Rolling Rinks

1 year, 1 month ago

What could go wrong at a roller skate rink? Follow Greca as he tries to chill out with his pal at such a place! No really, this is just a chill story.

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Author's Notes

This was another one of those stories I tried to write on a whim. There were a series of roller skate-related documentaries on TV as of late, so I thought I'd give this as a hobby to these guys, Greca and Alex especially.

My characters need better hobbies.

Rolling Rings! The roller rink venue in the City of Progress. The place that she’d promised to meet him on this fine weekend for a quick skating session.

He arrived a few minutes before their agreed time, an hour after midday. There were already a few regulars skating away in the rink, but he wasn’t ready to join them.

He remained at pavilion with his skates on, having ensured that they’re a snug fit on his feet. He could be doing laps in the rink right now, having fun with the regulars whom he was familiar with. Some of them had beckoned him to join in the fun, but he declined their offer with a wave. “I’ll join you guys soon!”

Where was she? It’s almost two in the afternoon. In a few seconds, he would head into the rink and-


He jumped! away from the bench.

“Ha! Gotcha again, kid!”

“Alex! That wasn’t funny!”

“It sure is!” said the snickering kangaroo with a slap to her acrylic socket. “You should’ve seen your face, Gray. I should’ve had my phone ready to immortalize your face!”

“You already have forty of those!”

“It wouldn’t hurt to get a few more,” she replied, bumping his prosthetic arm with hers. She then glanced down. “I’m amazed you didn’t roll off on your skates.”

“That’s cause I’m a better skater than you!”

She shrugged. “We’ll see about that in the rink, pretty boy. Ten laps?”

“Ten laps,” he agreed, then merged into the traffic like a fish following the flow.

There was a shout behind him, but he didn’t have to look behind to know that Alex hadn’t put her skates on yet. By the time that he made one lap around the rink, she joined him by his side and gave him a another bump. This one nearly sent him off his route.

“Watch it!”


“You were late.”

She shrugged. “Can’t be helped. I have laundry to do.”

“Then get them done earlier?” He stuck his tongue at her.

“I don’t have a lot of free time like you do, Gray.”

“You don’t even fold your bedsheets!”

“That’s why I like to invite you over to my place, Gray. I know you can’t resist doing the bed.” She snickered. “What are friends for, eh?”

“To remind each other of our problems?”

“Shut up.” She tried to punch him, but he’d slowed down and watched her white knuckles miss him. “No fair! Ref! He’s breaking the rules!”

A lynx in uniform watching from outside of the rink shrugged. He cupped a hand around his mouth to say, “You broke some rules too, Alex. One more strike, and you’re out!”

She threw a quick hissy fit without breaking stride as he caught up to her, eventually passing by her so he could skate in reverse in front of her.

“Now he’s bullying me!”

“Yeah, Greca,” said another skater behind the two. “Give Alex a break. She’s gonna snap you in half with her tail if you keep messing her!”

“Try me,” Greca called back, who then slowed down so he and his friend were rolling at the same pace. “See? She wouldn’t-”

A punch on his arm startled him.

“Ow! Watch it! If my arm breaks, you’re paying for it!”

“Over my dead body!”

“Then I’ll claim your arm as my own! Come here!”

“You want two left hands? Bring it!”

He didn’t do it. Instead, he made his way to the centre of the rink so he could join the few dancers that dominated the space.

His dancing routine was pretty straightforward. His moves were the tame and safer versions of what he had seen for ice skating performances on TV. And it was easier for him to merge with the other dancers so they could give this place a proper show.

There were cheers and claps for the dancers. And then there’s Alex.

“Show off!” she sneered, and that garnered a few laughs.

“You weren’t even dancing!” said Greca’s dance partner.

“Give her a break! They’ve been skating more than ten laps!” said one of her friends, who happened to be on the side of the dancers.

 “No fighting, kids!” called out the security guard, but it was clear to everyone that he was trying his best to hide his laughter.

“Hey! You’re enjoying this too, Mr. Morse!” accused one of the skaters.

Laughter erupted across the rink. Even those who were skating with their kids joined in the laugh.

After another couple of laps around the rink, he felt that he’s had enough of skating for today.

“Same,” said Alex, slowing her pace and keeping watch of the traffic as they neared the doors that separate the rink from the pavilion. Once they were out of the rink and seated by their bags, so they could switch their skates for their shoes, she continued, “I’ve got a show to catch later in the afternoon. What about you?”

He was about to answer when his phone buzzed. He whipped it out of his bag, checked the message, and sighed.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“It’s fine, it’s not my mother.” He put his phone away so he could put his shoes on proper. “It’s the gang. They found another case, and they need my help.”

As she was about to complain, her phone buzzed. She glanced at the message, and said, “Looks like I’m invited to the party too.” With a sigh, she typed a reply, then tossed her phone into her backpack. “I can’t come tonight, though. My arm doesn’t have enough power to tase things.”

“That’s fine. I don’t think they’ll need your guns just yet. They want to find out what’s terrifying a neighborhood first. The investigation phase, if you will.”


“Haha, very funny Alex. I’m sure you have a much better plan than to jump at the monster and start blasting.”

“Oh, you know that I’m the very best at blasting things. Race you to the exit!”

And she was off! He hadn’t even tied his shoelaces! Resorting to an easy knot, he ran after her. “You cheater! Come back!”

Author's Notes

This was added a second after submission

I just realised I could've given this place the perfect venue name AFTER submitting the piece. Go me, whoo-

It was previously called "Skate-Tastic". Then it became "Rolling Rings".