, clinging onto its neck, shoulder, and face with whatever they could hold onto. With a sickening crunch they plunged their shovels deep into the Trapjaw’s hide, causing it to throw its head back and let out another terrible roar. The world began to shift for the three as the Trapjaw shook its head from side to side, wildly swinging Aibo and Hydrangea from their spots, barely holding onto their shovels. The Trapjaw’s claws scratched uselessly against its face, narrowly missing Aibo and his tails. In its frustration it quickly swung its head back once more, sending Aibo and Hydrangea flying. “Guys!” Grey could only watch helplessly as his teammates plunged into the water, still barely holding onto his own shovel with gritted teeth.

The beast boomed as it spun in the water, flinging off swarming folk from its body while the remainder stabbed into its flesh.

Author's Notes

Name: Grey

Pronouns: He/Him

ID #: T-0228

Word Count: 685

Characters: 6 (Hydrangea MAbsolGirl, Aibo Ribbio, Cleetus AquaticSpider, Dawn AequoreaVic, Grey @me, Trapjaw)


The Snapjaw’s greatest weapon is its heavy, powerful jaw, easily able to crush a Folk in an instant. If we can somehow weaken it or impair its head, we can get an advantage. Attack its head! (Does 1 damage to the Verdant Snapjaw!) Requires: Your Folk or their team attacking the Snapjaw’s head. Writing Allowed: Yes

2/411 Acorns

(Acorn count may be off due to wordcount not functioning correctly on counter?)

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