The Death of the King

1 year, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

Princette Layali's point of view during the battle with the ragtag band.

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Recently, there had been reports from border and hunting patrols that a foreigner had been intruding into Smokelust territory. The intruder had also been hunting and purposely wasting or scaring away prey. King Flavescent, cross, would ask those reporting why they didn’t deal with the intruder. They’d say the intruder was too fast, too quick, or too slippery to catch before it fled back into the guildless lands. King Flavescent would sigh and express his disappointment that a patrol of Smokelust villagers could not catch one measly intruder.

Today, Princette Layali sat nearby the fountain in the Plaza and xer elongated cuspids sunk and tore into the flesh and meat of a rabbit, caught earlier by xem, and ate it.

“Ahem,” a voice interrupted, xe was almost startled to xer feet.

“Yeah Flav?” Princette Layali’s red eyes dart up to meet his stern red gaze.

“Come, get up, we have matters to discuss,” he said, turning around and heading away. Princette Layali rose to xer paws, the rabbit dangling in xer jaws, and followed him into their cottage.

“What is it?” the princette titled xer head as they entered into the cottage.

“The intruder. You remember me talking about them, correct?”

“Yeah, about how multiple patrols failed to catch them?” xe let the rabbit drop onto the ground.

King Flavescent gave a grunt as a yes. “Well, they’ve moved on from just attacking our prey. They’re attacking our patrols and now fleeing without a scratch.”

“Oh,” xe frowned, “that’s very peculiar. I assume we’re going after them then?”

“No, no. Not us,” the yellow fox shook his head. “We’ll be sending a patrol out to gather intel on the intruder. They will return to us and share what they learned about the intruder.”

The proceeding meeting had King Flavescent initiate the plan, and organize the patrol, composed of three various creatures, returned a day after their mission.

“The intruder has friends,” the leader of the patrol began, gazing up at King Flavescent who stood upon the tree.

Princette Layali sat at the trunk of the tree, watching the returning patrol closely. Their gaits were fluid and normal, their ears had no new nicks, and all of their pelts were still as they were before they left.

King Flavescent’s gaze was fixated on the patrol’s leader as they spoke. Xe had always found xer father’s gaze to be uncomfortable to endure — a cold regard of sternness and high expectations.

“We found their hideout by following their stale scent into the Guildless Lands. There, in Redwoods, we found their empty den.”

“Very well,” King Flavescent lifted his head and straightened his posture, “Smokelust will organize a battle patrol. Sharp-Fangs make a line on the right and I will personally choose.” The yellow fox hopped down from the tree, lifting his wings out to slow his descent.

He beelined to Princette Layali, who stood up when he approached.

“A battle, huh?” Princette Layali echoed, a grin tugging at the corner of xer mouth. “Ooh, I—“

“Don’t take any battles lightly, Layali,” King Flavescent cut xem off. “Celebration must wait until the battle is won.”

“Of course,” the princette replied, “but—“

“I came over here to tell you something. Quiet down,” King Flavescent’s red gaze hardened on xem. Princette Layali sat back down.

“I need you to promise me something.”

“Wait, a promise? That’s not like y—“

“Above all else, promise me that you’ll make it back to the village for your daughter.”

Perspiration formed at Princette Layali’s temples, xe felt xer stomach drop. “Pfft! What!? Don’t talk crazy like that,” xe hissed. “It’s just a small band of ragtags!”

“You’ve never been in battle like I have,” King Flavescent’s gaze remained steady on xem. “Anything and everything can happen in any battle, no matter how small. You will be at the back of the patrol.”

“But—” Princette Layali began but he had walked away to select others to be in the battle patrol.

Princette Layali stared after him for a moment, perplexed and unnerved. There’s no way this battle could be that bad.

“Smokelust, to Red Woods!” King Flavescent howled as he and the patrol pounded out of the village.

Princette Layali glanced up at the darkening sky before xe rose to xer paws and trotted after them, taking up the back of them patrol.

The battle patrol was composed of three members, five including both the king and princette. Layali had figured the foreigners’ numbers would be less, but that patrol never gave an estimate of how many. We’ll win this easily, Layali thought with the lash of xer bushy tail, and our patrols won’t be disturbed anymore by those damn intruders. A tinge of sadness crept into xer head, how dare xer first real battle be over something that had no stakes or higher importance. Fighting over an intruder wasn’t anything epic at all! Could they even call it a battle?

Xer thoughts were interrupted when a creature, followed by a few more, erupted from behind shrubs. Four of them.

“Attack!” King Flavescent howled as the patrol threw themselves into the band of ragtags, claws swatting and jaws snapping.

Layali found xemself up again a tall, lanky maned wolf. Xe was shorter than them, but muscular and heavier. They attempted to bend down to bite Layali’s neck but xe quickly dodged and dove to their flank, embedding xer elongated fangs into their hind leg. The maned wolf yelped and tried to bite Layali’s tail, but xe had curled it by xer flank so the maned wolf just snapped at the air.

Layali released xer opponent’s leg and pulled xemself onto their back. The maned wolf quickly fell onto its side and rolled over onto xem. Layal didn’t notice until this, but the ground had become wet and muddy from downpour. Xe grunted under their weight, but xe raked xer hooked claws down the sides of their head. The manes wolf snapped its jaws as it tried to twist its head to bite Layali, but was unable to. Layali wriggled from underneath them, xer back and wings covered in mud, and dove xer jaws to theirs. The maned wolf rolled over onto its feet, growling and shaking its head in attempt to free its muzzle from Layali. Xer teeth tore from its muzzle when it lifted its head higher in the air and shook xem off.

Blood dripped from the maned wolf’s muzzle where it had been bitten. Layali quickly retaliated and dove for its exposed neck, wet fur greeting xer mouth. It backed away from xem, but Layali kept xer jaws clamped onto its neck. Xe put xer forepaws on its chest and pushed, tearing out its throat. The metallic scent filled xer nostrils as xe spat it out and darted away to join a different battle without looking back. The rain that xe hadn’t paid any mind to at first was now pouring down hard and drenching the soil. Xe realized the battle was now in the Cinder Forest, Smokelust territory.

Layali’s red eyes flickered through the fighters. Father. Xer eyes fell onto the winged fox, who xe could see only barely through the rainstorm. He was fighting near the river. For some reason, he unfurled his wings and started beating them at his opponent. As xe got closer, xe noticed his opponent was the intruder xe had heard describes, and that xer father’s hind foot had sunk into the mud. The ragtag band’s leader shoved its head into King Flavescent’s chest and knocked him into the stormy river.

Father! Layali sped up, sliding in the mud, and lunged at the intruder. Xe saw that its muzzle was drenched in blood. Layali attempted to shove the intruder into the river, but its jaws gripped Layali’s leg and brought xem underneath the water with it. Underneath the chaotic river, they fought, twisted, scratched, and bit. Xe was able to get the upper hand and shove the intruder underneath xem so xe could sink xer elongated cuspids into its neck and tear away, red filled the water as if it was squid ink.

Layali ascended to the surface of the river and gasped as xe fought xer way to the bank. Dad! Layali scrambled onto the bank and turned to look at the river, but someone attacked xem from behind before xe could examine the river more closely. Layali quickly twisted onto xer back and kicked them into the river. Fuck! This has to end immediately! Layali panted, an idea brewing quickly in xer mind, and darted up into the nearest tree.

“Foreigners!” Layali shouted into the warring animals and downpour, “your leader is dead! If you value your lives, leave immediately or else the rest of your numbers will be decimated!”

The band of ragtags paused as they listened to Layali’s shouting and then looked around to find that their leader was indeed no longer present. To Layali’s relief, they bolted away.

Thunder rumbled and roared in the sky and rain continued to torrent down. Layali panted, gazing down at xer members. Xer coat was drenched in mud, rain, and blood.

“Return to the village and go get your injuries checked!” Layali yelled, “even if you don’t think you were injured, have our Medicinal-Healer check you anyway!”

Layali leapt from the tree and darted back to the river, and there floated the body of King Flavescent Fumarole Plume.