The Many Ways to Burn a Hive

Gloopers kedirae
1 year, 1 month ago

Members of both Team Tomfoolery and Team Hierophants group up to investigate the disappearances of several local pollen ferrymen.

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If a sneeze could kill a Pokemon, Anthony figured that the Pokemon afflicted with death would be on the receiving end, rather than the sneezist, on the basis that Mari was indeed correct in the assumption that if someone sneezed, they had already survived the ordeal. Anthony never shared this thought with anyone, as it was potentially dangerous information, and he was never in a situation where his sternutation could kill someone.

Well, he was, actually. That was the Wooper part of him, so full of slime and snot. But he had much more self control than most, supposedly.

Mari did not, however.

Clad in his signature worker's shirt, made for a human that could not possibly exist, the Woobat was a mess of sniffles and heart-stopping shrieking. He smacked his face with his dishwashing gloves as his boots stumbled over one another- and whatever his pants did was so horrifically awful that reality saw it fit to not allow him a pair at all.

"It is fundamentally nearly impossible," Mari began, "for a Combee to both excrete so much honey and to still have such an immense pandemonium of pollen in the air. Profoundly fascinaaaaaaaa-" And Mari once again blasted his bat snot all about, shotgunning it into the cave.

And this cave was like a sandwich bag full of pure honeycomb of insect residue after being shoved onto a helium tank and bloated to the max. The three dungeon-goers swore, in one way or another, that they even saw plastic jutting here and there. In the way that it was nestled behind a creek guarded by a number of trees it was certainly out of the way and was much more of a nuisance to reach. 

It was the last place a certain Vespiquen and his Merry Men were spotted, however, and so Team Hierophants journeyed there. And they weren't alone.

"Schlooks like a hive," Mari sniffled, telepathically dislodging snot from his glove. He addressed those of Team Tomfoolery, who were likely decently close. "Best way to deal with a hive is with fire, or gas. Can't say I can do that myself. But, at any given time, there's a chance, at about 3.5 to the power of 802 million, 555 thousand and two that cosmic dust from the sun will instantaneously burn this planet to a crisp." He wiggled his nose. "...Useless odds, yes, but we have it on our side. Best chance. Unless we wanted to
 wade, through all that."

He violently shuddered. Anthony sighed.

"Okay, I'm gonna be honest, Mister," said Pekuli the Cursed Corsola of Team Tomfoolery, waddling along next to the Hierophants. "Every time you spit boogers everywhere, a child dies. Think of the children. Think of me. I just shined my branches, and if you booger them up, Morel's gonna make me use SOAP." His transparent black sprays of coral did look particularly shiny today. 

"Nobody cares about your branches, Pek," said Ellis the Fishy Honedge, who floated next to her friend with a scowl that transcended the need for a mouth. "It's not gonna matter anyway. We're going into a hive, and we're gonna get covered in honey, and it's gonna be sick nasty."

"At least I can lick honey off. I can't lick boogers," said Pekuli with a raised eyebrow. "Especially not Mari's boogers. Those are, like, universal paradox boogers."

"You can if you're not a coward." Ellis shoved past him. "For a hive, I say we just slash it to bits." She made a whirling motion with her blade. "I don't think any of us know how to use fire or gas."

"You sure do, after eating Morel's cooki-"

"SHUT UP!" Smack went Ellis' hilt against Pekuli's side.

“Pekuli, in the most polite way possible, you spend very little time thinking about what you say. Children are the top perpetrators of eating snot, mucus and, you bet your bottom dollar, boogers.” Mari gestured some, almost violently sending flecks of snot towards the Corsola. An immense amusement heavied his brow when he spoke after. “In fact, bet you shine your branches with mucus. Nature’s lubricant. Honey is just snot, too, tell you what.”

Anthony was always having a very bad time figure out just what the fuck Mari was talking about. It was only then that the Woobat had crossed the line.

“Honey is *not* snot,” Anthony said in the most stupid, childlike fashion. He couldn’t bend his elbows, because his long blades were sheathed and the wood of his skin couldn’t beat steel, so when he gestured he did so with his dumb stiff arms, as though he were a zombie robot. “It’s not.”

“It snot,” corrected Mari before snorting and subsequently sneezing. “ArGHEEROOOF! Ah! Believe there was a little snot that time!” He fluttered his wings at Pekuli. “Well, let’s get moving. Least I won’t have to step in bee snot.” He, miraculously, picked up his boots and began walking through the air, as though he had a transparent sidewalk under him.

“You shouldn’t even know,” Anthony huffed. “Can’t even pick your own nose.” The Pawniooper flopped his bulbous tail.

“Can too.” And Mari flopped a limp glove against his snout. Onwards, to the dungeon!

"Jeez, you're disgusting." Ellis had floated a safe (or so she thought) distance from the snot-flinging Woobat, grimacing with her single eye. "Literally use a fucking tissue." The Honedge had no nose to speak of, and the pollen seemed to have little effect on her - or was she just pretending to be unbothered?

"Hate to break it to you, Mari, but I'm an undersea coral," said Pekuli casually. "I don't produce snot." And then he sneezed, so loud and violently that he rolled over.

"He does sneeze, though," said Ellis, flipping him upright with her blade.

"Blech. Think I got Mari snot up my nose." Pekuli did not possess a visible nose. "Let's go, dudes."

And the duo charged forth into the dungeon.

Like most dungeons, the halls were a sprawling mess of anthill-like nonsense. An overabundance of orange and yellow put any McDonald’s to shame and remnants of the outside world, sticks and stone, stuck out amidst the honey and wax. A particular stench muddled the air as well, and anyone who wasn’t the eyeless Mari would occasionally see globs of what only could have been purple mucus. The theming of the dungeon was most certainly on point.

“You have no proof that coral isn’t made out of flesh, straight up. And with flesh comes membranes, and with membranes come the slightest possibility of snot formulating.” Mari looked about, completely reliant on his bat-like wiles to see within the otherwise dark cave.

Anthony took a spot near the front of the group, wielding a squint sharper than the edge of a Lego brick.

"I'm made out of polyps, dude," said Pekuli, choosing not to elaborate any further.

"I haven't seen any bees yet," remarked Ellis, in a somewhat disappointed tone. She was itching to start blasting, but it was hard to do that without enemies to blast. "Smelling your snot probably drove them all away."

"Stankyyyyy," agreed Pekuli with a snort.

"Seven layer STANK cake." Ellis flipped upside down. "How do bees even stop pollen, anyway? I thought that shit came from grass or whatever." She hadn't bothered to actually read the request.

“Uh, good question.” Mari attempted to snap and succeeded in flopping two fingers together sloppily. “If I remember correctly- read an article after seeing the quest- Combee usually just takes the pollen and converts it into honey. Ribombee do that too, but under no circumstances should you call them bees, it's a blatant rudeness.”

“It stinks.” Anthony huffed before suddenly clicking in place and reeling back. Out came his blades and his elbows finally bent, held at the ready. “Something’s ahead!”

Indeed! With a gurgling like a man who just ate a Burger King’s whopper, something made its presence known

“Brrruhhh? Someone there?” It called out, before sludging forward, revealing itself to be a Muk covered in deer horns!

"Heh. You know, Muk backwards is
" started Pekuli.

"AVAST, FOUL KNAVE!" Ellis' righteous roar cut him off. "WHY HAST THOU APPROACHETH US? Approachedeth? Approath- APPROACHETHED?"

" groaned Pekuli.

"Ughhhh. Fresh air-ians." Lurching up like a rotten, animated slice of pizza, that Muk regarded the group with a teenager's disdain.

"What'd we'd gonna do with them'd?" Around the Muk's fat body came a second voice and a Swalot guzzling half a pound of the ick waddled forward.

"Uhhh, cream 'em. For the boss."

And without further ado, the Muk launched forward a ball of slime, while the Swalot ingested a whole helping of the forbidden bee juice!

Muk used Sludge Bomb!

Swalot used Stockpile!

Being only slightly ahead of Ellis, Anthony took the initiative in slicing deep into the pound of gel, dividing it away from it. It continued, for any of the Pokemon behind him!

Anthony used Metal Claw!

"Eugh!" Barely dodging the wave of poison, Mari plucked up a rock and chucked it, right at the Muk!

"YEAH! IT'S ASS SMASHING TIME!" whooped Ellis. "I mean, uh, IT'S ASSETH SMASHETH TIME! Eth!" With a murderous gleam in her eye, she unsheathed her blade and shone briefly, then pirouetted midair, attempting to look graceful and intimidating but, lacking the necessary coordination, instead looking like a dreidel someone sent whirling off the table.

Ellis used Swords Dance! Ellis' Attack rose sharply!

"Sir Roderick is among us!"

Pekuli, meanwhile, assessed the situation with his creepy little ghost eyes. A Muk and a Swalot? Posion types. That knowledge didn't help much, because neither he nor Ellis knew anything that would counteract that. Schemin', plottin'. Might as well follow Ellis' lead and just yolo it.

Using Anthony and the Muk going ham as cover, he flung out his little nub legs, toppled to the ground, and rolled, coming to a stop at the Muk's mucky feet. He waited for am opportune moment, then bounced a good three feet in the air, yelling "BOO, BITCH!"

Pekuli used Astonish!

"Yeah, Pek! Make him your bitch!" cheered Ellis.

"AAAAAAAAAAUMPHGMGL!" The Muk shrieked at Pekuli's sudden explosive move, crashing back like a tidal wave of rotted onion! At the end of it, they looked both wildly disinterested and scared stiff.

The Muk Flinched!

Even Anthony was caught by the prankster's spook, offering a quick 'ah!'. He recovered much quicker than the blob, threw his head back and glared!

Anthony used Scary Face!

"Sir Roderick? Stunning name." Taking a moment to look for something else to throw, Mari decided that the muck did not look good on his hand and instead launched his glove at the Swalot. It made contact with a rubbery slap, befuddling the Pokemon, before a tricky sort of mental pain wracked them!

Mari used Psychic!

Recovering with the glove still on their face, the Swalot swallowed the guck he had ingested, and shot it back out!

Swalot used Belch!

"Yeah! Mari thinks the name is awesome! So take THAT, Pek!" whooped Sir Roderick as she took a wild swing at the Muk. 

Ellis used Slash!

Perhaps she ought to have been less enthusiastic about it, though, because the gunky fellow's hide gooped up her blade and got her immediately stuck. She flailed about, twisting and turning and screeching obscenities, as she fought to free herself from the thing's sticky rotten bubblegum on the bottom of a desk skin, but she only succeeded in digging herself in like a splinter. The Muk didn't seem to appreciate this any more than Ellis did, and began thwapping about at her in a vain effort to dislodge the Honedge. The amount of cursing coming from the two was enough to make even a Loudred rethink its life choices.

Pekuli, meanwhile, was covered in snot. And it wasn't Mari's this time. He'd been in the Swalot's line of fire and had taken the L magnificently. He shook himself off like a dog, sending icky grossness flying everywhere in a veritable shower of bullshit, but the more he dislodged, the more remained stuck on him.

So he gave up. This was a beehive, right? He was going to get disgusting anyway, he supposed. Poison types were truly the most annoying ones, he reflected as he fixed the Swalot with his most convincing ghostly glare and waggled a tiny leg at it threateningly.

Pekuli used Disable!

He turned to Ellis then and spat out a globule of Swalot Swalsnot. "I'm not pulling you out of there, I hope you know," he said with a barely suppressed smirk.


Stepping for the sword stuck in the mushy stone, Anthony vocalized just the most horrendous cacophony from the hell of his throat. Even his gills reverberated.

"Ghobobkt!" He said something, before blasting Ellis with a helping of aqua!

Anthony used Water Gun!

"That's why you ought to always wear rubber gloves!" Mari snorted, yanking back his fantabulous dishwashing shields, before Firmly Grasping them around the cursed sword's handle. Fully enjoying his supposed immunity to the nastiness of being ghost sucked, he attempted to help pull the sword free!

It wasn't like their two foes could do anything, bamboozled as they were!

"Neither of us have hands, Mari," said Pekuli as he watched the Arthurian legend reenactment with great amusement. Sir Roderick was truly living up to the name and becoming a sword of myth, the Booger Blade of '82.

With Mari's powerful rubber glove grip, Ellis squelched out of the Muk muck with a noise like someone extracting an entire sticky hand lodged down a clogged sink drain. "THOU HAST CLAIMED THY BIRTHRIGHT!" she hollered as she was pulled free, dripping purple goop and water everywhere. "THE CHOSEN ONE OF LEGEND! YE WHO SHALL YIELD THE ANCIENT BLADE OF SIR RODERICK SHALL BE FEARED THROUGHOUT THE LAND! ETH!"

"Yeah, all right, Ellie." Pekuli rolled his eyes, and then rolled himself as well, bouncing along the ground to hit the Muk at top speeds.

Pekuli used Tackle!

"Oh! I've thought about what I'd do if I've ever pulled a blade free and," Mari, happy as can be, pivoted back before full-on chucking Ellis right at the Swalot! It wasn't even through a move or anything!

Anthony joined Pekuli in his assault on the Muk, looking to keep a bit of range as he upchucked a wad of mud!

Anthony used Mud Shot!

Ellis careened towards the Swalot with a valiant screech of bloodlust, hurtling past the fell beast and slicing a long cut across its side. Not anything deep or deadly, as the angle hadn't been quite right to pierce, but certainly painful for the guy.

Ellis used Stab, Motherfucker!

Blubbering like a skebabbed slug, the Swalot wiggled, the entire fucking shrimp-scented sword hitting it's mark nigh perfectly! And with a heave, they fell over, fainted!

The Enemy Swalot Fainted!

"Kieeeetthh!" The Muk wailed with their own mouth full of water and mud and several ailments.

"Keith? The heck, that's not how you say Keith!" Mari stood, aghast, before following up his toss with another slap at the Guck Fiend, unleashing another mental wave!

Mari used Psychic!

It hit its mark, and the Muk finally fainted!

The Enemy Muk Fainted!

Ellis shook herself off. "Yechhhh, I got goo all over me!" she complained.

"Oh, you got goo on you, did you?" said Pekuli, who was still sopping with Swalot snot. That stuff was sticky as hell. Through it all, though, he grinned. "Epic fight, dudes. That guy said something about a boss, right? Maybe he's the one who chased the bees off."

"Better not be another Muk," said Ellis. She attempted to wipe her blade clean on the walls of the honeycomb, but succeeded only in mixing honey into the purple doodoo. "Oh, sick!"

"Very nice moves, Pekuli." Anthony said, shunking his blades back into his arms. "What sort of training have you undergone to perform such full body pelvic slamming?"

Pekuli grinned proudly and posed, while Ellis rolled an eye at him in the background. "I'm just built different, dude," he proclaimed. "It's my special skill."

"Uh." Mari, pulling his glove back for the billionth time sought to cleaning the guck off. "Amazing choice of words. But I'm willing to agree, the boss is very likely at fault. Did you see how these two acted like normal Pokemon? Aside from the name Kieth." He waddled over, still walking on air, to one of the walls, slicked with purple doodoo and golden honey. "This place is certainly weird but
 Entertain me for a second, I don't think it's a dungeon?

"Remember what I said, about ways to destroy a hive? One of those ways was poison." Though his upper, flapping head shuddered, his lower suit shrugged. "I hope they're okay, these bees. We really need to keep this gunk from spreading. All set to move on?"

"Bruh, that's like the most coherent thing you've ever said," said Pekuli. "And it actually makes sense, too. Those guys acted totally not crazy, other than like attacking us on sight."

"Shut up and let's get a move on!" butted in Ellis. "I wanna beat up more guys!"

“Right-e-yo!” Adjusting his Left Glove with his Right Glove, Mari made for the closest hall, rushing into the abyss. Utterly gobsmacked, Anthony cleaned whatever Smuckers he could from his steel before following.

Eventually, the group would enter a much bigger room, one with an ungodly display of purple and orange- which much more purple than the rest. A fashion statement, for sure, one intended strictly to peel one’s irises from their senses by dipping them into a substance so acidic any sort of soda was put to shame. The very ground groaned, and that was entirely thanks to the fact

That a multitude of Combee were fainted and strewn about, coated in poison.

Mari supposed that they sounded like wet farts, those who were face down on the ground, blowing huffs of nothing into the slop. 

Further in was the Vespiquen, fainted next to a particularly jutting throne- upon which a Magmar sat. That fire type wore an absolutely magnificent trapper hat- one with stickers glued to the fabric. He couldn’t pull it off.

“Bluh. Intruders! Some guildy gooders, I assume, here to ruin my master plan?!”

The macabre sight of hordes of Pokémon lying defeated on the ground did nothing to dull the brave Sir Roderick's spirits. In fact, Ellis relished in the sight, knowing war would be the only outcome - and she itched for the flash of steel and the howls of her enemies, the ancient song of blood and struggles of power. Or whatever. Look, she's a sword; she lives for this shit. 

"Hark, foul-!" she announced, but before she could get any farther, the stout Pekuli reached up and gave her a silencing smack. The coal-black Corsola instead took the lead, looking generally unbothered by the chaos. Ever the practical one, he gave the Magmar a nod of acknowledgement and began the parlay.

"Sick hat, dude," he said. "Wanna explain the genocide? Or do we just start throwing hands? Either's good with me, but let's keep it short. I got an important meeting at 7."

"Pekuli, you bitch! You ruined my speech!" whined Ellis.

"FOOLS. You're ruining my speech!" Rising from his throne with a vengeance, that Magmar stomped a flaming foot on the fainted Vespiquen's side. "Have you not noticed the all encompassing terror brought forth by the Infinity Pollen? Frederick! Continue the speech!"

From the side, a Koffing barreled in, looking absolutely stoned.

"Uh. So, like, pollen is hella important. And for some reason bees like, like liking it. So we, y’know, removed the bees. So it can't get where it wants to go. So it's taking matters into its own hands, yeah? And people have big noses. So it causes them to sneeze."

"PRECISELY!" The Magmar screamed, tugging at the flaps of his trapper. "The dreaded allergy season! And once the guild is preoccupied with the heart-throbbing horrors of the Sniffles, we will take over!"

"Bah! You assholes!" Mari cursed, shaking a fist!

"Dude." Pekuli stared. "That's not how, like, literally anything works. I'm being deadass with you right now, that's the single dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I've been paired with Mari all day."

He surveyed the Magmar's grotesque throne room critically. Mom never told him how incomprehensibly stupid the Pokemon outside the mansion could be, and if she had, well, maybe he'd have thought twice about venturing forth. He'd put up with years of Ellis' nonsense, but Ellis was dumb in like, a smart way, a way that was somewhat bearable, simce you knew there actually was a couple of brain cells in there underneath the bullshit. The Magmar and his henchmen, on the other hand, were dumb in a dumb way, and that got on Pekuli's nerves.

Such ponderings mattered little to the bloodthirsty Ellis, who'd taken her place next to the two Hierophants. "I warn you, o false one!" her voice rang out, sounding almost metallic. "Thy crimes against nature shall not go unpunished! For I am the great knight Sir Roderick, and these are my noble retainers, and we have not once encountered an enemy we couldn't defeat!"

"Can you not call me a 'retainer,' Ellis?" said Pekuli. "If anything, I'm a squire. Squire Kick Your Ass is my name, and brother
" He stretched. "I've got a royal duty to perform."

"Thanks for not breaking character," Ellis whispered to him.

"Anything for you, Els."

"It'll work that way if I say it does!" And in an explosive show of power, the Magmar let loose a sporadic flame! He screamed as he did so, raising his volume to a disastrous level!

"Ack! Time to rumble!" Mari stumbled to the side and dipped lower until he was practically waddling. Ignoring the unbearable pain of his legs, he plucked up a rock and chucked it at the Magmar!

"I've got your backs!" Anthony promised, before charging forward with his blades extended! He made to swipe at the Koffing far more gracefully than he did- but at some point between justice and shit's creek, he got his foot stuck on one of the Combee and tripped!

"He's throwing a tantrum," remarked Pekuli with an eye roll. He was getting in a lot of those today. "What a big baby." 

Waddling out into the fray, his spines gleamed for a moment, and several huge rocks ripped themselves out of the ground, from beneath the honeycomb. They glittered in midair, then whooshed for the Magmar.

Pekuli used Ancient Power!

"Swag." He fingergunned, somehow, without fingers.

If Ellis could have grinned, that grin would be eating shit right now, but as it was, she could only vibrate in excitement as the tide of battle washed over her. Hovering over Anthony's prone form, she commanded, "RISE, BRAVE KNIGHT! RISE AND TAKE THY DESTINY IN THINE OWN HANDS! Uh, hands? Scythes? WHATEVER IT IS YOU GOT!"

Twirling, she made to stab the Koffing, as much as one can stab a floating bowling ball.

"Ah, jeeze," complained the Koffing, who sort of just watched as Ellis tried to penetrate him with her grizzly steel. Partly panicking, he sort of just
 combusted. Epicly! Giggling all the while!

Koffing used Smokescreen!

"Hey!" Bumbling about the suddenly clouded room, the rampant bombardment of frilly rubber gloves slapped against whatever they could reach. He was truly a little idiot, though, and completely wasted an extraordinary amount of time.

Having seen his mark before the billowing smoke flooded room, Anthony dove through and stabbed at the Koffing, just as Ellis had! 

"Let's finish this sucka!"

"AUAHFFKSOCUFH!" screamed Magmar as actual fucking rocks impacted his breast-toting body! He had to grasp at his flaps to keep his hat from launching off, but once he had that in check he ran forward, and attempting to punt Pekuli!

Magmar used Mega Kick!

Ellis practically spontaneously combusted in sheer rage as the smoke clouded her vision. A dirty trick from a little cheater! With an ungodly snarl, she thrashed about in the Koffing's general direction, aiming to at least nick him, make him regret his life choices. Which were all bad.

Pekuli, meanwhile, didn't have time to dodge the incoming kick, as the smoke and the pollen was making him cough so hard he could barely see. One moment he was on the ground; the next he was sailing through the air like a football. It was almost serene up here, he reflected, before smacking into the honeycomb wall. Instead of getting a concussion, the gooey honey softened the blow, but at a steep price
 for he was now stuck as fuck. He wiggled his legs ineffectively, but, loath as he was to admit it, the lad was bee-autifally restrained.

"Balls," he muttered to himself. He took a lick of honey.

Ellis' wild flailing had granted her a blow upon
 something, but whether that was an enemy or an ally was beyond her. Not that it mattered, regardless. 

“With me! Ellis!” Hyped up far beyond his therapist’s recommendation, the plucky little pawn also joined in with loosely slashing around. To add gas to the fire, the Koffing began laughing, snortling like a bird shoved into a megaphone and locked into a safe.

Eventually, it was Ellis that made the first hit, initially clinking into Anthony, and then thwunking into that mass of coal haphazardly. Such a thing only seemed to accelerate the Koffing’s chortling, only now wisps of ‘ow!’ and ‘Eughghg’ filled his demonic snickers.

“Ouch! Did you hit them?! I’ll try and round them off!” Anthony said, before his rampant flailing fell to a minimum, and he dashed to the side.

"Yeah!" whooped Ellis. "Think I smacked him good! Dumbass beach ball looking muhfucker!" She continued to cleave through the air despite Anthony's movements stilling, in her element now and unable to be restrained. 

Dashing over to where Pekuli would have supposedly landed, Mari was rather befuddled to find that the Corsola was, actually, stuck in the wall. This meant that the man had dive-bombed right into the honey for literally no reason, and by the ruinous powers above, he swore he would rather have been born on a planet encrusted entirely by a used diaper.

“Blast!” The fluttering scholar ripped his body off of the ground. “Use your arms, man! I don’t think I know how to pull you off!” He’d certainly try though, reaching up to yank on the ball of coral’s body- completely oblivious to the cone of fire erupting from the Magmar’s back headed right for him! “I’ve got it- Suck in your gu-HHHIEEE!” 

The entirety of the Woobat’s made up form just sort of crumbled, fluttering to the ground with the grace of a sneeze. The bat himself bowled forward, crumbling to the ground.

"Hey, dude, I can do it myse-WHAAAAAOOOOWHATTHEFUCK?" The Corsola yelped as the flamed blasted Mari's ass and bought him a one way ticket to Fucksville with a stop off in Shittown. The heat of the inferno burned his face, and his eyes watered. 

"Mari! Bruh!"

Waggling his little legs violently, Pekuli began to inch forward through the honey - and farther - and farther - until, finally, with a squelch, he burst free and toppled to the ground. Sticky sweet liquid covered him, but he ignored it and set about headbutting the fallen Woobat.

"Mari? You slash srs or slash j?" he said, but the threat of the Magmar loomed behind him. No time remained to help his companion - not much he could do if he got barbecued himself, now was there?

"You deadass? You just killed Mari!" he said in disbelief. "Dude! Not cool!"

Behind the Magmar, a towering shadow formed as ghostly energy roiled off of Pekuli's honey-drenched branches. A pair of demonic eyes flashed, before the mirage reached for the Magmar's face, uttering a throaty cackle. The Corsola had been working on that one for a while, and watched in satisfaction as the shadows went to work.

Pekuli used Night Shade!

"Epic!" yelled Ellis.

"AHAHAHAHAIEIGH!" Scared right out of his joy of blasting one of these pests, Pekuli's move hit perfectly hard, right against the boob tyrant's back. Spooked and angry, the Magmar charged right for the Corsola, once again, ready to show him the real meaning of slash jk.

In the midst of his sprint however, his toes met the same unfortunate path as a wave of nauseous energy. Around Mari's body, as the bat began to recover from being face first in a vat of honey. Globs of the stuff, as well as broken chunks of comb and even the man's own clothing were sloooowwwlllyyy being tugged towards a point. 

And the Magmar's toes were now also headed for that point.

"Uuhhhhhhhh, what the FUCK!" The Magmar eeked!

With a surge of power, and a screaming middle aged man, the fire type's foot, a bunch of honey and two gloves shot directly up into the air!

"FEUWOFUCK OFF!" Mari screamed through his honey spa mask, also blasting into the air!

At the same time, Anthony yelled and the Koffing snorted and then also screamed- and the two of them barreled out of the smoke. Anthony was elbow deep inside one of the Koffing's knots!


"SWAG IT UP, BITCHES!" roared Ellis as she twirled and sliced towards the Koffing like a vengeful butter knife in Satan's kitchen. "I mean, uh, LET US NOW PARTAKE IN A HOLY RECKONING! THE HOUR OF THY DEMISE-" Smack! went the blade against the Koffing. "-IS NIGH! WAHOOOOOOOO!"

Ellis's smack bobbed the Koffing to the ground- and immediately after, Anthony joined in. The two ganged up on the poison type as though they were a soccer ball. And they kept kicking until the damn thing was deflated. Or at least fainted.

"So, slash j, then?" said Pekuli, looking at Mari with obvious relief. The Woobat was bonkers insane and weird as shit, but he was a teammate, and teammates stuck together, through thunder and fury and bee snot. That was the Warrior Code, or at least the Warrior Code Ellis made up one evening and then framed on the wall next to an anime portrait of Nora and Morel he was fairly certain Kell drew.

"SLASH JAAYYYYYY!" Mari hollered.

After a brief thonk, the Corsola summoned more rocks from the floor, sending them hurtling into the breast duck's flaming hide.

Pekuli used Power Gem!

"You are, like, so ugly, dude," he remarked.

In an effort to increase the effectiveness of Pekuli's move, Mari's vortex of energy stagnated, holding the fire type directly at the mercy of his foes- with a floppy hand right against the fiend's sick hat.

"NOOOOOO!" Utterly fucked, the Magmar could do nothing but take the move head on! The combined might of the two moves also resulted in the honey-nabbers faint, though Mari kept him in the air a bit further.

"HHHHHH WE'RE INVINCIBLE!" Mari screeched.

It took a fine few moments for the bloodshed of the fight to die down and once it had, Mari was quick to apologize for his lack of decorum. As the Vespiquen and other Combee were fainted, the group of guildmates set upon extracting them from the muck and ensuring their safety. Aside from the various stains on each person, the quest was rendered a success!