Knight Training

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
1 267

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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T1 - RY - The Royal Academy: Initiation

Hela frowned at the large castle. Being from deep within Marshgrave, she wasn’t terribly content to be rubbing elbows with the city’s elite and their royal counterparts. Really, she was just here to begin knight training so she could better protect those that lived in the scattered villages about the forest she called home. But everyone knew that the best place to learn how to fight, and therefore protect, was at the knight academy in Chrysanthos.

Her goal was to become as strong and confident in her abilities as she could be. While there were those that approached these goals on their own, Hela knew that working with an established institution with the focus of churning out knights would be her best option at success. She was sure she would advance at a much faster pace by enrolling in the academy.

Nearly everyone here were Pouflons, she noticed quickly. She had some Pouflon background in her family tree, but she always felt more like an Ursuki. On first sight, she looked more Ursuki than anything, with her ursine facial features, large clawed paws, and even the general body shape of what others would expect to see when meeting a Burly. Her hooves and branched antlers gave away her Pouflon lineage, while her scales, thick tail, and webbed wings revealed at least one ancestor that was a Vespire.

Luckily, Ursuki were common sights all across Bellacoste, but that didn’t change the fact that she was one of very few when she entered into the Knight Academy.

“I’m here to register for the next cohort.”