Inconvenient Reincarnation

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Simon is a human. Simon went to Coldour on vacation. Simon is no longer a human.

... Oh no.

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"Team Solar"

There they were. A shakey-legged shinx, a tiny bounsweet on his back, standing in front of a clodsire, sitting by a desk. Did clodsire… clodsires? Clodsiri? Clods? Who knows. Did clods even know how to write? Wait. Did clods even have long enough arms to pick up a pencil? Did they have hands?? Simon was ripped away from his definitively-not-idiotic questions as the clodsire spoke, drawing his attention again.

"Welcome to the guild. I am Elton. And you are looking to become a team, correct?" He gestured slightly with a fin.

A fin. So he probably couldn’t write with those, huh. Why did he have a desk then..? Once again, he was snapped back into reality as Isabella cut off a bit of the fur on his paw using razor leaf. She cleared her throught impatiently, and glared at Simon. Great. A team. With her. Despite his reluctance, his voice monotone, he breathed out a "correct."

"Great. May I know your names and species?"

"I’m Isabella, bounsweet through and through," she answered immediately. With another, a little more pitying glance at Simon, the small pokemon answered for him as well. It was fair enough. He barely knew anything when it came to pokemon, ironically enough. "He’s Simon, a shinx. Our team will be named Team Solar, if that’s alright."

Oh? They hadn’t agreed on a name. The feline looked over at the berry, who didn’t look back this time. Team Solar. Why solar? Bounsweet were just grass, right? And he sure as hell wasn’t a fire type. If he was, he’d probably have burnt down the fields he woke up in already. It had a nice ring to it though, and seeing as he knew just about nothing on guilds and teams and whatnot, he accepted the name.

Elton, who had been silently watching them, letting them settle down a bit, smiled slightly and the silent agreement. The hazy plum-colored clodsire stood up on his hind legs slowly, gesturing to the two of them with open arms, a comfortingly welcome gesture for the man.

"Very well, then. I look forward to see your work, Team Solar."