Competitive Napping

1 year, 1 month ago

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"You sure big guy? This doesn't seem much like your typical scene." Hanzai hummed as she looked around at all the sleeping pokemon and the others that were "judging" them. By all means it was an odd event and honestly Hanzai didn't really get the appeal, but to each their own she supposed.


Spirit floated over slowly and shook his head. "N-no. It's just odd for you of all pokemon I suppose. Never took you to be one to want to do this."

"Well put Spirit." Hanzai nodded. "Nothing wrong, we're just confused. If you want to do it though go for it hun."

Hanzai watched as Cinder awkwardly sort of curled himself up on the mat. It didn't look particularly comfortable but based on some of the odd sleeping positions she'd caught her friend in before she supposed he probably didn't mind. It didn't seem to take long before the faint sounds of his breathing evened out and some of the tension that he normally carried left his body. Settling down next to him she sighed. She wouldn't sleep right now, but at the very least she could relax. A quick glance at Spirit told her the team leader was also getting comfortable. Well best to try and enjoy herself; it was likely going to be a while.


Cinder blinked as awareness came back to him. Glancing around he couldn't make out anything through the darkness that surrounded him. Deciding that looking around was pointless for the moment he pushed himself to his feet. "HELLO?" He called out into the void. There was no response. Where was he? Where were his other teammates? "UNKNOWN SITUATION. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: GATHER INFORMATION." He nodded to himself. Picking a direction he began to walk. Hopefully he'd come across something useful. For most pokemon it would be hard to track the passage of time as they traveled through this odd void place; though Cinder didn't have too much trouble. He walked for approximately 15 minutes before stopping. He got the distinct feeling that he wasn't going anywhere. Which shouldn't be possible. He was quite sure he'd been moving forward and yet nothing around him had changed.

He was having trouble comprehending what was going on. The more he mulled over the information he had the harder it seemed to understand. He paused as he though he picked up some sort of noise. "WHO'S THERE?" He turned to where he believed the source of the noise was. There was no response, but Cinder became aware that there was something there. Cinder narrowed his eyes as he tried to make out what was there. "REVEAL YOURSELF." He lowered his head as the fire on his back flared. A small figure became barely visible. The harder he looked the more its form seemed seemed to shift in between the smaller form and a larger one.

While he couldn't properly see whatever it was he could feel what he could describe as... malice. Anger. Nothing good. He unintentionally took a step back. He mentally flipped through his records of pokemon species he knew, which was most of them, but he couldn't quite pin whatever the pokemon in front of him was. Shaking himself off he held his ground. Whatever this was he could not let it harm anyone. Slowly it began to approach, form continuing to flicker. Just as its form began to become clearer, its pure white eyes staring intently at him, he was snapped back to wakefulness. He glanced at his teammates who seemed to have settled down; not asleep but relaxing.

Hanzai cracked an eye open and smiled. "Done already hun?"

Cinder remained quiet as he attempted to process the... dream he'd had. Yes that had been a dream. "Cinder? You uh ok?" Spirit glanced down at him in concern.

"I AM... CONFUSED." Cinder pushed himself up.

Hanzai looked at him. "Let's head out then. You can explain on the way."


Spirit tilted his head; even the dreepy on his head was shooting Cinder a look of mild surprise. "Are you sure? You know you can talk to us about anything Cinder."

"I AM AWARE. I JUST WISH TO GET THE INFORMATION INTO A FORMAT THAT IS EASIER TO SHARE." Cinder replied. While he was not against telling his teammates what had happened, he just didn't understand what really had happened. He would share, once he had time to process.

Hanzai hummed. "Fine fine. But once you do that I hope you know I'll be expecting that full report." She shot him a look that he couldn't quite decipher.

"ACKNOWLEDGED. YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ONCE I AM DONE." Cinder nodded. He was closest with the hisuian zorua fusion so he didn't mind that.

"Well uh, for now should we grab something to eat? Since this whole competitive sleeping thing was kind of a bust." Spirit tapped his claws together.

"Sounds good. Go ahead and lead the way dear." Hanzai grinned at Spirit. The dragapult nodded and started to quietly lead them off the field of sleeping pokemon. As they walked Cinder mulled over the dream. Though he very quickly realized it would take some time despite it being so short. That was for later though. Right now he would enjoy some time with his teammates.