The Fall of Cronus - Wyld Hunt Side Prompt

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
4 2296

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Explicit Violence
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The Fall of Cronus [Pt 4] - Wyld Hunt Side Prompt

Grey’s vision was blurred, fading in and out from darkness. He could hear screaming, the rushing of water, and twigs snapping as something was approaching. A dark shadow leaned towards him, causing him to reach for his shovel, only to realize that his arm was completely shattered, crumpled like a piece of paper. And yet, he still tried to grab his shovel, panting heavily and crawling along the forest floor as he faded in and out of consciousness.“Is….is that…”“Guys, theres one over here!”“How did he survive that?”“He’s still breathing?!”“Quick grab the stretcher!”Grey coughed and wheezed against the grass, seeing two sets of white, beady eyes staring at him through the trees. All he could think of was how afraid he was. How he knew he was going to die. For real this time. A group of folk swarmed Grey, carrying supplies and first aid as they gingerly moved his body onto a stretcher.“Evacuate him back to the camp, quickly! It’s not safe for him here-”Grey could hear the sound of mechanical beeping, eyes opening to harsh, bright, fluorescent light. It buzzed but gave no warmth. The air smelt of ammonia and chemicals. He could feel the weight of leather on his limbs, needles piercing his skin. Grey tried to move his head, or anything for that matter but it was no use. The cold, metal table he was pinned to gave no slack, instead forcing him to just observe. He heard the sound of heels click clacking against tile, followed by a woman's voice and several other murmurs of unknown voices. “Oh he’s just a PERFECT specimen. He really survived all that? Perhaps he wasn’t as useless as I thought after all.”A pale face and too straight, white teeth, peered over at him, overcast by an even larger being, easily a dozen feet tall, bent over the ceiling and curled over. The woman does not seem to notice this being, but Grey, Grey sure does. He could feel his heart racing and his lungs tightening. His body shook and flailed in vain, wanting to scream but nothing came out. “Hello…Adam.~”Grey’s eyes shoot open, arm swinging wildly as he screamed. Surrounding him were multiple folk, a few of the gravekeepers who he remembered from training. “Calm down dearie! It’s a good thing we found you when we did!” Alice Wonderland stood a few feet away, smiling sweetly at him.“Must’ve been a hell of a dream you were having. We couldnt keep you still while trying to stablize you!” Monev huffed, fur raised.“Huh, what? Where am I?” Grey huffed and wheezed, head spinning.“You’re back at camp. You were gravely injured.”“What..? No, I’m fine, I need to-” Grey tried to move out of the bed, nearly collapsing out of exhaustion.“Woah there!” Monev caught him by the shoulder.“You’re not going anywhere in that state.”“But- but my team-”“Are safe- they’re returning from the battle now.” Alice hummed.

Author's Notes

This is the final part!

Name: Grey

Pronouns: He/Him

ID #: T-0228

Upgrades added: Lost Limb (Right Arm)

Word Count: 501

Characters: 3 (Hydrangea MAbsolGirl, Aibo Ribbio, Cleetus AquaticSpider, Dawn AequoreaVic, Grey @me, Alice, Monev)

UNPUNCH THE WOUNDED!!!: [Posted late, doesn't count for candy rip]

  1. The Trapjaw hits hard, and we need to mitigate any casualties. Draw your Folk helping transport the wounded, OR being transported by other Folk. Requires: Your Folk and 2-3 other characters. One must be the injured folk needing help. Writing Allowed: Yes

2/417 Acorns

(Acorn count may be off due to wordcount not functioning correctly on counter?)

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