[CERVIN] -> It's all a dream, wake up

1 year, 1 month ago

Sometimes the distance past of someone else's mistakes will want to kill you.

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It was near closing time as the Blueblood librarian walked around the various shelves, wheeling a small cart filled with books in front of himself. They were all newly returned ones in good condition, just like how they should be.
The soft tapping of Cervin's dress shoes against the freshly polished floor was the only sound to be heard. There wasn't a single nighttime critter even active, which was normal for the area Cervin's library was in. You really wouldn't see much around the area as well besides a couple of other establishments. Nothing too special, but oh well. It was a quiet little area and Cervin appreciated that dearly.
Peace and quiet. Just how he liked it...

The Blueblood turned a corner and started to walk down another aisle of shelves, planning on putting the books back.

A soft chime rang out.

Cervin looked up from the cart and blinked. That... That was the front doors. It was nearly closing time, who in the world would be coming to a library when morning was only a few hours away? Did this troll have a death wish or something?

Cervin sighed. Duty called. He turned sharply on his heels and walked towards the lobby area, adjusting his glasses and putting on his typical neutral expression. But when he reached the front, he could feel his eyebrow twitch upwards in confusion.

No one was there. The doors didn't even look like they had been touched. But he could've sworn he-

A choked breath escaped his lips as someone's hands wrapped around his throat from behind, pulling him backwards without warning. His eyes shot wide open, his own hands reaching up to try to pry off his attacker's hands. His head tilted backwards instinctively. The color drained from his face at the figure above him.

A tall, looming adult troll in a strange mask looked down at him, his one yellow eye seemed to glow. Dressed in Alternia's finest fabrics, jewelry and dark colors. And his horns... They were the same as Cervin's.  

Cervin clawed at the adult's hands, frantically trying to free himself. But the hands only gripped tighter and tighter, making the younger troll struggle to breathe.

The adult troll kept his eye locked onto Cervin's. This... Was this his Ancestor? But how? His Ancestor should be dead! Dead and buried in some unmarked grave! But here he was... Trying to strangle the life out of his own descendant.

Cervin closed his eyes. He could feel his will to fight grow weaker and weaker by the minute. His futile attempts to escape his attacker's death grip weren't working. He was going to die here. Die to a man who's.... Supposed to be dead.

Cervin closed his eyes and forced whatever strength he had left into talking, straining his neck upwards in hopes of getting some room to breathe. To speak.

"You're.... You're not.... You're not.... Re a l! YOU'RE NOT RE A L!" 

Buzzzz... Buzzz... 

A dark room met Cervin as his eyes snapped open. The small heater in the corner of his respiteblock hummed softly, moving side to side to keep the room warm.  Cervin sat up and looked around the room. His curtains were closed, blocking out the harmful sunlight that threatened to kill anyone who dared to walk in it's blazing glory.

Buzzzz... Buzzz.... 

His palmhusk. He had missed messages. He reached over to his nightstand, feeling around for his device. Curses... He didn't have his glasses on and couldn't see shit! Ugh. He felt around for a couple more minutes before acquiring his glasses, slipping them on his face so he could properly read his messages. He had three.

M9st Hated And Esteemed Kismesis:
Call me when y9u wake up ne7d.

Amdala Ravvna sent you an image 

Freana Elkena: Don't st4y up too l4te, Cerv. You know you need more sleep! ))_

Cervin sighed as he read the messages and looked over the image. Nothing felt.... Real at the moment, but getting to see these messages were at least... Comforting.

Mentioned trolls:
Dracma Picpic - ohworm
Freana Elkena - EmptiedCaverns