General Adopt T.O.S

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 12 days ago
2 3344 1

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Read this before offering for my adopts, characters, designs and others (OTA, UFS, etc), there's a password "hidden", make sure to include it in your offer. :]

[LAST UPDATED: 12/14/23 or for my fellow latam ppl; 14/12/23].

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General Adopt TOS; payment, info and more

This literature piece contains my General Adopt/Designs T.O.S, read carefully before acquiring one of my designs. It has a password as of 06/13/23 so when offering, put it inside your offer somewhere, that way I’ll know if you’ve read it beforehand (Don’t put it unless stated otherwise – password is at the ending of this document, I also heavily suggest favoriting this!).

🟆 I have 2 payment methods available currently; PayPal (For international payments, generally preferred) and Cuenta Rut (National payments).
🟆 The payment must be immediate or either within 24hrs, if otherwise the case (Payment failure); I’ll contact the next interested person regardless (For additional notes regarding ‘holds', visit the "Holds" section further below).
🟆 Upon accepting an offer/payment, I work with a link, –I’m currently in the process of working and understanding invoices–, I generally provide this link through comments or through DMs, let me know beforehand if you’d prefer me to send it through DMs or comments.


🟆 Generally all of the designs I create might or might not have similar designs, let it be on features, color palettes, hairstyles, clothes, and so on, if this bothers you in any way or form, just don’t buy my designs.
🟆 If you're a despicable and gross being (Racist, pedophile, transphobic, xenophobic, etc.) don't bother buying my designs, I’ll revoke them ASAP and blacklist you, this also applies if in any way you’re using a design done by me to spread hateful messages towards minorities or so on.
🟆 Feel free to create whatever content you’d like with my designs as long as it isn’t bigoted, you may use them for example NSFW or gore, it’s okay as long as you don’t do/promote/spread hate art/speech/etc. with them you’re fine, don’t be a bigoted weirdo.
🟆 You may transform a human/kemonomimi design into an anthro/furry one, it’s okay as long as it’s recognizable, this also applies vice versa. You can also make a non-obligatory design with swapping characteristics, meaning a human design gets an additional/for funsies anthro design but it’s not their actual design.
🟆 I may revoke and take designs back of users that have violated my terms and have ended up blacklisted due to the severity of their actions. I am also allowed to sell/trade them again or either keep them for me.
🟆 Do not delete characters I've given you by any circumstances, I'll be iffy with future business and put you on my blacklist (Initially it'll be more of a beware than a blacklist, if this persists well, you'll be blacklisted) - Related to this you're allowed to hide/display them for authorized users, it's okay as long as you don't delete them altogether, let me know if you have them on authorized only or so on, I'd appreciate it.
🟆 You’re free to colorpick and take inspiration from my designs partially and not entirely, do not heavily copy, trace, or blatantly steal, you’ll be blacklisted otherwise.
🟆 NEVER trace or heavily edit my own art, if you want to put filters over the drawings feel free to do so, if you need any change ask me first! I might allow edits only if you clarify they were done by you and allowed by me, this might be allowed in cases where you want a drawing to fit the current characters design.
🟆 Do not claim to be the original artist/creator for the design, always credit me unless the artist is someone else! If you do otherwise you'll be blacklisted.
🟆 Please avoid hoarding my designs, in general terms it’s okay I guess...? I don’t mind that much but It’d be better if the designs/characters had backstories or at the very least a regular usage.

It is strictly prohibited to change one of my designs races if the character is POC or implied aka Whitewashing, this also applies if there’s any cultural background or significance in their design. You may only alter this or their skin color if the character in question is white.
ㅤㅤ🟆 Adding to the previous point, do not alter the physical aspect of a character if they’re fat, plus sized, chubby, disabled, scarred, missing a limb, or so on (Or even detransition them); keep it that way and avoid being a despicable and bigoted weirdo.
ㅤㅤ🟆 With that being said, you’re free to alter to your liking the design altogether outside of those aspects, you may change their; name, clothing, gender appearance/expression, species if kemonomimi, color palette, accessories, etc. as long as the character is still recognizable (Explained briefly more below).

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🟆 What do I mean by still recognizable? This means that the design might still uphold in some grade/capacity some of the original elements its design had, for example, if a characters key elements were their silver long hair, emo clothes and the fact that they were a wolf kemonomimi, you might change and alter all of those three elements keeping their some of their original purpose, for example, you could change their hair, it still might be silver but have red stripes; you could change completely their clothing style; and finally, you could change their wolf species entirely. If you still have questions or need guidance about re-designs let them be total or partial please contact me, I’ll be happy to answer any questions.
ㅤㅤ🟆 You’re allowed to re-design and adapt my designs to become part of an already created closed species, for example, dainties, if you do so, please inform me of this change.
ㅤㅤ🟆 You may NOT turn or make my designs into a new closed/open species. Personal species of your authorship and exclusively personal usage are okay, however, ask me first.
ㅤㅤ🟆 Do not claim my designs as if they were your own, this applies to redesigns (Explained below).

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🟆 If there’s a semi total/partial/etc. redesign, credit me as the creator and then properly credit the redesigner as one of the designers.
ㅤㅤ🟆 Do not remove my credit as the designer, in artworks of a character, their page and so on; and also, do not pass my art as your own, always credit me.

🟆 The minimum cooldown time before selling/trading/etc. a character is of 1 week, this might change if you’re experiencing an emergency, just let me know beforehand and I’ll allow you to do so.
🟆 You’re free to sell, trade or gift my designs/characters/adopts, however, depending on what you’re going to do, there’s conditions that need to be met in order for you to perform the action you choose, read carefully.

🟆 If you’ve bought a design from me you may sell it at the same price you’ve bought it for and – unless there’s new commissioned/paid artwork added of them, their price won’t increase.
🟆 The minimum of added artwork to increase their value is of one (1).
🟆 Your own artwork doesn’t increase the worth/price of a character or design but for example on emergency sales or similar circumstances it will add up worth, please contact me first to let me know the situation of your emergency and to inform me of the newly added artwork and so on.

🟆 Regardless of how you’ve acquired a design/character of my authorship/creation you can always trade them in exchange for other goodies like characters, art, etc.
🟆 You may only trade a character when there’s a minimum of one (1) newly added artwork, commission or your own.
🟆 Even when trading and such, you need to pass down always my TOS to the new owner.

🟆 Regardless of how you’ve acquired a character/design of mine, you’re free to always gift them away to someone else, even when there’s no new added art, it’s okay.
🟆 With freebies, you’re forbid to sell them unless you’ve added art (Minimum of 1), and in similarity to selling characters, this adds value. If no art has been added, you may only gift or trade them away only.

🟆 You are allowed to make a worth tracker page/tab/etc. for any design of mine you own, it’s okay to keep track yourself of the current value of the character by adding and summating the values of the added/new artwork in your preferred section.
🟆 Don't resell characters offsite, only sell them inside TH as I want to keep track of who has the ownership currently. You may post that the character is for sale in places like Facebook (If they belong to a character purge or such) but the entire sale/character transfer process must be within TH, if you resell the character offsite and delete their profiles you'll be blacklisted – new owners must always have TH. TLDR; Don’t sell my designs to people off TH, keep selling/trading/etc. processes inside here always; new owners must always have TH.
🟆 Do not trade/resell/etc. any characters with NSFW art or NSFW connotations to minors.
🟆 You may use the design/character for personal use (stories, purchasing commissions, etc.) but not for profit (Commercial use, selling merch, etc.) if the commercial use is not included within the price. However, you may ask privately if you plan to use a design commercially and seek a fee for this; in my case, they’re generally onetime cheap fees. Always ask if a character has included commercial use within their price.

🟆 The auction time starts as soon as the first bid is made and its duration may last up to a day (24hr) to a few days or even a week in some cases.
🟆 Upon winning the auction, payment info will be sent via DM, through comments I’ll be letting you know if you’ve won and if the payment info has been sent.
🟆 Do not hide/delete your offers/bids, this might end up in blacklisting or a temporal restriction from buying my designs. If you’re not sure if you’d be able to pay, give me a notice in advance at least a full day before the auction ends.
🟆 You can edit your comments if you can no longer pay too, but an edit + a notice through DMs would be most preferred.
🟆 Auctions characters/adopts I'll wait 24hrs to see if any other offers are made, after that time if no offers have been made (Or if the character hasn't been AB'd) I'll let you know that you've won the auction and lend the payment info through preferred method (DM's or comments - please let me know which one you'd prefer!)
🟆 I can accept holds for an AB but I’m most comfortable accepting them if they come from regular clients.
🟆 Generally, I include within the description the contents you’ll receive, but if you need an additional file i.e.: a PNG, you may request it before receiving the character!

🟆 Generally I can't/won’t do holds but I can accept them. Just let me know if you need one and we’ll discuss it depending on the time you’re requesting.
🟆 I accept holds that go from 1 week to in extreme case maximum 1 or 2 months, it depends and I might decline bigger time holds as I’m not sure about validity since I may not know you, sorry!
🟆 Please report with me frequently so I'll know you're actually saving money up or whatever depending on the case.

Both auction and auction designs get separate profiles after being sold, this new profile will be the one that is transferred to you.
🟆 Never delete a comment when offering, just let me know when you're backing out through an edit to your comment or such.
🟆 In OTAs (Offer to adopt) characters/designs, you’re free to offer anything (Save for a few exceptions) from art, money, characters, and so on.
🟆 OTA characters are generally FCFS (First come first serve), I generally accept offers that interest me the most though so I wait a little, I do not owe explanations if this makes you angry or mad in any way.
🟆 For art payments you'll have only 1 month to deliver. If you don't reply back after this time and fail to deliver altogether anything (Artwork, progress notices, etc.) I'll put the character back up for offers and/or contact the second interested person if there's any. Let me know any inconveniences you have in advance, I'm very comprehensive and sometimes forget to check in. The maximum time I can extend this time period is 2 months, this applies only to people I know very well or are regular customers.
🟆 When offering a character/designs, avoid saying that I can take a look into all of your TH, let me know specifically what folders or characters I can offer for/which ones are off-limits, be specific and avoid not saying much.
🟆 If you’re offering art please put the link of your examples and let me know exactly what you're offering/what could you offer (I.e. I'm offering 2 sketch busts for this character), I'll let you know if I'm interested or not.
🟆 For character exchanges refer to my design preferences section, please try to follow as much as you can my specifications and avoid offering characters that might not caught my eye as I will not accept these offers.


  1. USD $ (Heavy preference)
  2. Chilean Pesos - CLP (Also heavily preferred).
  3. Art in OTA! (Fully rendered, pixel art, ship art, sketches, colored sketches, etc)
  4. Customs (!! Customs are generally forever homed! :]]c).
  5. Characters with flexible rules! (For a character exchange)
  6. Characters made in bases.
  7. Discord nitro.


  1. dA points (DeviantArt).
  2. Gift cards (Depends heavily as I'm not from the USA).
  3. Bases edits/fills, iffy but may accept, I'd prefer drawings of your own.
  4. For a trade, characters generated in pages like Picrew are not too preferred nor generally accepted.


  1. Amino Coins or coins from a system I don't use.
  2. For a trade I won't accept characters with very restrictive rules, for example, prohibition to change their name, gender, design or other elements. Secondly, I generally don't accept furries/anthro/feral characters (Might accept furry/anthro customs but rarely); I won't accept closed species; I generally won't accept characters without their original creators TOS, please do have it at hand.

ㅤㅤ6.1 ART (OTA)
ㅤㅤ🟆 I don't have a preferred art style as I like a grand variety of artstyles! But I'm not a big fan of anime artstyles too much, but feel free to offer even if you have anime/anime-esque artstyles, it's ok and I might accept offers!
ㅤㅤ🟆 I can accept animations, pixel art, animatics, literature pieces, and others.
ㅤㅤ🟆 In my preference list you'll also find some artists I'm fond of, on their artstyle and/or stories, please check 'em out.

🟆 I don't do any refunds regarding designs/characters, sorry, all sales are final.
🟆 Somewhat related to refunds but if you want to give me a character back for not wanting it or such, I may or may not accept it, it depends, I recommend selling, trading them or so on.

🟆 Rules MUST be passed down from owner to owner, let them know about my TOS always – If you fail to pass them down I might inform the new owner myself or either blacklist you, it depends on the case really.
🟆 For NSFW designs (Coded, that contain it, etc.): NEVER sell/trade/etc. them to minors, I’ll expose you and blacklist you publicly; If you are a minor DO NOT use my designs for NSFW purposes even if you make that private you’ll be publicly blacklisted; If you're an adult it’s okay to use my designs for anything related NSFW as long as the design in question isn't a feral or minor or /coded design.
🟆 I might revoke/take back designs of people that have violated my TOS depending on the severity of what they’ve done, I will sale/trade or keep this characters for my own usage, I’ll be letting know this if it were to happen, I’m not a fan of this but I hate the idea of someone being a bigoted or disrespectful person owning one of my designs. Sorry not sorry truly.
🟆 Even if it has been mentioned before, some designs might or might not contain commercial usage in their price, you’re free to ask about it but most times I try to include it in the description of flat sale designs and such.
🟆 Do not sell/use/etc. my art for anything related to AI, NFT, cryptocurrency and any bullshit like this; this usage is prohibited and its violation will result in blocking, public blacklisting and exposing.
🟆 My rules cannot be overridden by another TOS, by owning any of my designs you’re accepting my rules automatically and violation of these terms might result in varying consequences from blocking and blacklisting to exposing altogether.
🟆 I have used the terms LQ/MQ/HQ in the past but I haven’t understood or use anymore, do not refer to my art, designs and such with any of this terms.
🟆 If anything didn’t make it to my TOS, don’t assume it doesn’t exists or that either this allows you a way of getting away with whatever you want to do, ask if you want to know something specific that didn’t appear here.
🟆 My TOS is prone to change every once in a while, don’t freak out if you haven’t noticed it had changed.

If there's anything that didn't made it to my T.O.S and you want to ask it, feel free to ask me about it in the comments or through DMs! Next chapter will contain some clarifications regards characters I've adopted! :]

password for offers: bingus