Day on the walkway

1 year, 1 month ago

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Astraea had always been a devout shrine priestess. As the youngest of her family, she had been raised with a deep reverence for the gods and their holy places. It was a calling that had been passed down through generations of her ancestors and one that she had taken up with pride. But even with her devotion, Astraea couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement as she made her way to the fashion show. It was an event that had been whispered about for months, with rumors of the most stunning and daring designs that had ever been seen. And while it might seem like an unlikely place for a priestess, Astraea saw it as an opportunity to share the beauty of the gods with a wider audience. The fashion show was held in a grand hall in the heart of the city. As Astraea entered, she was struck by the sheer opulence of the place. The walls were lined with mirrors and glittering jewels, and the air was thick with the scent of perfume and incense. There were models everywhere, dressed in the most outrageous outfits Astraea had ever seen. Some were covered in feathers, others in glittering jewels, still others in the sheerest of fabrics that left nothing to the imagination. But Astraea wasn't there to gawk. She had come with a purpose. As she made her way through the crowd, she began to chant softly under her breath, calling on the gods to bless the event and all those in attendance. It was a prayer that had been passed down through generations of priestesses and one that Astraea had recited countless times before. But as she reached the end of the hall, something caught her eye. There, in the center of the room, was a lone mannequin. It was different from the others, less flashy, but no less stunning. The dress it wore was made of the purest white silk, with delicate embroidery that shimmered in the light. It was a simple design, but one that spoke of elegance and grace. Astraea felt a sudden connection to the dress, as though it had been crafted with her in mind. She walked closer, studying the intricate details of the embroidery. And as she did, she felt a sudden warmth spread through her body, as though the dress itself was alive. It was then that she heard a voice behind her. "Do you like it?" Haoming stands behind her smiling.
Astraea hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was appropriate for a priestess to wear such a garment. But then she remembered her purpose for being there. She was there to share the beauty of the gods, and what better way to do that than by embodying it herself? So she nodded, and Haoming led her to a dressing room. As she slipped into the dress, Astraea felt a sudden surge of power. It was as though the gods themselves were smiling down on her, blessing her with their grace. When she emerged, Haoming gasped. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined." Astraea blushed. "It's the dress. It brings out something... special in me." Haoming smiled. "That's what fashion is all about. It's not just about the clothes, it's about the way they make you feel. And I think you're feeling pretty good right now, aren't you?" Astraea nodded, her heart beating faster. She felt as though she could conquer the world in this dress. As she made her way back through the crowd, heads turned to look at her. People whispered and pointed, but Astraea didn't care. She was wearing the gods' blessings, and nothing could bring her down. And as she left the hall, she knew that she had accomplished her purpose. She had shared the beauty of the gods with the world, and in doing so, she had become a part of it. Astraea had a passion for fashion as a young aeroling. She had always loved dressing up and experimenting with different styles and looks. When she was offered the chance to model for a fashion show for the up-and-coming designer Haoming, she was thrilled. She couldn't wait to see the beautiful dresses that he had created and to try them on for the first time. When Astraea arrived at the studio where the fashion show was being held, she was greeted by Haoming himself. He was Auroli, With beautiful long light pink hair. Astraea had never seen a Auroli before for this was a first. He led her to a dressing room where a rack of beautiful dresses was waiting for her. Astraea's heart raced with excitement as she began to try on each dress.
The first dress was a stunning ballgown in a deep shade of blue. It had a full skirt and a fitted bodice that was adorned with crystals and pearls. Astraea felt like a princess as she twirled around in front of the mirror. Haoming nodded in approval and made a few adjustments to the hemline and the straps. The second dress was a sleek and modern cocktail dress in a bright shade of red. It had a plunging neckline and a slit up the side that showed off Astraea's long legs. She felt fierce and confident in the dress, and Haoming agreed that it was the perfect choice for her. The third dress was a romantic and feminine gown in a soft shade of pink. It had a flowing skirt and delicate lace detailing on the bodice. Astraea felt like a fairy tale princess as she swirled around in the dress. Haoming smiled and told her that she looked stunning. As Astraea tried on each dress, she began to feel more and more confident. She had never felt so beautiful and glamorous before. Haoming was a talented designer, and each dress was more beautiful than the last. Astraea knew that she was going to be the star of the fashion show.
Finally, after trying on several more dresses, Astraea found the one. It was a breathtakingly beautiful gown in a pale shade of lavender. It had a fitted bodice that was covered in intricate beading and a flowing skirt that trailed behind her as she walked. Astraea felt like she was walking on air as she stepped out of the dressing room to show Haoming. Haoming's eyes widened in amazement as he saw Astraea in the dress. He knew that she was going to be the showstopper of the fashion show. He made a few final adjustments to the dress and then sent Astraea off to hair and makeup. As Astraea sat in the hair and makeup chair, she couldn't help but feel nervous. This was the biggest fashion show of her life, and she wanted to do her best. But as the stylist worked her magic and the makeup artist applied the finishing touches, Astraea began to feel more and more confident. Finally, it was showtime. Astraea stepped out onto the runway in her beautiful lavender gown, and the crowd went wild. She walked with confidence and grace, showing off the dress to its fullest potential. Haoming watched from the sidelines with a smile on his face, knowing that he had found the perfect model for his designs. When the fashion show was over, Astraea was on top of the world. She had never felt so beautiful and confident before. Haoming thanked her for being such a wonderful model and told her that he was looking forward to working with her again in the future. As Astraea left the studio, she knew that she had found a few hobbies. She was destined to be a designer, and with Haoming's help, she knew that she would go far. She couldn't wait to see what the future held for her in the world of fashion. But that would have to be in her free time for she still, had work to do. Now it was time to head home and rest and dream of today. Astraea made her way back to her shrine, her heart full of peace and contentment. She had spent the morning in meditation, communing with the gods and offering prayers for the people of her village. As she walked, she passed by the koi ponds, where the colorful fish swam lazily in the cool water. Astraea paused for a moment to watch them, admiring the way their scales shimmered in the sunlight. Then she continued on, passing by a group of children who were playing an old game called Stella Roll. They ran and jumped, their laughter ringing through the air. Astraea smiled at them, feeling a sense of joy at the sight of their innocent happiness. As she neared her shrine, Astraea felt a sense of calm settle over her. It was a feeling she had come to cherish, the knowledge that she was in a sacred place. Her friends and family stay here and pray, teach here. Her gaze goes to the stars in the night sky as she goes inside.