From Callies Eyes (pt 1)

1 year, 14 days ago

The story as told by Callie, the girl who found Aeolus and gained a true friend for life.

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Callie had always loved exploring the mountains that surrounded her home. She would often hike for hours, venturing deeper into the wilderness in search of adventure.

One day, as she was wandering through a dense forest, Callie heard a sound that she had never heard before. It was a haunting melody that seemed to be coming from deep within the mountains.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Callie followed the sound, pushing her way through the thick foliage until she came to a cave hidden away in the heart of the mountains.

As she stepped inside, the sound grew louder, and Callie could see a magnificent winged horse with shimmering chestnut feathers and wings that spanned the length of the cave.

At first, the winged horse was wary of her, but as they spent more time together, Aeolus opened up to her, sharing stories of his past and the reasons why he had chosen to live in solitude.

Callie was fascinated by Aeolus and the stories he shared with her. She would often visit him, bringing him food and keeping him company. She even taught him how to play games, something he had never experienced before.

But as time passed, Callie could see the sadness in Aeolus's eyes. 
He was afraid of leaving the cave, too afraid to venture out into the unknown.

Determined to help her friend, Callie encouraged Aeolus to take his first flight outside of the cave. It was a scary moment for the winged horse, but with Callie by his side, he found the courage to take the leap.

As they soared high above the mountains, Callie could see the wonder in Aeolus's eyes. He was experiencing the world for the first time, and she was honored to be a part of it.

Over time, Aeolus grew more confident, and he and Callie explored the world together, traveling to far-off lands and meeting new creatures along the way.

For Callie, Aeolus had become more than just a friend. He was a symbol of the unknown, a reminder that there was always more to discover and explore.

And as they flew through the skies together, Callie couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led her to the lonely winged horse in the cave.